My primary concern is launch timing.
- Annual Verizon 12-Month Upgrade program where every 12th month I can trade in my old phone
- Owner of every iPhone 1- 7 (, 1st in line for iPhone 1, was 2nd in line at SF store for 3G launch, first in line for 3GS)
- Always wanted a plus but since I go to Verizon Retail store every year at 3AM and the largest GB plus is never available so I always just do a regular size 6, 6S or 7
- ...and I try to pre-order online but then I get put into after launch day releases.
My concern here is that if I wait for the X, a phone that is far beyond my needs (not that it's a price thing), I'm going to be fighting with millions of others on a phone Apple can only make 10K of a day (roughly 600K available at launch) and that's all going to be eaten up by the iPhone Upgrade Program for the first 30+ days so day one, Verizon Wireless' site will show shipping times of December into January
Then, next September, Apple is going to announce an iPhone X1 shipping October 1st and I'm going to be sitting here stuck waiting another 3 months for my iPhone X plan to hit the 12 month mark and I'll be WAY off the upgrade cycle.
I don't like buying phones outright (why when it's 0% financing and I'd on't have to try and sell a phone every 12 months) and I've never needed AppleCare on a phone so iPhone Upgrade Program from Apple is $10 more a month than Verizon's and I don't see a point in that so it's almost as if my gut tells me to save the $10 a month, get an iPhone 8 Plus next week (supposedly there won't be any lines) and then when Apple further perfects the "future of iPhone" in the X1 coming out next year, I'll be able to get one on launch day.
The only caveat h ere is Apple may switch to November release date for the next iPhone and I'll have wish I had gotten the X.
That's my thought process here and why I'm still undecided despite being 15 hours away from needing to attempt to pre-order an iPhone 8 Plus.
People will respond that I don't need every phone on launch day but I waited in line for OS X 10.2 Jaguar at Apple Stores, iPods, 20+ Apple Store Openings. I'm a fanboy, I want the new thing on day one. It's one of my very few joys in life so with that in mind, I think I"m just going to get an 8. The 7 is already more than I need anyway but I have to own the newest phone which is why I'm in the 12-month upgrade program with Verizon.
As for the iPhone Upgrade AppleCare argument. Here's my iPhone 7 I've owned for a year. I have never dropped a phone or broken a screen. Verizon Reps always are amazed when I trade in my phone and how flawless it is:
I'm actually looking forward to having a more sticky glass back like my iPhone 4/4S
[doublepost=1505394059][/doublepost]Via 9to5Mac:
More people plan on upgrading their AirPods to the wireless charging model than both iPhone 8 models combined.
LOL. I should be able to walk into Verizon at 9:15AM and grab a phone.