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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 27, 2008
All of the sudden my iPhone X's proximity sensor started acting up. Moving my hand 2-3 inches above the screen causes the screen to turn on and off. This happens no matter what app I'm using. Browsing safari, watching movies (local or streamed) typing emails all cause this behaviour. Did I switch a setting unknowingly or is this behaviour anyone else is seeing?

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
All of the sudden my iPhone X's proximity sensor started acting up. Moving my hand 2-3 inches above the screen causes the screen to turn on and off. This happens no matter what app I'm using. Browsing safari, watching movies (local or streamed) typing emails all cause this behaviour. Did I switch a setting unknowingly or is this behaviour anyone else is seeing?

There was one other member I saw in this forum having the same exact problem. This would be a hardware problem and you would only need to show them at the Apple store and they would fix or replace. The sensor should only work while on the phone.

Update: Went back and searched and it was a 7+ with the sensor problem:


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2018
All of the sudden my iPhone X's proximity sensor started acting up. Moving my hand 2-3 inches above the screen causes the screen to turn on and off. This happens no matter what app I'm using. Browsing safari, watching movies (local or streamed) typing emails all cause this behaviour. Did I switch a setting unknowingly or is this behaviour anyone else is seeing?

I’ve had the same issue since the newest update! I hope the next update fixes it. What did the Apple store do/ say?


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2017
I’ve had the same issue since the newest update! I hope the next update fixes it. What did the Apple store do/ say?

curious too. My X just seems to have started sometime in the past week with this proximity issue. Beyond annoying and disruptive to use the phone now. I hate the X more and more each month.

Want to know if they replaced the phone or had some other fix short of that.
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