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Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 30, 2012
First of all, let me start out by saying that I enjoy Apple products and love their vision and thought process when it comes to producing products. With that said, iOS 8 is just flat out disappointing so far. Most of the great features you can't use or are problematic at this point. I was looking forward to 3rd party keyboards, but trying to use one is a pain because it constantly reverts back to the default one. Healthkit? DOA. iCloud Drive? They say you are better off not using it until Yosemite ships. Hell, what about folks that don't even have Macs? They need to wait too? Lastly, waiting for Apps to take advantage of extensibility. Ugh.

How do you all feel up to this point?
On top of that, it is poorly optimised and lags on many devices at random places. That itself makes the whole "Premium Apple experience" very unpleasant. I hope Steve Job's spirit is trolling this forum and later spanks the iOS team to get their duck in row.

But we as customers have little choice. Take the OTA and install iOS 8 or let the update file remain forever on our iDevices taking 1-2 GB of valuable space.
First of all, let me start out by saying that I enjoy Apple products and love their vision and thought process when it comes to producing products. With that said, iOS 8 is just flat out disappointing so far. Most of the great features you can't use or are problematic at this point. I was looking forward to 3rd party keyboards, but trying to use one is a pain because it constantly reverts back to the default one. Healthkit? DOA. iCloud Drive? They say you are better off not using it until Yosemite ships. Hell, what about folks that don't even have Macs? They need to wait too? Lastly, waiting for Apps to take advantage of extensibility. Ugh.

How do you all feel up to this point?


iOS8 is a HUGE developer release. It even says so on the iOS 8 website.

You can remove the keyboards in the settings. I removed the English Keyboard and just use Swiftkey. Problem solved. See how that worked?

Healthkit is coming. Judging by the body composition of 80% of the US population, I'm sure it won't be used much. For guys like me in the other 20%, I can wait. It's not going to tell me anything different from what my apps do now, but it'll consolidate it. I rather Apple get it mostly right and not have privacy/security issues.

iCloud Drive you can turn on when you like. If you use a Mac version of the iOS app saving date to iCloud, I wouldn't. If you don't have a Mac, then turn it on. Not a big deal. I can wait for Yosemite. I rather Apple get it mostly right.

Apps with extensions? Well that's a developer problem. Not Apple's fault. Blame developers not being done on launch day. But I rather them think it through and get it right instead of slapping it on willy-nilly. This isn't Android.

iOS8 is smooth and buttery on my iPhone 5S and I didn't even clean install.

I think you need patience for the devs to bring software up to speed. Everything is in place. Just wait. It doesn't have to me a "me, me, me, I demand it now" world.

iOS8 is a HUGE developer release. It even says so on the iOS 8 website.

You can remove the keyboards in the settings. I removed the English Keyboard and just use Swiftkey. Problem solved. See how that worked?

Healthkit is coming. Judging by the body composition of 80% of the US population, I'm sure it won't be used much. For guys like me in the other 20%, I can wait. It's not going to tell me anything different from what my apps do now, but it'll consolidate it. I rather Apple get it mostly right and not have privacy/security issues.

iCloud Drive you can turn on when you like. If you use a Mac version of the iOS app saving date to iCloud, I wouldn't. If you don't have a Mac, then turn it on. Not a big deal. I can wait for Yosemite. I rather Apple get it mostly right.

Apps with extensions? Well that's a developer problem. Not Apple's fault. Blame developers not being done on launch day. But I rather them think it through and get it right instead of slapping it on willy-nilly. This isn't Android.

iOS8 is smooth and buttery on my iPhone 5S and I didn't even clean install.

I think you need patience for the devs to bring software up to speed. Everything is in place. Just wait. It doesn't have to me a "me, me, me, I demand it now" world.

then don't release it to the PUBLIC.

Oh hey, these really awesome features are coming to iOS 8....our bad, just be patient we decided not to release most of the stuff. No worries!

No wonder there are android people that bash apple people like crazy. they have to put up with non sense from someone like you.

iOS8 is a HUGE developer release. It even says so on the iOS 8 website.

You can remove the keyboards in the settings. I removed the English Keyboard and just use Swiftkey. Problem solved. See how that worked?

Healthkit is coming. Judging by the body composition of 80% of the US population, I'm sure it won't be used much. For guys like me in the other 20%, I can wait. It's not going to tell me anything different from what my apps do now, but it'll consolidate it. I rather Apple get it mostly right and not have privacy/security issues.

iCloud Drive you can turn on when you like. If you use a Mac version of the iOS app saving date to iCloud, I wouldn't. If you don't have a Mac, then turn it on. Not a big deal. I can wait for Yosemite. I rather Apple get it mostly right.

Apps with extensions? Well that's a developer problem. Not Apple's fault. Blame developers not being done on launch day. But I rather them think it through and get it right instead of slapping it on willy-nilly. This isn't Android.

iOS8 is smooth and buttery on my iPhone 5S and I didn't even clean install.

I think you need patience for the devs to bring software up to speed. Everything is in place. Just wait. It doesn't have to me a "me, me, me, I demand it now" world.

I agree. My only gripe is not being able to use handoff with PB 3, but that will be here soon enough...I like the little new features I can take advantage of.
But we as customers have little choice. Take the OTA and install iOS 8 or let the update file remain forever on our iDevices taking 1-2 GB of valuable space.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can delete the update file in Settings -> General -> Usage.
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then don't release it to the PUBLIC.

Oh hey, these really awesome features are coming to iOS 8....our bad, just be patient we decided not to release most of the stuff. No worries!

What are you talking about? The APIs were released to the developers and the developers make the apps that use them.

The only feature that seems to be held back is HealthKit, and that's because something is wrong with it. I'd rather that they fix it and get it right. If I recall correctly, Apple claimed they'd have it working by the end of the month. That's less than 2 weeks away.
then don't release it to the PUBLIC.

Oh hey, these really awesome features are coming to iOS 8....our bad, just be patient we decided not to release most of the stuff. No worries!

No wonder there are android people that bash apple people like crazy. they have to put up with non sense from someone like you.

i'm really happy they released it. enjoying swiftkey and the lastpass extension in safari.

why should everyone wait for the release, just because you are not happy that not everything is included yet?
Runs fine for me far better than IOS7 was when it was released. Had to fiddle around to get handoff/continuity working but it wasn't too difficult.

iOS8 is a HUGE developer release. It even says so on the iOS 8 website.

You can remove the keyboards in the settings. I removed the English Keyboard and just use Swiftkey. Problem solved. See how that worked?

Healthkit is coming. Judging by the body composition of 80% of the US population, I'm sure it won't be used much. For guys like me in the other 20%, I can wait. It's not going to tell me anything different from what my apps do now, but it'll consolidate it. I rather Apple get it mostly right and not have privacy/security issues.

iCloud Drive you can turn on when you like. If you use a Mac version of the iOS app saving date to iCloud, I wouldn't. If you don't have a Mac, then turn it on. Not a big deal. I can wait for Yosemite. I rather Apple get it mostly right.

Apps with extensions? Well that's a developer problem. Not Apple's fault. Blame developers not being done on launch day. But I rather them think it through and get it right instead of slapping it on willy-nilly. This isn't Android.

iOS8 is smooth and buttery on my iPhone 5S and I didn't even clean install.

I think you need patience for the devs to bring software up to speed. Everything is in place. Just wait. It doesn't have to me a "me, me, me, I demand it now" world.

a few of my favorite quotes provided by YOU in other threads......

"Originally Posted by Razeus
Another reason not to trust Apple cloud services, especially at launch. Seems to be a good way to completely delete all your photos with one bad hiccup on Apple's side. No way. Sticking with Picturelife or now.

I don't expect to see these feature until it launches next year in 2015 with the Yosemite Photos app. And since Apple pulled it, thinking we wouldn't notice, and offered no explanation and left us in the dark (again with another photo app), I don't expect to see this at all.

Originally Posted by Razeus
I confirmed, there is no iCloud Photo Library Beta in iOS 8. It's gone and no word from Apple as usual. Mine says "My Photostream" so I'm assuming this is where my photos will go in the cloud, but not sure if it's still compatible with iPhoto on my Mac. I'll find out later when I get home I suppose."

and you're trying to act all high and mighty to everyone on this thread? lol hysterical!
then don't release it to the PUBLIC.

Oh hey, these really awesome features are coming to iOS 8....our bad, just be patient we decided not to release most of the stuff. No worries!

No wonder there are android people that bash apple people like crazy. they have to put up with non sense from someone like you.

I'm not sure hat you are talking about or if you even understand what you are saying. They pulled Healthkit and dropped iCloud Photo Library. That's only 2 features, not most. Healthkit's issue is the way it works with 3rd party apps, not the app itself. You can still use it.

Hand Off and Continuity and iCloud Drive and SMS Relay don't work without Yosemite, so how can you complain it doesn't work if Yosemite isn't out yet? It doesn't work with Windows users so it's not too big of a deal.

People that bash Apple aren't users like me, it's users like you, who simply can't wait until something is done and demand a feature to be used immediately because that's what Apple advertised. Android people wouldn't have a problem with anything I said. They have a problem with people like you salivating at the mouth for some feature Apple is making and you simply can't wait to have it (and you'll probably use it for a week and go back to your normal iPhone usage).
Oh and I forgot that they disabled SMS relay too which was fantastic the couple days it did work.....
I'm not sure hat you are talking about or if you even understand what you are saying. They pulled Healthkit and dropped iCloud Photo Library. That's only 2 features, not most. Healthkit's issue is the way it works with 3rd party apps, not the app itself. You can still use it.

Hand Off and Continuity and iCloud Drive doesn't work without Yosemite, so how can you complain it doesn't work if Yosemite isn't out yet? It doesn't work with Windows users so it's not too big of a deal.

People that bash Apple aren't users like me, it's users like you, who simply can't wait until something is done and demand a feature to be used immediately because that's what Apple advertised. Android people wouldn't have a problem with anything I said. They have a problem with people like you salivating at the mouth for some feature Apple is making and you simply can't wait to have it (and you'll probably use it for a week and go back to your normal iPhone usage).

well what were they saying in those other threads...."don't put the cart before the horse"

Yet, they release iOS 8 with all these fantastic features that won't work until Yosemite is released. Go read my post above....where i quoted exactly what you said...pulled right from another thread.
a few of my favorite quotes provided by YOU in other threads......

"Originally Posted by Razeus
Another reason not to trust Apple cloud services, especially at launch. Seems to be a good way to completely delete all your photos with one bad hiccup on Apple's side. No way. Sticking with Picturelife or now.

I don't expect to see these feature until it launches next year in 2015 with the Yosemite Photos app. And since Apple pulled it, thinking we wouldn't notice, and offered no explanation and left us in the dark (again with another photo app), I don't expect to see this at all.

Originally Posted by Razeus
I confirmed, there is no iCloud Photo Library Beta in iOS 8. It's gone and no word from Apple as usual. Mine says "My Photostream" so I'm assuming this is where my photos will go in the cloud, but not sure if it's still compatible with iPhoto on my Mac. I'll find out later when I get home I suppose."

and you're trying to act all high and mighty to everyone on this thread? lol hysterical!

If you follow me so closely, you'll see I'm not a fan of Apple's photos apps. You can search for my numerous posts on me citing the death of iPhoto and Aperture and why Lightroom is superior. It's not secret I'm anti-Apple when it comes to photos. My post regarding photos in iOS 8 was just another example. No one is acting high and mighty. The OP was saying he was disappointed in the release, when I'm saying there's nothing to be disappointed about because iOS 8 success relies on actions by developers and if he can wait, he'll see the benefits.

I'm not sure why you quoted that because it doesn't say I'm bashing iOS 8. I'm bashing a specific feature of iOS. And if you follow more of posts, you'll see I'm defending the change in the Camera Roll quite fiercely. But pick and choose your points as you see fit.
If you follow me so closely, you'll see I'm not a fan of Apple's photos apps. You can search for my numerous posts on me citing the death of iPhoto and Aperture and why Lightroom is superior. It's not secret I'm anti-Apple when it comes to photos. My post regarding photos in iOS 8 was just another example. Now one is acting high and mighty. The OP was saying he was disappointed in the release, when I'm saying there's nothing to be disappointed about because iOS 8 success relies on actions by developers and if he can wait, he'll see the benefits.

why is it OK for you to have an opinion bc u just never liked apples photo apps??

"And since Apple pulled it, thinking we wouldn't notice, and offered no explanation and left us in the dark (again with another photo app), I don't expect to see this at all.

I confirmed, there is no iCloud Photo Library Beta in iOS 8. It's gone and no word from Apple as usual."

So i'm not allowed to speak out about iCloud drive/iCloud Photo libary bc you said so?
If you follow me so closely, you'll see I'm not a fan of Apple's photos apps. You can search for my numerous posts on me citing the death of iPhoto and Aperture and why Lightroom is superior. It's not secret I'm anti-Apple when it comes to photos. My post regarding photos in iOS 8 was just another example. No one is acting high and mighty. The OP was saying he was disappointed in the release, when I'm saying there's nothing to be disappointed about because iOS 8 success relies on actions by developers and if he can wait, he'll see the benefits.

I'm not sure why you quoted that because it doesn't say I'm bashing iOS 8. I'm bashing a specific feature of iOS. And if you follow more of posts, you'll see I'm defending the change in the Camera Roll quite fiercely. But pick and choose your points as you see fit.

A post by you in another thread

Oh, I'm sorry that the Photos app works for me has it always had. :rolleyes:

It certainly sounds like you need to manage your photos better if you have miscellaneous photos sitting in a timeline it's not suppose to be.

Apple doesn't have to care about me. They provide a product and service and I pay for it. That's the contract and I'm good with that.

It really sounds like iOS is not for you.

It's not secret I'm anti-Apple when it comes to photos.

Yeah, right.... just go away, will ya....
then don't release it to the PUBLIC.

Oh hey, these really awesome features are coming to iOS 8....our bad, just be patient we decided not to release most of the stuff. No worries!

It means that you have to have iOS 8 to run anything that has the Metal API for example. You don't have to know about that API until you can't run an app that has it implemented like the Epic Zen Garden for example which requires iOS 8 and later.
MY phone has crashed twice in 24hrs... And it looks like most of the new features a buggy as #$@@...

It feels like a beta... Me Thinks it's time to be a bit more flexible on the annual OS release cycle...
MY phone has crashed twice in 24hrs... And it looks like most of the new features a buggy as #$@@...

It feels like a beta... Me Thinks it's time to be a bit more flexible on the annual OS release cycle...

how dare you have anything bad to say about this release!!!


iOS8 is a HUGE developer release. It even says so on the iOS 8 website.

You can remove the keyboards in the settings. I removed the English Keyboard and just use Swiftkey. Problem solved. See how that worked?

Healthkit is coming. Judging by the body composition of 80% of the US population, I'm sure it won't be used much. For guys like me in the other 20%, I can wait. It's not going to tell me anything different from what my apps do now, but it'll consolidate it. I rather Apple get it mostly right and not have privacy/security issues.

iCloud Drive you can turn on when you like. If you use a Mac version of the iOS app saving date to iCloud, I wouldn't. If you don't have a Mac, then turn it on. Not a big deal. I can wait for Yosemite. I rather Apple get it mostly right.

Apps with extensions? Well that's a developer problem. Not Apple's fault. Blame developers not being done on launch day. But I rather them think it through and get it right instead of slapping it on willy-nilly. This isn't Android.

iOS8 is smooth and buttery on my iPhone 5S and I didn't even clean install.

I think you need patience for the devs to bring software up to speed. Everything is in place. Just wait. It doesn't have to me a "me, me, me, I demand it now" world.

I wish you wouldn't respond in a manner that makes it sound like I'm self centered and impatient. This is an official public release that we all waited on for one year and the expectation was that everything would be ready day 1. At no time did Apple say that it will be half way ready at launch. Furthermore, I understand that this is a developer centered release and I understand that it will take time for all apps to get up to speed.

Beating me over the head for being displeased with a half ass launch though is not appropriate.
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Again, no secret about my anti Apple Photos posts. This son't mean that iOS 8 is not usable or a bad release. Not even sure how you guys are equated the 2.

why do you contradict yourself and are ticked off in one thread....and when someone is like that in another you act all high and mighty like apple photos is best thing since sliced bread.


I wish you wouldn't respond in a matter that makes it sound like I'm self centered and impatient. This is an official public release that we all waited on for one year and the expectation was that everything would be ready day 1. At no time did Apple say that it will be half way ready at launch. Furthermore, I understand that this is a developer centered release and I get that and understand that it will take time for all apps to get up to speed.

Beating me over the head for being displeased with a half ass launch though is not appropriate.

in threads where they praise these features he gets ticked and shares his opinion. in threads where we do that....he acts high and mighty and acts like we are impatient jerks. He's doing the exact same thing
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