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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
Hi, I recently got an email with possible malware on my iPhone and it got me thinking about how I can protect my iPad.
My iPad is running on OS 9.3 and seems very slow these last few days.
Could anyone recommend a program that would scan for and destroy malware/virus' and also clean up my iPad (if that sort of thing is needed).
There are times I get frustrated with my lack of computer knowledge and wish I could just open it up and be able to see the clutter and clear it out like you clear a cupboard.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
San Antonio, TX
Your iPad will not execute code from email attachments*. You don't need to worry about protecting your iPad, and any apps that advertise themselves as virus/malware scanners for iOS are useless at best and a waste of money.

If you want to clean up your iPad and get a "fresh start", you can always reset it and set it up as a new iPad. All your apps and stuff will be gone, but you get the satisfaction of starting over with a clean slate. If you don't want to do that, your best bet is to just resign yourself to the fact that, unless you're running low on storage, your iPad will take care of itself and there is no maintenance that you need to do on your own on a regular basis.

*EDIT: I should clarify that this is not necessarily true if your iPad is jailbroken, which in your case I would suspect it is not.


macrumors 68000
Dec 5, 2008
Penarth, Wales, UK
also, before i updated to ipadpro my regular device was ipad2 which got slower and slower and slower (painfully slower) as the ios version went up. this could also be why your device is running awful.


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2011
Houston, Texas area
Agreed that the iPad 2 is not going to run the latest iOS very well at all. I doubt your plans are to upgrade to an iPad Air 2, but that may be something to start to plan for. The magical experience is worth spending the money imo.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
Your iPad will not execute code from email attachments*. You don't need to worry about protecting your iPad, and any apps that advertise themselves as virus/malware scanners for iOS are useless at best and a waste of money.

If you want to clean up your iPad and get a "fresh start", you can always reset it and set it up as a new iPad. All your apps and stuff will be gone, but you get the satisfaction of starting over with a clean slate. If you don't want to do that, your best bet is to just resign yourself to the fact that, unless you're running low on storage, your iPad will take care of itself and there is no maintenance that you need to do on your own on a regular basis.

*EDIT: I should clarify that this is not necessarily true if your iPad is jailbroken, which in your case I would suspect it is not.

I'm really glad to learn that I haven't picked up anything nasty :) and your further info puts me totally at ease. I think resetting could be a great way to spring clean and. With clothes if I don't wear them for a year I take them to the op shop. I should apply the idea to my devices too.
Thanks very much.
Agreed that the iPad 2 is not going to run the latest iOS very well at all. I doubt your plans are to upgrade to an iPad Air 2, but that may be something to start to plan for. The magical experience is worth spending the money imo.

Yes I have decided to stop any further upgrades for now, I don't want to render it useless when it still functions fine most of the time. I've not looked into the future replacement yet but it's good to get suggestions so thanks, I'll check it out. Certainly a magical device is worth a look
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