I was reading something on MacRumors and came upon this..
I would be really surprised if my PS2 is more powerful than my MacBook and iMac.
he meant modern computer technology. the PS2 technical specs are still ahead of anything a computer could put out. thing is, game consoles are made solely to play GAMES~ wereas computers are much more complicated. if you COULD take the processor and everything else from a PS2 and put into a computer- you'd have a very, very fast computer on your hands. thing is, we can't- yet.
furthermore, yes, the 360 is superior to the PS2. but the same thing still applies. if you could take a 360 processor and put it into a computer it'd be far ahead ahead of a current top-of-the-line computer. but, it's not that simple, unfortunately.
The processors that game consoles use are very specialized at multithreading and are able to process a lot very quickly, though they aren't as suited for conventional computing as the processors used in a MacBook Pro, for example. Modern technology is still unable to rival the processing power of a PS2, so emulators for consoles are released many many years after it has become more or less obsolete. The game consoles of today are insanely powerful, but they are too hot and power hungry for practical use in computers, therefore to answer your question, PS3 > Xbox 360 > MacBook Pro.
I would be really surprised if my PS2 is more powerful than my MacBook and iMac.