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macrumors 68020
Mar 14, 2010
Inside my head.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8L1)

BlindMellon said:
Why do people keep saying the new iPhone was delayed? A delay means Apple promised one thing and delivered another. Apple never promised anyone a new iPhone in July of 2011, or a new iPhone every 12 months.

Give it up son, this argument is getting old.

I have to ask how so many here seem to have come to the conclusion that people want a bigger screen on their phones. Don't both the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS carry a 3.5" screen? Aren't these two handsets the number one and number two best selling smartphone worldwide?
Vote if you haven't.

The fact that everyone other smartphone on the planet sports 4" and up says nothing to you?

So you think Apple should 'innovate' by copying everyone else?


macrumors 6502
Sep 1, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8L1)

So you think Apple should 'innovate' by copying everyone else?

u cant "copy" when it comes to screen size/industry standards. its too vital a feature.

think about the last tv manufacturer that made tv's in black and white :

worker: "i think we should make the switch to color"
boss: "we aren't copy cats"


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Ok no iPhone for me.... :( I cannot understand that Apple waited so long for just an tiny Update....or fixing the "Antennagate" problem, really poor!!! No ****** the iOS5, it will also run with iOS4.

Keep em coming boys, the more you guys say no to the new Phone, the higher the chances that I can just walk in to my store, without a line or a hassle and pick one up!!

And of course, you know how silly and childish you sound right??

You are throwing a Temper Tantrum because Apple might not put out something they never said they were going to put out, but you read rumors about it on the net and just because you read rumors about it, Apple had to do it. Yeah, very mature!!


Yeah, if this phone is actually the 4s, the next iphone is either the 6 or something else, lest the entire number scheme become nonsensical.

And please enlighten me... How does the Numbering sequence affect the performance of the Phone??

Back in the 70's Nikon made ten Zillion variations of the Flagship F2 Camera. All very minor. But they sold the living piss out of them because they were actually UPGRADES!! They made the camera better and better. Some folks purchased a full new F2 and some just purchased the Upgraded Metering Head for it. In my case, I liked the Plain, Vanilla Non Metering F2, it was very sexy that way ;) And, I could use a Handheld Light Meter and I can calculate Exposures with my head ;)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2010
Get. Over. It. "4s" it most likely will be, and you WILL like it...

I *love* all the arm-chair tech-analysts and trend-forecasters on this thread who insist that the iPhone4's form factor is "too dated" to be potentially repurposed into the next-generation iPhone debuting tomorrow. Get over it.

BOTTOM LINE: whatever the new iPhone actually does prove to look like it's still going to be a KICK-A$$ smartphone update so just quit all yer whiny insistence that it HAS TO BE a new look-design too. No. It does not! It just has to work and do what it's suppose to do first & foremost. If it also sports a new "cool" look too then that's a bonus, sweet. But guess what?! The iPhone4 still looks great... even almost 1.5 years later. In the meantime, do try to enjoy the :apple: announcement tomorrow despite all your sky-high expectations. :)

I don't understand the issue with the new 'speed bump'. And anyone who says they are switching to another phone maker are liars :) I guarantee you'll switch then come back, or not switch at all.

Its about the experience, and with this speed bump (and any extra's) you'll all be back. Regardless of screen size.

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macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
In my case, I liked the Plain, Vanilla Non Metering F2, it was very sexy that way ;) And, I could use a Handheld Light Meter and I can calculate Exposures with my head ;)

But think of all the poor silver halides that died every time you pushed the shutter button.

Don't you feel like a mass murderer?

I feel so guilty about my OM-1 from back then, but at least the meter was internal.


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2011
Peoria, AZ
But think of all the poor silver halides that died every time you pushed the shutter button.

Don't you feel like a mass murderer?

I feel so guilty about my OM-1 from back then, but at least the meter was internal.

Man, the OM-1 was a superb camera!! I had one in High School, before the F2. The F2 was already on the F2AS when I got it, but I still got the one without the Meter!! I used a Gossen Luna Pro!! I still have the same meter from the 70's!! Well, I have FIVE of them!!


macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2011
Maybe the iPhone 5 isn't listed because different design tho needing a different case?

I also hope they do a screen redesign so it would be harder to shatter but really need to upgrade my failing SE K800I so will be definately looking @ the iPhone option as well as the new HTC Sensation. It depends on features as well as the feel of the phone as I will have $1050aus to play with :)
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macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2011
Peoria, AZ
For the 1970's, yes - a fine camera.

But when I look at what my G11 can do (Canon G11, not PowerBook G11), I don't lament the death of silver.

I'm nostalgic about it.

But for business, I roll with four Nikon D3's and one D3s. I do this for a living.
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