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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The latest numbers from research firm Gartner reveal that the smartphone industry continues to be largely a two-horse race between iOS and Android. The two mobile operating systems combined for 98.4 percent worldwide market share in the fourth calendar quarter of 2015, compared to 96.4 percent in the year-ago quarter.

Android remained the world's most widely used smartphone operating system with 80.7 percent market share, while iOS recorded 17.7 percent market share. The fourth quarter has historically been the most successful for iPhone and Android-based smartphone sales due to the holiday shopping season.


Windows Phone and BlackBerry smartphones accounted for just 1.1 percent and 0.2 percent market share respectively during the three-month period ending December. The results are largely unsurprising, as Microsoft is scaling back its Windows Phone efforts and BlackBerry released its first Android smartphone last year.


Apple and Samsung shipped a collective 551.2 million smartphones in 2015, trailed by Huawei, Lenovo-Motorola, and Xiaomi with 107.1 million, 73.9 million, and 72 million shipments respectively, according to recent Strategy Analytics data. Global smartphone shipments totaled a record 1.44 billion in 2015.

Windows Phone was perhaps the closest platform to being a true third place competitor, but its market share has dwindled as iOS and Android continue to grow. Samsung and Mozilla also have Linux-based mobile operating systems in Tizen and Firefox OS respectively, but adoption of each platform is comparatively slim.

Article Link: iOS and Android Capture Combined 98.4% Share of Smartphone Market


Sep 4, 2009
Can you still buy BlackBerry phones?
I believe they are only fulfilling enterprise contracts and that is it.

That real tragedy here is the failure of the Windows Mobile platform. They could have easily become a "wacky number three" but for whatever reason, that is not happening.
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macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I'm confused by the choice of headline.

When we're talking about Macs or OS X, we have articles like:

"Macs make up 11% of worldwide personal computers"

No mention of the fact that Windows is at 87%. No mention of the fact that various Linuxes and Unixes make up another 2% or so.

But when we talk about iOS, it's important to talk about the market share that everyone else has, and the fact that iOS + Android make up 98% of the market, even though nearly identical statements could be said about OS X and Windows.
wow, windows phone really hasnt done well.
That's because Microsoft has thrown in the towel. They're now putting their services on Android and iOS devices.

Although I feel that the move was premature. I feel like they could really use laptops running Windows 10 to sell Surface products, which could then be used to sell Windows 10 Phones.


Sep 22, 2012
So Apple is losing market share and shipping less units. Ditto for the iPad.
Well, at least here in Mexico more people are opting for low-end Android devices as the cheapest iPhone 6s you can buy is $14,000 MXN (A month of salary for the average chap). Damn dollar!

Also, "Peak iPhone"?


macrumors G4
Feb 10, 2011
Well, at least here in Mexico more people are opting for low-end Android devices as the cheapest iPhone 6s you can buy is $14,000 MXN (A month of salary for the average chap). Damn dollar!

Also, "Peak iPhone"?

But that isn't something new, right? There has always been a wide price gap between the iPhone and the lower end Android devices.
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