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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Intel announced that it would be releasing its first quad-core processor for laptops next month.
"We're bringing quad-core to mobile in August," said Sujan Kamran, regional marketing manager for client platforms at Intel in Singapore. Kamran declined to disclose specifics of the quad-core chip, which will carry Intel's Core 2 Extreme moniker.
While the article goes on to say that quad-core "is more about bragging rights than a genuine boost in performance", Apple is working on their next revision of Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) which is expected to specifically focus on multi-core performance.

It's not clear if Apple would use such a chip in their MacBook Pros, which currently use Dual-Core mobile processors from Intel.

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Wow, quad-core in an iMac? The thought had never crossed my mind. :rolleyes:

It seems like it would/could create too much heat to be used in a laptop, no?
So, we'll probably see quad core MBP's in two years time. Sony and dell will have theirs in a few weeks.
damit! time to start thinking how to replace my 4 iMacs that i replaced 3 weeks ago for the last ones :rolleyes: :D
Even if they only put it in an iMac initially, it will allow the core services under Snow Leopard to be developed on a shipping system, which is important given the sheer number of developers already on that path.

The system will function just fine for older less enabled OS's too.



iMac C2Q late 7-07 dieshrink version
Wow, quad-core in an iMac? The thought had never crossed my mind. :rolleyes:

It seems like it would/could create too much heat to be used in a laptop, no?

At 45 nanometers it might be okay, especially if they start them off at low clock speeds. I mean hey, they ran 90 nanometer chips in there at one point in time...
I've been eyeing the eventual quad-core intel chips for quite a while. Unfortunately, I've been saving for ever - and the need for a laptop is so urgent that I will have to buy as soon as I can afford one, which will likely be before these are out.

I am assuming of coarse, that this chip won't make it into the soonest revision. It would be a treat of a surprise if it did, though I would probably not be able to afford it as it will likely be a high-end custom option.
Being a rumour site im after a time scale of possible iMac integration... im all set to buy a 3.06 iMac but am now thinking of holding off.

Would the next major Mac event (August/September/October im not sure)??
So, we'll probably see quad core MBP's in two years time. Sony and dell will have theirs in a few weeks.

Yeah, typical Apple market strategy. Let the PC makers work out the kinks and then Apple upgrades their line of machines.... with a much better OS, naturally.:D

I guess we're all used to that by now... but I still want my QUAD-CORE MBP with 8 gigs of RAM & a 2TB hard drive. Just add wings and that baby will FLY !!!:cool:
So, we'll probably see quad core MBP's in two years time. Sony and dell will have theirs in a few weeks.

Yeah, I can hear it now, "MPBs don't need faster cpu's, Blu-ray or the latest video cards. Get a PeeCee and Windoze if you need that. That would make the MPB hurt my wrist. Oh, snap." :rolleyes:
Do I smell iMac updates soon as well!!!:D

Maybe they'll introduce all new Mac computers in every line at once and have a big bang like with the iPhone. :D

I think that's a little too much wishful thinking. But I hear everyone saying maybe there will be 'MB updates' 'MBP updates' 'iPod updates' 'iMac updates' 'MBA updates' and so on...

Does this happen all the time on these forums? (Just started reading macrumors about two months ago.) Or is it just recently?

Would the next major Mac event (August/September/October im not sure)??

I think MacWorld is in January..
Does this happen all the time on these forums? (Just started reading macrumors about two months ago.) Or is it just recently?

It's mentioned all the time especially with the ACDs and MBPs... But these stories actually give a bit of hope. Check out the buyers guide which probably allows for quads to be in the next revision of iMacs if they choose to do so. I can't think how else they'd update the iMacs before then?? Montineva maybe?
This means I can expect to get a Quad-Core 1.2 Ghz Rev. B MBA just in time for xmas. :eek:
iMacs should have these first.
No way should a MacBook Pro be faster than an iMac.

Oh, I don't know... I think for the extra $1000 I'm paying, I'd expect my professional notebook to have a bit of a speed advantage over a consumer desktop.
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