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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 14, 2011
I've thought long and hard about starting this thread as I know how quickly such threads descend into slanging matches.

However, here goes. My wife's got a new works iPhone and her company has let her keep her old 5c. Having owned an iPad I'm familiar with iOS so I thought I would pop my SIM in the 5c and try out an iPhone for a few weeks (I have owned one of the early iPhones for a short while).

Having lived with the iPhone for the last 3 weeks, hardware/design apart I really don't get why we have all this fierce tribal rhetoric between Android and iOS. For your average consumer I genuinely can't see there's much to choose between either systems. The basically both do the same things and with a similar level of sophistication.

I'm sure there will be posters telling me how iOS can turn water into wine or an Android owner telling me that Android can plait sawdust. As far as I can see whatever one can do so can the other with just the odd nuance in how they both achieve it.

Apart from the 5c is a bit short on storage capacity I could live with the 5c or my Xperia. Why anyone would want to spend days queuing for an iPhone though really is beyond me, or any phone for that matter.
Both platforms, Android and iOS, have good products.

Choosing one over the other may depend on how vested you are with Apple or Google on music, etc or because you want more customization, etc or because of budget (it was only this year that Apple finally produced a more affordable iPhone since the 5c).

Most smartphone features are pretty common across both platforms...choose the one that appeals to you.
I would agree with buffilm on this. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a real Apple fanatic, I tell people that I eat only Macintosh apples and Mac-a-roni and cheese and macaroon cookies. But the real thing I like about Apple and the reason I really prefer my iPhone 6S + is how well it plays with my iPad pro and my Macbook Pro. In all the years I worked with other companies products before I retired I found it a constant struggle to get the simplest things done. YMMV of course, there were those at work who had no problem getting disparate pieces of gear to work, but even they had to admit that in most cases the task could have been performed faster and easier in an Apple environment.

I always hated when we had to update our PC's and laptops because it was just an onerous chore, in fact after a few years it was decided to either have the guys from IT come down and do it or send out units to them. Especially since this gave them a chance to clean them of viruses etc. This was a 150 mile trip for them, but they did like to get out of the city for a day or so.

I am a fairly serious amateur photographer who is beginning to dabble in video, and to tell you the truth when I look at the many comparisons between an iPhone and its Android counterpart I don't see that much difference. One will be better at one thing and the other will be better at something else. In the end they will be very close to each other.
There used to be a much bigger difference between the two. A lot of people may have tried iOS years ago and found it too limiting, or Android and found it too buggy, and those experiences stuck with them. But I'm starting to see fewer and fewer fanboys nowadays where most people are actually tempted by phones on the other platform. It's nice to see people considering their options and not blindly sticking with one company.
I agree with you. I think there used to be bigger differences but more recently the flagships generally have the same features and people buy into one or the other based on what they are most familiar with and the ecosystem they have bought into. Personally I stick with iPhone for the compatibility with my existing devices, my investment in the ecosystem and the timely OS updates, but if it weren't for those there are some solid Android devices on the market these days that would tempt me...
Both platforms will fulfill the needs of just about all consumers. Again this forum represents a vast minority of the overall market. If I could say a differentiating factor about Apple is that they typically provide great support/service on their devices. I feel like that's a big part of consumers staying with Apple.
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It's a smartphone, so IMO there's no big deal anymore. Functionally, Android and iOS are similar for 99% of general consumers.

I went with iPhone because I didn't want my system updates controlled by the wireless carriers, and the Nexus phone available at the time was a design I didn't like.
Blind devotion without actually comparing different devices.. I use both iOS and Android and I can say I like Android more. To me, it's just easier to use.
We have fierce tribal rhetoric because we are on enthusiast forums. You're absolutely right. The average consumer won't notice a huge difference. And they don't notice and don't care. Your average consumer isn't the one defending Apple or Google.
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I agree with the discussion between iOS and Android.

The way the iPhone talks to my iPad Air and MacBook Air is seamless which is nice. However I'm open to change and refuse to be locked into any type of Eco System. ;)

Apples Customer support and the way they deal with Customer idevices issues has always been a factor too. Now only if they had a 24 month warranty like Samsung and some of the other mobile phone manufacturers.

Apple Care + at extra cost :(

I've been using the iPhone from the 4 model because it outshone the current Nokia phone I was using at the time.

Now iOS 10 and the iPhone 7 release will determine whether I stay with the iPhone or take a year out and buy into a Samsung Galaxy s7 edge which has caught my eye. ;)
I have both 6S plus and S7 edge

They both offer different type of things and there are advantages to both. IOS with imessage, syncing across everything, facetime all things I use daily.

Android with how you can make things how you want it is an advantage. I like my widgets so I like my edge but I also like the widgets in the notification center.

Not sure why so many put samsung down just to make people feel better about their iphone. Just stupid to me.

Samsung for one has brought out two great phones this year. Doesn't mean the iphone is any less great
Having owned an iPad I'm familiar with iOS so I thought I would pop my SIM in the 5c and try out an iPhone for a few weeks
Its highly unlikely you will feel the same if you would have popped it in a 3 year old Android

Nothing against your feeling, Both devices suffice good enough for the avg users. Only above avg users are those who love their device and OS more
For me, as a senior citz. I use this phone mostly as a phone, Camera, very little texting, GPS once in a while, and never as a toy. Both the Android, and iOS phones would serve its purpose. I would never be fiercely loyal to any phone as some do, but one has to understand their are fanatics in this field that and the War between both OS's will never end. Nature of the beast. Same with some car owners. :confused: ;) Once they get older (60's, 70's) it won't matter anymore.
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I've thought long and hard about starting this thread as I know how quickly such threads descend into slanging matches.

However, here goes. My wife's got a new works iPhone and her company has let her keep her old 5c. Having owned an iPad I'm familiar with iOS so I thought I would pop my SIM in the 5c and try out an iPhone for a few weeks (I have owned one of the early iPhones for a short while).

Having lived with the iPhone for the last 3 weeks, hardware/design apart I really don't get why we have all this fierce tribal rhetoric between Android and iOS. For your average consumer I genuinely can't see there's much to choose between either systems. The basically both do the same things and with a similar level of sophistication.

I'm sure there will be posters telling me how iOS can turn water into wine or an Android owner telling me that Android can plait sawdust. As far as I can see whatever one can do so can the other with just the odd nuance in how they both achieve it.

Apart from the 5c is a bit short on storage capacity I could live with the 5c or my Xperia. Why anyone would want to spend days queuing for an iPhone though really is beyond me, or any phone for that matter.
You've got it. Totally right. It's all a matter of preference. Some prefer Android. Within Android some prefer Nexus. Others prefer iOS. Within iOS some prefer the Plus others prefer the SE.
Me? I prefer iOS and the iPhone. I'm not a spec chaser. I like having iTunes for my music. I like how everything integrates among all my devices. I LOVE Apple customer service and support.
So my preference is based on my use of iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry devices, all of which I use concurrently. I also had an early exchange at work from a work issued SGS5 to an iPhone 6. Because I prefer iOS and iPhone.
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It's nice to have a thread with some sensible posters on this subject for a change. I agree with most of what everyone has written. I changed over to Android not for any particular reason other than my iPad needed to be replaced and so did my phone. The wife was happy with the Apple eco system but I was getting a bit fed up of shelling out serious money, plus I just thought let's see what all the fuss is about re: Android.

That's how I have ended up with two Xperia devices and I have honestly been pleasantly surprised by how good they are. That doesn't mean I have a downer on Apple as I still own quite a bit of their gadgets. Sometimes it's just nice to have a change and try something different.

Both systems do a very good job and I think it's getting increasingly difficult to fault either. I could just do with two SIM's for the one account now. :)
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...I genuinely can't see there's much to choose between either systems.

There are very real differences, that have to do with unsexy under-the-hood stuff like security that doesn't get as much attention. It's certainly not something you'll notice playing with an old iPhone for a couple days.

You will never see the FBI fighting with Google to unlock an Android phone, or to build a special version of Android with security holes. The holes and vulnerabilities are already there.
For casual usage both platforms are good, each one having pluses and minuses, they both got the same mainstream apps that most of the people using daily.

Its all about the preference of “ecosystem”, compatibility and integration with other devices or a specific app that force you using certain platform.

You will never see the FBI fighting with Google to unlock an Android phone, or to build a special version of Android with security holes. The holes and vulnerabilities are already there.

The average Joe dont care or not aware about this issues...
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There are very real differences, that have to do with unsexy under-the-hood stuff like security that doesn't get as much attention. It's certainly not something you'll notice playing with an old iPhone for a couple days.

You will never see the FBI fighting with Google to unlock an Android phone, or to build a special version of Android with security holes. The holes and vulnerabilities are already there.

Hmm! I'm not sure the Apple brand wishes to become synonymous with the terrorist or criminals phone of choice though - that's hardly a selling point. There's also quite a lot of evidence around that points to increasing malware attacks on iOS too.

I was reading an article just a couple of days ago that says iOS users should not become complacent regarding attacks. It went on to say that many Apple users think they are immune from security attacks but increasingly as the devices have become more popular they are now becoming the target of criminal gangs.

However, I really do want to steer clear of the school playground mine's better than yours arguments as it's that type of post which destroys threads such as this.

My view is there are some very very good high end smartphones on the market from a variety of manufacturers. Which one you choose may have a lot do to with fashion or the ecosystem you are already part of thus making it expensive to change, whether that be iOS or Android. However, whichever system the consumer chooses is going to give them a pretty good experience.
Hmm! I'm not sure the Apple brand wishes to become synonymous with the terrorist or criminals phone of choice though - that's hardly a selling point.

It's very much a selling point to me that current Apple phones can't be hacked easily by even first world govt agencies with unlimited resources. I don't care, and can't control, what phones criminals use or prefer, and neither should Apple.

However, I really do want to steer clear of the school playground mine's better than yours arguments as it's that type of post which destroys threads such as this.

I posted relevant on-topic information, in a polite way. I think you're not seeing the whole picture. And if you don't want opinions counter to your own, you should post on your own blog, not a public forum.
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It's very much a selling point to me that current Apple phones can't be hacked easily by even first world govt agencies with unlimited resources. I don't care, and can't control, what phones criminals use or prefer.

You will care when terrorist plotting plan hijack using iPhone and your family member is in there. You will care when terrorist plotting mess shooting and you or your family member being killed. You will crying and blaming government not able to preventing their plot.

I am all favourite of government has some short of ability to hack into people's phone. I don't give crap when government hack into my phone, I got nothing in my phone anyway.

I don't store my most important financial information on my phone, I don't store any sensitive information on the phone. I wrote down and lock into my drawer.
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It's very much a selling point to me that current Apple phones can't be hacked easily by even first world govt agencies with unlimited resources. I don't care, and can't control, what phones criminals use or prefer, and neither should Apple.

I posted relevant on-topic information, in a polite way. I think you're not seeing the whole picture. And if you don't want opinions counter to your own, you should post on your own blog, not a public forum.

This thread is about Mr and Mrs Average and their smartphones - Mr and Mrs Average aren't much interested in the security that's obviously exorcising your mind. Sorry but you are simply trying to turn this thread into another dick waving exercise.
I would be equally comfortable using either platform. What keeps me on iPhone is iMessage, Facetime, and my whole family uses iPhones. I am not loyal to any one brand. For now the iPhone covers all our needs.
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