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macrumors 68020
Apr 21, 2007
It'll be a bit faster, but that has everything to do with the processor, and absolutely nothing to do with the RAM. I can't understand why people don't get this!!!

Cause you're wrong? I.E, with 512MB, safari wont have to reload pages until a much higher tab count, hence faster due to more RAM. Apps can have more stuff in RAM, hence they can browse larger dataset before coming to a crawl. Things get faster, cause they don't have to unload and reload due to memory limits.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2009
Just Kidding

I feel really gypped that my iPad only has 256mb of RAM. Compared to the iPhone 4, it makes my iPad seem outdated. RAM is so cheap these days.
I know you're kidding. If my iPad was any faster I don't think I would know it. Anyway, when it ships I'll be buying because I like to have the latest fastest best every time a new model ships.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
If for some reason the RAM was so important to you (and I can't imagine what that reason would be), you shouldn't have purchased an iPad.

Ok so the ipad was meant to be a mobile multimedia/internet device. Since the ipad can not handle more than 1 web page without reloading and using more isp bandwidth especially if have a limited 5 gig net. It has failed. Do you have an ipad?


macrumors 68040
Jun 26, 2009
Burpelson AFB
This is puzzling. It's not as though the iPhone came out that much later than the iPad. It's only a little over two months later. So Apple surely knew that they were gimping the iPad. I don't buy the theory that the iPad has less RAM to keep prices down. We're talking about only 256MB of RAM.

The iPhone 4 is going to eat into iPad sales. Now even more so. There's there's less reason to have an iPhone, an iPad, and a laptop. Apple fans will have all three but the vast majority of the population won't see the need to have both an iPad and an iPhone. The iPhone makes phone calls and has a camera and a netbook or MP does everything else most people need.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2008
Long Island, NY
No, it's different. I adjusted the scale. :mad:


Dude, it's the same CPU as the iPad with more RAM.
Do you really think the A4 in the iPhone is 1/4 of the size of the A4 in the iPad? If it was, it wouldn't be called the A4 because it would be a different CPU. Have some common sense.

You'll see in the iFixit teardown on the 24th, you are 100% wrong.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
Cause you're wrong? I.E, with 512MB, safari wont have to reload pages until a much higher tab count, hence faster due to more RAM. Apps can have more stuff in RAM, hence they can browse larger dataset before coming to a crawl. Things get faster, cause they don't have to unload and reload due to memory limits.

Hmmm, the extra RAM doesn't make Safari load webpages faster, it doesn't make programmes open and operate faster. That is all down to the processor. The extra RAM allows you to open more and bigger things, but it doesn't make those things any faster. The quote was how much faster the device would be with the extra RAM, but it's actually the faster processor that does this.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2009
Ok so the ipad was meant to be a mobile multimedia/internet device. Since the ipad can not handle more than 1 web page without reloading and using more isp bandwidth especially if have a limited 5 gig net. It has failed. Do you have an ipad?

I have 6 tabs open on my iPad as I type this. Going back and forth through the tabs to test this reloading dilemma. None of the tabs have needed reloading... I'm not sure what your saying.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
I have 6 tabs open on my iPad as I type this. Going back and forth through the tabs to test this reloading dilemma. None of the tabs have needed reloading... I'm not sure what your saying.

Well clearly it's going to depend on the content contained within those pages silly :p. If you're just loading pages of plain text, you're going to be able to open more of them before they start reloading. Now trying opening a couple of pages with a lot of photo and other media content, and you will quickly see the first tab or 2 reloading when you switch back.


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2009
Yea but you are on att or tmobile. In my area verizon provides the best service & reliability hands down. I would rather use a flip phone than go with att

oh yeah that makes sense. I have good service in my area with att and verizon so the iphone determined who i went with.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2009
I have 6 tabs open on my iPad as I type this. Going back and forth through the tabs to test this reloading dilemma. None of the tabs have needed reloading... I'm not sure what your saying.

Surely you do not expect me to beleive that. You either do not have a ipad or you are opening up craigslist text web pages. For those with ipads can tell you it happens daily and is not a rare occurrance or a fluke like you are trying to pass it off.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
Surely you do not expect me to beleive that. You either do not have a ipad or you are opening up craigslist text web pages. For those with ipads can tell you it happens daily and is not a rare occurrance or a fluke like you are trying to pass it off.

Yep it occurs a LOT for me. Apple really dropped the ball with this one. iPhone 3G suffered from the same thing. The 3GS fixed it. Then the iPad broke it again!


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2010
Great news about the addition of RAM, but does anyone know/hear of rumors towards the GPU? Is it the SGX545? Or the same GPU as the 3GS (SGX 535)? Thanks!


macrumors member
Apr 27, 2005
1- An ipad is not a phone. Comparing specs between them is absurd. An ipad doesn't make calls or has a camera.

2- So when HTC or Motorola come next month with their brand new 1 gb ram double retina display 1080 HDMI android phones are you all going to be crying that your iPhones are obsolete?


macrumors member
May 22, 2007
I have 6 tabs open on my iPad as I type this. Going back and forth through the tabs to test this reloading dilemma. None of the tabs have needed reloading... I'm not sure what your saying.

I tried it while listening to music, same outcome as you had, no reloading any of the sites, then I tried it with some ad heavy sites, reload every time after going away from any one site and back. Is this a page caching issue, or is the browser re-rendering the entire page due to new ad pointers?


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2007
I think the iPad people can relax. You will have plenty of power to do what you want, and then some, for at least a few years.

The point has not been refuted, and probably won't be, that most developers want their product on the iPad and iPhone. They want the millions of people currently buying the iPad to buy their product, so they won't require more power than what the iPad currently has for a good long while.


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2009
1- An ipad is not a phone. Comparing specs between them is absurd. An ipad doesn't make calls or has a camera.

2- So when HTC or Motorola come next month with their brand new 1 gb ram double retina display 1080 HDMI android phones are you all going to be crying that your iPhones are obsolete?

no just crying.


macrumors member
Apr 27, 2005
And btw get any other browser for the ipad (atomic, icab, a1, etc). None of them have the reloading issue like safari (overzealous memory management).


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2010
It'll be a bit faster, but that has everything to do with the processor, and absolutely nothing to do with the RAM. I can't understand why people don't get this!!!

We're talking cache ram, not system ram. And yes, more of it can make the device go faster because there's a greater chance that the needed data by the processor is sitting in the cache ram which it can fetch much more quickly.

Notice that hard drives are also getting larger cache ram sizes as drive capacities increase to aid in throughput.
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