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It depends what phone you are coming from, but for me I'm getting the iPhone X (i have the 7 Plus) the screen upgrade will be big, Face ID will be great and the camera upgrades are nice. That's my opinion tho, if you don't like the idea of Face ID (do you prefer Touch ID?) then you may be happy with the iPhone 8 Plus.
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I dont like the size of the plus , so x for me if I decide to get it...need to see the reviews first though
I am in the same boat. I am coming off a 7+ and don’t mind the bigger size- I actually love my phone. That being said, I am one of those people who love to get the latest and greatest. I am ok with the price of the X (it breaks down to 115 more over the course of the year on AUP) But I also do not want to have to potentially pay an additional $200 in payments to AUP (to wait for the new phone and to pay ahead to get back on the sept schedule to upgrade next year).
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Still undecided. Currently have the iPhone 7, would like to go either 8+ or X. I am on the upgrade program through AT&T. I want the camera in the plus or X, not too sure about Face ID yet. Might just go with 8+ this time and by next year when Face ID has been around awhile go with what comes out then.
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My primary concern is launch timing.

  • Annual Verizon 12-Month Upgrade program where every 12th month I can trade in my old phone
  • Owner of every iPhone 1- 7 (, 1st in line for iPhone 1, was 2nd in line at SF store for 3G launch, first in line for 3GS)
  • Always wanted a plus but since I go to Verizon Retail store every year at 3AM and the largest GB plus is never available so I always just do a regular size 6, 6S or 7
  • ...and I try to pre-order online but then I get put into after launch day releases.

My concern here is that if I wait for the X, a phone that is far beyond my needs (not that it's a price thing), I'm going to be fighting with millions of others on a phone Apple can only make 10K of a day (roughly 600K available at launch) and that's all going to be eaten up by the iPhone Upgrade Program for the first 30+ days so day one, Verizon Wireless' site will show shipping times of December into January

Then, next September, Apple is going to announce an iPhone X1 shipping October 1st and I'm going to be sitting here stuck waiting another 3 months for my iPhone X plan to hit the 12 month mark and I'll be WAY off the upgrade cycle.

I don't like buying phones outright (why when it's 0% financing and I'd on't have to try and sell a phone every 12 months) and I've never needed AppleCare on a phone so iPhone Upgrade Program from Apple is $10 more a month than Verizon's and I don't see a point in that so it's almost as if my gut tells me to save the $10 a month, get an iPhone 8 Plus next week (supposedly there won't be any lines) and then when Apple further perfects the "future of iPhone" in the X1 coming out next year, I'll be able to get one on launch day.

The only caveat h ere is Apple may switch to November release date for the next iPhone and I'll have wish I had gotten the X.

That's my thought process here and why I'm still undecided despite being 15 hours away from needing to attempt to pre-order an iPhone 8 Plus.


People will respond that I don't need every phone on launch day but I waited in line for OS X 10.2 Jaguar at Apple Stores, iPods, 20+ Apple Store Openings. I'm a fanboy, I want the new thing on day one. It's one of my very few joys in life so with that in mind, I think I"m just going to get an 8. The 7 is already more than I need anyway but I have to own the newest phone which is why I'm in the 12-month upgrade program with Verizon.

As for the iPhone Upgrade AppleCare argument. Here's my iPhone 7 I've owned for a year. I have never dropped a phone or broken a screen. Verizon Reps always are amazed when I trade in my phone and how flawless it is:


I'm actually looking forward to having a more sticky glass back like my iPhone 4/4S
[doublepost=1505394059][/doublepost]Via 9to5Mac:


More people plan on upgrading their AirPods to the wireless charging model than both iPhone 8 models combined.

LOL. I should be able to walk into Verizon at 9:15AM and grab a phone.
My primary concern is launch timing.


The only caveat h ere is Apple may switch to November release date for the next iPhone and I'll have wish I had gotten the X.
This is unfounded. I'd believe Apple to be back to normal September launches, come next year. This X was an anomaly, due to slow production of OLED and the lossed attempt at virtual TouchID.

Apple won't typically stack everything up against the holidays like that.
This is unfounded. I'd believe Apple to be back to normal September launches, come next year. This X was an anomaly, due to slow production of OLED and the lossed attempt at virtual TouchID.

Apple won't typically stack everything up against the holidays like that.

I'm only throwing out what is a possibility. I hope they don't in which case I'll be glad I got the 8.
I am getting the X.... I am not a big fan of the notch since I watch a lot of media on my phone during my commute. But I've been waiting for OLED on an iOS device for so long that I can't pass it up. Plus I get a new iPhone every year, its kind of my little treat to myself, and coming from an iPhone 7 plus I can't bear to have the same body style for a 4th year in a row.
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I'm on the AT&T next program and currently have the 7 plus. If I get the 8 plus my payment goes up $4 a month. The X will be $12 a month. I like the X but i might have to wait a few months to get one. I'm not sure if the 8 plus would be enough of an upgrade over the 7 so I'm still on the fence. Should I get the 8 plus or just skip this year an pay off my 7 plus.
My honest opinion would be (coming from iphone 7 Plus)....get the X or get nothing. You don't have to upgrade if the X is giving you pause. Unless you have a thing for wireless charging, there won't be a significant difference between 7 plus and 8 Plus.

But I am hearing a lot of comments on timing issues, size, not sure, etc. There's one thing to keep in mind. The OLED screen will be incredible. The FaceID tech will enable a lot and we've probably not seen beyond the tip of the iceburg. Notch issues are silly. Videos can be zoomed to include it or viewed regularly with letterbox to ignore it. I'm sure Apple is aware of timing issues as well and will have a solution next year but you may find you don't even care to upgrade again.
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I'm going with the X. I have a 7+ now and love the screen, but the darn thing is just too big for me. Sure I can live with it, but i certainly don't enjoy it as much as something smaller. I love the big screen in a small enclosure thing the X is doing. I also like the potential of the gesture bar at the bottom. I was a big webOS fan and it's a big throw back to that paradigm.
Does anyone know if FaceId works with sunglasses on?
good question, ive used the samsung s8 retina scan unlock and its a pain with sunglasses on ...have to remove them so I stopped using it...I think people are going to miss the fingerprint unlock
I have a 6s plus with no contract. I really like the X but I've always been an S person. I wish the 8 plus had an Oled screen instead of LCD. So I'm still kind of confused on which one to get.
Does anyone know if FaceId works with sunglasses on?
That's a good question. Specially after that glitch they had.
My honest opinion would be (coming from iphone 7 Plus)....get the X or get nothing. You don't have to upgrade if the X is giving you pause. Unless you have a thing for wireless charging, there won't be a significant difference between 7 plus and 8 Plus.

But I am hearing a lot of comments on timing issues, size, not sure, etc. There's one thing to keep in mind. The OLED screen will be incredible. The FaceID tech will enable a lot and we've probably not seen beyond the tip of the iceburg. Notch issues are silly. Videos can be zoomed to include it or viewed regularly with letterbox to ignore it. I'm sure Apple is aware of timing issues as well and will have a solution next year but you may find you don't even care to upgrade again.

I'd have to respectfully disagree. The 8+ gets most of the improvements that the X does without the risk (and the insane price) - upgraded cameras, upgraded screen (although not OLED), better build quality, wireless charging, LTE Advanced, better BT.

While the TrueDepth camera system is nice, I'm not sold on its usefulness outside of AR. FaceID is still in its infancy and I suspect there will be some pain points to come.

I'd love an OLED screen on the iPhone but as long as Apple has to source them from Samsung they will keep the cost inflated. (Maybe next year.)
I just confirmed my IUP upgrade preference on the app for the 8 plus, coming from the 7 plus.

Would love the OLED panel and the camera in the X, but I don't want to take a step back in screen size (which the X is in reality vs the plus), and I like the idea of keeping Touch ID for now while face ID gets some inevitable kinks worked out.

If the release a bigger version of the X next year that's all screen with the form factor more like the plus, I'd be all over that.
I'm on iUP and will be upgrading from a 7 Plus to an 8 Plus. I'm a massive fanboi and was chomping for the X, but it's just not that "blow-away". Apple still need that killer feature. It may be the "future of Apple smartphones" but it's not the "future of smartphones" as they are lagging behind. I like the bigger screen and aspect ratio of the Plus. I like bezels so I can hold the device in landscape securely without obscuring the content. The notch is amateur. Hopefully next year will be what it should have been.

£200 for Animoji isn't worth it to me. The 8 Plus gets all the good bits of the X without the questionable bits.
I'd have to respectfully disagree. The 8+ gets most of the improvements that the X does without the risk (and the insane price) - upgraded cameras, upgraded screen (although not OLED), better build quality, wireless charging, LTE Advanced, better BT.

The iPhone X has:
  • More Pixels
  • Large Screen
  • FaceID
  • Animoji
  • OIS in both Cameras
  • Better aperture on telephoto camera
  • OLED
  • No Home Button
  • Larger side buttons
  • 2 Hours more battery life (than iPhone 7)
Everything else about the 8 / 8 Plus are identical to the X. You can both shoot 4K @ 60FPS, both have A11 Bionic, better cameras, True Tone and all of the other features.

I think the X is gorgeous. I'm a huge fan of Stainless steel construction and OLED screens and I think FAceID is without a doubt the future. I also think the X is truly worth $300 is, i'm not fighting that.

If you're a performance kind of buyer in search of an upgrade to your iPhone 6 or 7, the 8 will bring you a lot of joy. For some of us though, I'm okay wit going 8 and I bet the iPhone X1 will be amazing. FaceID at all angles, a second FaceID for our loved ones, more power, maybe no side buttons at all, just touch sensitive sides, finally a megapixel boost with 3D Photos, faster wireless charging, a phone that we'll be able to order with a wireless charging mat at time of purchase from Apple. The X is a sneak peak into the future and I look forward to getting the next X phone next year.
I was going to get the X since I upgrade every year due one of the bevy of upgrade programs out there and the fact I, like many of you, have. Ultimately, the notch and the realm of the unknown made me decide to get the 8+ and skip the X. I suspect for many, part of what they want the X for is "status" having the newest gadget out there. For a period, I had a Galaxy note because frankly apples small screens and phones were not cutting it for me. Luckily a year later the plus variants came back. I'm too embedded into the ecosystem now to switch, if I weren't I'd be a Note 8 owner in a heartbeat.

To me, it does ZERO good to have the best looking gadget in the world if the experience using it is horrendous. Is the design of the 8plus "boring" Yes very much so. Is it bad> not by any stretch. But I KNOW it will work, the way it works is familiar and I'm efficient using it. Not to mention the use of the UI on the 8plus will mirror that of my IPAD PRO... having two UI's in the same ecosystem is plain ridiculous.

If someone gave you a BMW and it ran 1/3 of the time or you only used the sunroof once a year.... would you miss your honda civic that ran 99 percent of the time and would you trade that for the look of the sun roof.

User experience matters MORE than the look of the device. I'll let the bugs play out and take the 8 plus this year.
I was going to get the X since I upgrade every year due one of the bevy of upgrade programs out there and the fact I, like many of you, have. Ultimately, the notch and the realm of the unknown made me decide to get the 8+ and skip the X. I suspect for many, part of what they want the X for is "status" having the newest gadget out there. For a period, I had a Galaxy note because frankly apples small screens and phones were not cutting it for me. Luckily a year later the plus variants came back. I'm too embedded into the ecosystem now to switch, if I weren't I'd be a Note 8 owner in a heartbeat.

To me, it does ZERO good to have the best looking gadget in the world if the experience using it is horrendous. Is the design of the 8plus "boring" Yes very much so. Is it bad> not by any stretch. But I KNOW it will work, the way it works is familiar and I'm efficient using it. Not to mention the use of the UI on the 8plus will mirror that of my IPAD PRO... having two UI's in the same ecosystem is plain ridiculous.

If someone gave you a BMW and it ran 1/3 of the time or you only used the sunroof once a year.... would you miss your honda civic that ran 99 percent of the time and would you trade that for the look of the sun roof.

User experience matters MORE than the look of the device. I'll let the bugs play out and take the 8 plus this year.

Great advice , it's how I feel. The current user experience is so good. As a former S8 owner I did not like the face id unlock, and I believe the Samsung with the home button is a more intuitive experience .
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