He's British and there's no CE marks on the back
My badIt seems he’s in the US. One of the phones he’s holding says Verizon and the X says ATT.
Wish they kept the headphone jack.... from the chap with 200 pairs of headphones on his wall.....
I’m wondering if he is a special case, considering what he said about his review of the very first iPhone.
Another hand on. Seems like Apple invited some youtubers to test in NYC ahead of release.
I'm surprised Wired posted anything as we've heard the 11/1 is when the NDA lifts for media outlets who received review units from Apple.
that looks like the new(ish) Kickstarter location in Greenpoint.My first impression was that he's in NYC.
My least favorite one so far. Only because I instantly disliked the guy in the hat haha.