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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
This is what happens when there is no alternative. You have to like whatever is handed to you. Plus you don't want to get beaten up by saying anything negative, especially if you're a professional reviewer receiving free eval units.
Well I’m an engineer and I could come up with a dozen ways to get rid of the notch and island in about 20 min.
Apple could to, but they set down and realize they want to roll things out gradually. Milk their user base for every penny they can afford on apple products then once the next refresh cycle pops up they give them what they wanted.
We’re not going to get a solid picture screen from apple for years and years to come.
Whoever thought up this dynamic island garbage is laughing at all of us right now as they deposit their bonus check.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2021
I'm expecting some Samsung ads with ellipses of hair on foreheads



macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2006
It’s not just a camera under there on an iPhone. If it only had a camera, I’d understand what you mean.
I get that. I personally would rather have a touch sensor and an unobstructed screen than a 3d camera. Sometimes cutting **** out that doesn’t optimize well is the best design option.
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macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
I wonder what the internet will say in a few years when Apple gets rid of the Dynamic Island.

BTW, I really hate that name.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2022
You just gotta use your iPhone upside down, problem solved

I know you are joking, but i was actually thinking that this notch would be miles better if they moved it to the bottom, where "search" pill is currently. I guess the only problem would be selfie camera angle.
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macrumors member
May 12, 2017
Now this horrendous mutilated screen is a "feature".

Couldn't all the geniuses at Apple stick a fingerprint reader anywhere (under the screen, on the side , on the back) ?????


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2006
I know you are joking, but i was actually thinking that this notch would be miles better if they moved it to the bottom, where "search" pill is currently. I guess the only problem would be selfie camera angle.
The answer is put the selfie island at the top and the other islands at the bottom. Rename the whole thing, the dynamic archipelago!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2011
Let’s see it in action first and find out if it freezes the phone, causes Siri or some other apps to not work properly and so on.
Too many unanswered questions.
Of course Apple makes it look great on their promotional video.
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Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
I understand it would take a lot of money and engineering to develop a screen with a front facing camera with the smaller real estate possible. But it’s been done many times.
I also understand apples face recognition and LiDAR sensors take up space.
But apple had the LARGEST development budget on the planet when it comes to phones.
But it doesn’t feel like it. Apples a master of engineering a problem for us, then slapping a glittery bandaid over it. It’s been the modus for a decade now.
If Steve Jobs were still alive the notch, island wouldn’t exist. He would have told them.
“ no one wants a chunk of their display taken from them, they don’t want the distraction”
But here we’re are. Being distracted.

Innovation hasn’t been apples strong suit when it comes to form factor.
When they get rid of these Fantasy islands and slap an “ M “ chip into my iPhone I’ll start enjoying my new iPhone again. After I pay $1500 for it…
First of all, Steve Jobs made a lot of bazaar decisions in his time, there is absolutely no telling what he would and wouldn’t allow.
But also, why on earth would you want an “M” series chip in your iPhone?
Your battery life would be absolutely destroyed, if your phone doesn’t overheat first.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
I wonder what the internet will say in a few years when Apple gets rid of the Dynamic Island.

BTW, I really hate that name.

They will say that Apple invents a full screen phone with no notch or island. MR members will point out how Android is copying Apple by having full screen phones.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2021
I know you are joking, but i was actually thinking that this notch would be miles better if they moved it to the bottom, where "search" pill is currently. I guess the only problem would be selfie camera angle.
I'm struggling to think of a portmanteau of 'selfie' and 'nose' or 'nostril view'... If they put the island in the middle of the screen, it would mitigate the selfie issue, and it could fit right above the keyboard, almost like a row of functions but better... You know, like another feature Apple has that's not controversial in any way!


macrumors member
Oct 8, 2019
I think it's a really clever use of the space. I'm not denying that they could have kept the notch and maybe it could taken up slightly less space but this actually provides new functionality. For everyone who's moaning about how ugly it is, don't forget that many people, myself included, HATED the notch when it was first revealed.. 1 week in after owning an iPhone X I had forgotten it was there.

I look forward to seeing it in person.


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
I cheer this on for one reason: it means in 4-5 years we're looking at finally getting an iPhone that's all-display. There can't be one more iteration before then. This is it!
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009

Following the introduction of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max with the all-new Dynamic Island feature, which intelligently integrates the new pill-shaped notch replacement into iOS for system alerts and functionality, internet users have reacted in an overwhelmingly positive way to Apple's new UX design.


In the US, "iPhone 14 Pro‌" and "Dynamic Island" were trending on Twitter after Apple's "Far out" event as users praised Apple's implementation of the pill shape directly into the user experience. "By a long mile, this is my favorite feature of the new iPhones 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. Apple really made good use of that long pill hole cutout," is how one Twitter user reacted following the event.

"Dynamic Island may be the best design work from Apple in years," another user said. Dynamic Island includes smooth animations for how alerts and other information such as Now Playing intelligently morph around the camera cutouts to free up space in other parts of the display. Carl Pei, the CEO of Nothing, even chimed in, calling it "smart" and saying that Apple's always-on display on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max is the "best implementation" of the technology he has ever seen.


"The Dynamic Island is one of Apple’s best designs in recent history. Turning what should be a downside into a useful feature," said Ian Zelbo, a popular concept creator known for his realistic renders of Apple products based on leaks and rumors. Other users also shared their thoughts:

The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, other than the new Dynamic Island, include an always-on display, a new Main 48MP camera, and more. They will be available for pre-order on Friday, September 9, and begin arriving to customers a week later on Friday, September 16.

Article Link: Internet Reacts to iPhone 14 Pro's Dynamic Island: 'One of Apple's Best Designs'
This is the 5TH GENERATION with this ugly distraction floating above or on our screen.
I remember apple saying when the notch appeared it was a “ temporary measure”

The billions and billions they have made since the iPhone X was developed they haven’t made any improvements. They realized they could continue on the ugly train and money would still fall into their laps.

They have had years to develop something compelling and innovative. And each time they have the chance to they sell us a nothing burger.
I admit, the iOS ecosystem is unmatched. I love it.
But it’s getting old slapping and shoe horning new “ features “ into our products.
Why can’t they just make something everyone will like?
People keep buying the new S models rebranded into different models.
The days of Steve Jobs and Jon Ivy are sadly behind us.
Bean counters are telling us what to like. Instead of the visionaries who brought this company out of the swamp.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
Seriously reminds me of the iPhone 4 introduction, where it had leaked a couple months before with the lines on the side, and everyone said “Apple would never do that, that’s not like them at all”.
And then everyone was completely blindsided when Steve got up on stage, and said the exact same thing.
“What’s this?
Some have even said this doesn’t seem like Apple.
What are these lines in this beautiful stainless steel band.
Well, it turns out there’s not just one of them, but three of them.
It turns out this is part of some brilliant engineering, which actually uses the stainless steel band as part of the antenna system”.
That was one of the coolest moments, and even after the issues, and all of that, I still think it’s absolutely brilliant.
And the new dynamic island got a very similar reaction from me.
The same antenna band that dropped calls if you held it wrong? The same antenna band that forced apple To give out free bumpers because their “ innovation” was actually a design flaw??
That one?

This feels exactly the same to me, I agree.
We’re gonna find out this island is the island of Doctor Moreau.
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John dosh

macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2019
I got to say i prefer the look of the notch compared to this. Can’t even bring myself to say the name of it. Absolute madness.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
I think dynamic island is fun and innovative, but I’m wondering if in practice the dynamic part of it will prove to have practical downsides, like at times being too distracting or covering up more information on the screen (compared to pre-dynamic island). Also there’s the fact that the island/pill itself is more distracting for full screen image and video than the notch, and pretty much renders the top edge of the screen unusable. But maybe the fun factor will outweigh all of that for most.
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