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macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
1- An ipad is not a phone. Comparing specs between them is absurd. An ipad doesn't make calls or has a camera.

2- So when HTC or Motorola come next month with their brand new 1 gb ram double retina display 1080 HDMI android phones are you all going to be crying that your iPhones are obsolete?

For me i can care less what smartphone it is as long as i can check the net, email, call, text, check my callendar, take pics and videos, and tehther i am set. The most important thing is my network. Network does not work or spotty then the battle is lost. The os, retina display, ram , etc is worthless due to the screen size.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 27, 2010


macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2008
Via Satellite
So all of the people that were touting the HTC EVO from Sprint because it had more memory than the iphone 4, I guess will now have to make a public retraction right. Looks like both phones will have the same memory.


macrumors 65816
Jun 19, 2009
United States
Dude, it's the same CPU as the iPad with more RAM.
Do you really think the A4 in the iPhone is 1/4 of the size of the A4 in the iPad? If it was, it wouldn't be called the A4 because it would be a different CPU. Have some common sense.

You'll see in the iFixit teardown on the 24th, you are 100% wrong.

A4 is redesigned for iPhone 4. Another photo shows the 1005 capacitors(1.0mm x 0.5mm sized capacitor) are the same size.



macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
...yet another reason for people like me to sell my iPad and buy the new one when it comes out. Hoping an iMovie app will come out for the iPad when the next one is released.

Anyway, I'm even a little more excited now to get my new iPhone Thursday!!!

In a year after the first iPad the new one will most likely come with a front facing camera, 1GB RAM and a newer A4 processor, probably the A4.5 [half of the ARM Cortex 9 numbering seeing as the A4 is half the ARM Cortex 8]

And in three years you'll think that revision is slow. That's computing.


macrumors member
Apr 27, 2005
The iPhone 4 is going to eat into iPad sales. Now even more so. There's there's less reason to have an iPhone, an iPad, and a laptop. Apple fans will have all three but the vast majority of the population won't see the need to have both an iPad and an iPhone. The iPhone makes phone calls and has a camera and a netbook or MP does everything else most people need.

Huh.? Ipads don't compete with phones... Ipads have a big screen....they don't make calls.. You don't need a contract with AT&T to use one.... Not everybody wants or needs an iPhone but they may want a tablet device...


macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2009
iPhone kills iPad

This is why I took my iPad back after a week. The iPhone 4 only is missing a large display over the iPad but the retinal display should make up for a lot of the lost screen size. And it makes phone calls, has two cameras, and is small enough to handhold.

I found the iPad to be too bulky for handholding a long time and hey, it really is just a big iPod Touch. Maybe by iPad 4 it will be worth having.


macrumors regular
Aug 30, 2007
I think the iPad people can relax. You will have plenty of power to do what you want, and then some, for at least a few years.

The point has not been refuted, and probably won't be, that most developers want their product on the iPad and iPhone. They want the millions of people currently buying the iPad to buy their product, so they won't require more power than what the iPad currently has for a good long while.

Amen to that! Finally some sanity in this place...

My wife, has a Macbook pro, iMac, iPad, an Apple TV and we ordered replacement iPhones for both of us yesterday (currently we have 3G)... like most of the users, She loves every single one of them and couldnt care less about which one has 256 and which one has 512 of RAM... They do what she expect from those devices... period, I invite those who are debating whether iPad is yesterday news because OTHER device has more RAM to send them my way, I will dispose of those "outdated" devices properly...


macrumors G3
Mar 29, 2008
This is the Internet and you would be surprised sometimes.

True. I just don't like it when people say, "the company confirmed it." I prefer, "X, the lead developer for the iPhone Whatever Team, confirmed for us that the iPhone 4 has 512MB."

In any case, this is great news, though, - as others have stated -, I'm sad my iPad doesn't have 512MB, which was obvious to me the day I started using it and reviewing it.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
In a year after the first iPad the new one will most likely come with a front facing camera, 1GB RAM and a newer A4 processor, probably the A4.5 [half of the ARM Cortex 9 numbering seeing as the A4 is half the ARM Cortex 8]

And in three years you'll think that revision is slow. That's computing.

People are not mad about the ram differance from the ipad vs the iphone if it hadtaken place in a 9 month time frame. It took place in a few months. Apple is not a very fast company. Look thay continue to use core 2 duo in their mac minis, imacs, and mb. The reason the apple upd the ainty for the iphone with specs was in direct correlation with the android competition. Hopefully there are some chromium pads so that apple will increase the specs on the ipad significantly like camera and ram. End result, You really need to embrace competition since it helps create a better overall system.


macrumors newbie
Jan 31, 2010
All this moaning about the iPad in comparison to iPhone4 is why they keep such specs from public. People are so damned concerned about figures without even considering their practical outcomes.


Jul 25, 2007
Ok so the ipad was meant to be a mobile multimedia/internet device. Since the ipad can not handle more than 1 web page without reloading and using more isp bandwidth especially if have a limited 5 gig net. It has failed. Do you have an ipad?

I have an iPad 3G, and it works fine for me. And I bought it knowing that it had 256MB RAM, and what the implications of that were.


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2009
Yup. Still glad I didn't hop on the ipad bandwagon as soon as it took off. I'm surprised that it only took 3 months to be outclassed by the iphone though. That seems a bit cannibalistic on apple's part. If I had jumped on the bandwagon, I would be pretty irate right about now.

No reason to be considering it's not that hard to sell an iPad right now for almost retail price.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
My guess is to get 10 hours of battery life.

Not correct since the extra ram would decrease the need for the ipad to page reload especially when multitasking comes to the ipad. More ram would increase the 10 hour amount by a few minutes to an extra hour.


macrumors G3
Mar 29, 2008
I love my iPad, and the release of the iPhone 4 hasn't made those feelings wane. Yes, it would have been great to have 512MB in there, but no way I'd wait another year for the inevitable update considering the enjoyment I'm having with my iPad right now. No way.

Mark Booth

macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
Glad I pre-ordered the iPhone 4, and glad I decided to wait for generation 2 (or later) of the iPad.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2008
Long Island, NY
Where was it said that the A4 was redesigned for the iPhone? If it has been, I haven't read anything about it. All I recall is Steve Jobs saying something about the iPhone 4 using the A4 from the iPad.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
I love my iPad, and the release of the iPhone 4 hasn't made those feelings wane. Yes, it would have been great to have 512MB in there, but no way I'd wait another year for the inevitable update considering the enjoyment I'm having with my iPad right now. No way.

Well lets put this in perspective. Would you ahve waited two months to get an ipad with 512 mb of ram instead of the butchered 256 mb of ram that the 3gs has?


macrumors G5
Mar 10, 2009
Good news. I was holding off on an iPad because I felt the specs could be better and this just confirms it: iPad 2 will have
at least 512MB of RAM,

Every two years memory gets cheaper (denser so need few chips to deliver same amount) so not going to be too surprising to see a doubling in year two. It isn't the what stage the iPad is at it is what the memory maturity cycle is on. I think Apple thought at some stage would ship iPad perhaps several months earlier than they did. So they picked a memory size that made sense for a 2008-9 time frame. The design for iPad2 would have picked a memory size that made sense for a 2010-2011 time frame; that would be 512MB.

retina display

Extremely unlikely. There have been 300+ppi 2 inches displays previously. ( Apple's display is not the first one shipped at over 300+ ppi, nor was it the first to be that range and be at least 3.0 inches. It is the first one shipped in quantity at 3.5 inches and over 300+ ppi. It has taken a long time to jump from 3.0 to 3.5 inches and still be affordable.

No way display tech is suddenly going to jump to 9.7 inches ( an almost 3x jump in diagonal size.). The LCD panel itself would cost more than the iPad.

The current iPad screen is 132 ppi. If doubled that it would be 265 ppi. You'd have to triple the density to get it up over 300+ ppi. Not going to happen next year. Also, typically going to use the iPad farther away than iPhone screen. Perhaps that lets you slide with 265 ppi but that is a huge leap in density over a much larger area with acceptably few errors in manufacturing.

and likely a camera for FaceTime.

We'll see. Depends in part on what FaceTime is using as your "automagic" combo "user id" and contact address". If it is phone number there is a problem. The iPad doesn't have one.
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