I've been with my 6S for 2 years now, and I really dislike it. Battery life is bad, it gets excessively hot(Which is the why the battery is trash), it's ugly, it's easy to break. To put it lightly, it was sad compared to the amazing quality of my previous 4S. I finally got an SE running after a long waiting period for locating what I needed to piece it together. Now I have a phone that's basically new to free up time to make a decision on iPhone X or 8 to replace my 6S.
From everything that I've seen, it looks like the majority like it, which surprises me a little. My friend says that he can't go back to an older iPhone, it's just that good. He's always talking about the gestures and things, which I basically get with my 6S. Those of you on 11 that use 3D touch with the app switcher non-stop know what I'm talking about. If you are on 10, you won't understand, because the switcher on 10 is quite inferior to 11's.
I want to hear from more people about the X. Here are my questions I'd love to be answered with nice detail:
What's wrong with it?
What's amazing about it?
How's the build quality?
Overall, is it worth it?
I'm curious. I really want to get a new iPhone to replace this tin can I have, so I want to know if it's good from other people's views. I will of course have a look at a demo at a store, and then make up my mind from a demo, and the feedback I've heard. That's just typically how I do it, don't judge lol.
From everything that I've seen, it looks like the majority like it, which surprises me a little. My friend says that he can't go back to an older iPhone, it's just that good. He's always talking about the gestures and things, which I basically get with my 6S. Those of you on 11 that use 3D touch with the app switcher non-stop know what I'm talking about. If you are on 10, you won't understand, because the switcher on 10 is quite inferior to 11's.
I want to hear from more people about the X. Here are my questions I'd love to be answered with nice detail:
What's wrong with it?
What's amazing about it?
How's the build quality?
Overall, is it worth it?
I'm curious. I really want to get a new iPhone to replace this tin can I have, so I want to know if it's good from other people's views. I will of course have a look at a demo at a store, and then make up my mind from a demo, and the feedback I've heard. That's just typically how I do it, don't judge lol.