Hi all ... I just spent 30 minute and figure out this Math might help us feel relax and not concerning out of stock on preorder day ....
- 3.000.000 iphone x will shipment from Fox Com nov 3rd
- 500 apple store retail worldwild
(Estimate) >> apple will divide for every store amount 500 of 3,000,000 )
3,000,000 * 500 = 6,000 iphone x avail >> >> each store
6,000 avail for preorder each retailer store
Mchigan state = 9,000,000 population totally
9,000 people let say max 2,000,000 will care iphone purchased
2,000,000 * 6,000 = estimate approx >> ( 300 )
Totally = ::::::: 300 iphone X :::::
So michigan my state live has around 4 apple store
300*4 = :::: 75 iphone X :::::
75 iphone X divide for 2 size 64gb/256gb = :::::: 37 each :::::
::::: 37 iphone X :::::::
So the first 37 people who buying pickup will has chance to get it .....
:::::: 1 munite has 60 second ::::::::
60 second>> of 37 iphone X
@@@@@ iphone X will sell quickly in a minute guys @@@@@
Who agree my math ????
this is my guess math and i understand isnt sure if stock count like my way
but i think this should help us know how going on now ......
whoever interesting my math idea can used it and calculate where your area could help for hope ,
Thanks for join /
- 3.000.000 iphone x will shipment from Fox Com nov 3rd
- 500 apple store retail worldwild
(Estimate) >> apple will divide for every store amount 500 of 3,000,000 )
3,000,000 * 500 = 6,000 iphone x avail >> >> each store
6,000 avail for preorder each retailer store
Mchigan state = 9,000,000 population totally
9,000 people let say max 2,000,000 will care iphone purchased
2,000,000 * 6,000 = estimate approx >> ( 300 )
Totally = ::::::: 300 iphone X :::::
So michigan my state live has around 4 apple store
300*4 = :::: 75 iphone X :::::
75 iphone X divide for 2 size 64gb/256gb = :::::: 37 each :::::
::::: 37 iphone X :::::::
So the first 37 people who buying pickup will has chance to get it .....
:::::: 1 munite has 60 second ::::::::
60 second>> of 37 iphone X
@@@@@ iphone X will sell quickly in a minute guys @@@@@
Who agree my math ????
this is my guess math and i understand isnt sure if stock count like my way
but i think this should help us know how going on now ......
whoever interesting my math idea can used it and calculate where your area could help for hope ,
Thanks for join /