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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 4, 2016
Hey guys, just wanted to know how the beta performs on the first generation iPad Air from someone who has installed it. How does the device perform in the following areas:
1) Overall UI speed
2) Battery life
3) Opening/closing apps (speed, compatibility and crashes)
4) Safari performance (tends to get worse with iOS updates)

Does the device feel slower or is it the same as iOS 9? I know it's a beta, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it is worse.


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2015
1)Overall UI speed is not that bad but it all comes down to whether you can live with stutters and such,because there are a lot,especially when opening an closing apps and on the app switcher. There's also some lag in opening apps and in settings as far as I've noticed.
2)Battery Life is really good for a beta. I get almost the same time as iOS9,maybe 30-1h less,but that's really ok given this is a beta and barely noticeable.
3)Lag and stuttering in opening and closing apps. Otherwise it's pretty smooth. Compatibility is "ok",personally for the apps I use at least (there is a thread in this forum for compatible apps). Facebook is crashing a lot and I ve noticed crashes when opening app switcher 1/8 times may I say.
4)Haven't noticed a singl change in Safari performance apart from this bug that pulls your screen to the most down part of the site while typing (happenning atm actually)

Bottom line is:I can live with stutters and some lag,thus the features make me disregard the current bugs

Hope I helped
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 4, 2016
1)Overall UI speed is not that bad but it all comes down to whether you can live with stutters and such,because there are a lot,especially when opening an closing apps and on the app switcher. There's also some lag in opening apps and in settings as far as I've noticed.
2)Battery Life is really good for a beta. I get almost the same time as iOS9,maybe 30-1h less,but that's really ok given this is a beta and barely noticeable.
3)Lag and stuttering in opening and closing apps. Otherwise it's pretty smooth. Compatibility is "ok",personally for the apps I use at least (there is a thread in this forum for compatible apps). Facebook is crashing a lot and I ve noticed crashes when opening app switcher 1/8 times may I say.
4)Haven't noticed a singl change in Safari performance apart from this bug that pulls your screen to the most down part of the site while typing (happenning atm actually)

Bottom line is:I can live with stutters and some lag,thus the features make me disregard the current bugs

Hope I helped
Thanks a lot! I hope that everything will get better by the time iOS 10 releases to the public!
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