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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 18, 2010

I have an iPhone 6 for work and my iPhone X and cannot use the X for navigation any more.

The X is often confused as to what road I am on and constantly reroutes. I compared my route home on a highway and the 6 correctly showed my route home whereas the X said I was on a sidestreet 2 blocks west and kept on rerouting me via local streets.

I have tried the figure 8 method to recalibrate the X compass.

What else could be going on?

I noticed the GPS was kinda getting things wrong when I first got it on release day. Now I think it's getting worse. I have screen grabs of both phones during my last trip and the X is comically off target by about 2 blocks.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Take it to the Apple store if calibration didn’t help. Some people have reported issues with the GPS module on the X.
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macrumors member
Jan 30, 2018
Not so new Jersey
Same issue.
Do a search (off this forum), you will see many others complaining of GPS problems with iPhone X.
Mine only works if perfectly still. Once moving the thing goes nuts and is completely unusable.
Just saying.


macrumors 68030
Sep 3, 2009
I have 0 issues with my iPhone X on the latest version of iOS. I use Google Maps on it all the time for directions and have not had an issue. Bring it to the Apple Store.


macrumors member
Jan 30, 2018
Not so new Jersey
I have 0 issues with my iPhone X on the latest version of iOS. I use Google Maps on it all the time for directions and have not had an issue. Bring it to the Apple Store.
I will have a replacement ‘X’ tomorrow. I really, really, hope this one simply works.
Fortunately my old 6s+ is absolutely flawless so I do NOT have to rely on my current X.

I’ll report back shortly.
And fingers crossed I don’t get two crap X phones in a row! o_O
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macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2010
San Diego, CA
I've had issues by my work a few times while using Waze. Not sure if it's the X, or just the location around my work. No tall buildings around here either, as it's a pretty wide open space.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2016
I am on my third iPhone X- all three have the same issue. FWIW, I only use mapping to get from point A to B on foot- so this is not an interference issue due to its position in the car in my case.

I have pretty much given up on seeing this resolved after being in touch with apple support/engineering ever since the phone came out.
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macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2018
Hopefully the next update will resolve this issue. I feel like Apple needs to send an iOS update just for the X!


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2016
I am on my fourth iPhone X- I only use GPS on foot and it’s been a horrible experience. I have been in touch with Apple support/engineering since the very beginning and have pretty much lost all hope that this will get fixed.

This is the first iPhone model I have had that is suffering from GPS issues.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2018
I am on my fourth iPhone X- I only use GPS on foot and it’s been a horrible experience. I have been in touch with Apple support/engineering since the very beginning and have pretty much lost all hope that this will get fixed.

This is the first iPhone model I have had that is suffering from GPS issues.

if this happens with mine when I get it, guess I will use google maps or Waze.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2018
I don't think it's a software issue.

If this is a widespread issue, then I hope they do something. I feel like GPS is pretty important on the phone and it should work properly. What a shame. Guess when I get the X, I will download Waze.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
My gps is hit or miss on my X. Sometimes it’s right on and others it’s about as accurate as my iMac or wifi only Air2. My 6S is always spot on. All devices are on 11.2.5.


macrumors member
Jan 30, 2018
Not so new Jersey
In reference to my earlier post...

I did receive a new <cough-cough> refurbished iPhone X from Verizon to replace my original POS iPhone X that I first purchased on December 18th.

During my initial tests this refurbished X does appear to have a properly functioning GPS.
Unfortunately the acid test will be when I am away from home on the road and I really need the GPS to work properly.

Will it work when I really need it?
I sure hope so because carrying around two phones (because the X is so buggy) is really starting to get old.



macrumors member
Jan 30, 2018
Not so new Jersey
Crap GPS Update. . .
I was traveling between Manhattan and Princeton today at about 45 MPH and as I neared my destination I tried to use my (second) new iPhone-X to get map directions and it did NOT work.
It has the exact same problem as my first iPhone X: No GPS Function while moving.

This is the second new 'garbage' iPhone X I have been sent by my carrier!

I eventually found a place to pull off the highway and came to a full stop knowing that if I came to a STOP my iPhone-X would eventually find itself and then the GPS related map functions would work long enough to at least show a good route to my destination.

This is so upsetting. Two crap 'X' phones in a row!
Now I have to once again go back to using my old reliable iPhone 6s+

This week I will go to my local Apple Store to tell my weary tale and they will undoubtedly patronize me and act as if the phone is absolutely fine and it's "me" that is defective.

Update to follow.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Nov 19, 2017
I have had issues with my GPS as well. Here is my thread:

I downloaded an app called GPSdiagnostic which gives me visibility of how the GPS system is functioning on the phone. I am thinking that when the updates are not working the GPS is simply not functional. With that app I can see the update frequency of location data. When the phone is on Cellular/Wi-fi/Bluetooth for location data it updates about every 6-8 seconds. Once it gets a GPS fix it updates every second. My plan is to activate this app the next time my GPS gets screwy and see what the data source is looking like.


macrumors member
Jan 30, 2018
Not so new Jersey
I have had issues with my GPS as well. Here is my thread:

I downloaded an app called GPSdiagnostic which gives me visibility of how the GPS system is functioning on the phone. I am thinking that when the updates are not working the GPS is simply not functional. With that app I can see the update frequency of location data. When the phone is on Cellular/Wi-fi/Bluetooth for location data it updates about every 6-8 seconds. Once it gets a GPS fix it updates every second. My plan is to activate this app the next time my GPS gets screwy and see what the data source is looking like.
Great info right there!
Thank you for posting jwzimm. :)
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