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One of the best in elegance & design absolutely capable, the new models are completely ugly remind me of an Android Phone and to make things even worse with many issues Bendgate, Crescentgate, excesive Noise Reduction (This was my main concern) in photos and so on... I'm right now using proudly my iPhone 5S 64Gb Space Gray not thinking on upgrading.

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I'm currently using a 5s, my wife is as well and it's a great phone still. Runs iOS9 great and we will probably be upgrading when the iPhone 7 comes out. To expensive for us currently here in Canada.
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This October I have my 5s for two years, and I still love it. I recently got the iPad Air 2 and noticed show snappy with iOS9 it is. But holding the phone right next to it, there's no real performance issues on the 5s, iOS8 and even better, iOS9 are doing great. Games don't lag for me, work stuff .. works great. Media consumption is still fantastic. I see on reason to upgrade to another phone if we talk about 'performance'.

I have a few friends with the 5s and asked them, they do not like the 6 design and say because their 5s is fast (i mean, it is 64bit and performing great because of it in my opinion) they really don't feel a reason to upgrade until the 7.

Personally I upgrade, because I love technology and I "want it". If money wasn't an issue for me, I'd have a new phone when it comes out. So I choose carefully, but if I wouldn't have saved up some cash for the 6sp, I would gladly stick to the 5s. I don't ever use a case, and I have no scratches or damages on it what so ever, so visually , or wear / tear , or whatever. I see no reason. I can only assume that the hardware inside of it will get properly stressed when we move to iOS10.
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It's not only good, its such a great phone indeed. I still use iPhone 5, that itself is really fast even with iOS 8. Though pre-ordering 6S in 8 hrs not for the performace lag but just wanted to change after 3 years, so giving it to my father and he can use that another couple of years easily.

Wife uses Gold 5S, that's a masterpiece and she plan to use it for atleast another year or two as it's smoother than some of my friends 6/6+ tbh. I like her 5S design more than 6/6S.
As an owner of the iPhone 6, I wish I bought the 5S instead. The 6 is just too big and doesn't offer any real advantages over its predecessor.

I'm ditching the iPhone entirely when I upgrade next.
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As an owner of the iPhone 6, I wish I bought the 5S instead. The 6 is just too big and doesn't offer any real advantages over its predecessor.

I'm ditching the iPhone entirely when I upgrade next.
I am sorry to hear that. Personally I wouldn't mind if the 7 would be a bit more 'industrial' design like the 4/5, than the 'Android' design the 6 introduced. (I don't know what they were thinking with that ugly ugly backplate).
For me, the apps, the experience, the operating system .. iOS is a reason for me to not ditch Apple phones.
Oh 5S owners, if you are troubled by IOS 9 GM, get on the 9.1 beta or hold out for 9.1. The GM was a mess on my 5S (ran hot, laggy, battery life dropped). But 9.1 is super smooth. Like a brand new phone. Could have just been my experience but I am seeing others say the same over in IOS9 forum as well.
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For me, the apps, the experience, the operating system .. iOS is a reason for me to not ditch Apple phones.

iOS is the only reason I purchased the iPhone in the first place; it plays nice with OS X. That said, even iOS is beginning to roll downhill. The new Apple Music app is simply atrocious, and it's impossible to navigate if you're listening to music while driving. Apple maps is emabrassingly bad, and Apple hasn't introduced any real 'must have' features in recent memory. The fingerprint sensor fails to recognize my fingerprint 75% of the time. And don't get me stareted on Siri. That gimmick cannot interpret a single sentence correctly. I'll ask it call Charlie on his mobile phone and it will dial the number of someone else instead. I don't even have an accent -- I was born and raised in Canada. It's honestly the most frustrating experience I've ever had with a phone.

It's simply not worth the money -- at least not anymore.
iOS is the only reason I purchased the iPhone in the first place; it plays nice with OS X. That said, even iOS is beginning to roll downhill. The new Apple Music app is simply atrocious, and it's impossible to navigate if you're listening to music while driving. Apple maps is emabrassingly bad, and Apple hasn't introduced any real 'must have' features in recent memory. The finger print sensor fails to recognize my fingerprint 75% of the time. It's honestly the most frustrating experience I've ever had with a phone.

It's simply not worth the money -- at least not anymore.
I have eye sight, but am considered officially blind. I use the phone as my travel buddy that I now don't have to pay a ticket for. I switch between Google Maps and Apple Maps a lot, as both as equally disappointing. But oh so helpful.

Siri is just .. ignorant. The most logical human responses - especially the follow-up questions seem impossible. (iOS9 fixes a lot of this, and the TV OS from Apple seems promising, hopefully that 'content aware' searching leaks over to iOS.

The music app has never been nice, except when you use siri. To be honest, I listen more to podcasts with Downcast than music, if I use music, it's through third-party apps, not Apple's apps (which 9 out of 10 are in a folder called "Archive").

The finger print works 99/100 times for me, the one time it doesn't work is if I just done dishes or had a shower.

Different experiences, different use cases. But I do not believe that if I switch to Android platform (I wouldn't even consider something else to be honest), that I would get an any better experience. The Google apps I'd get there, I already use on iOS, like Gmail, GMaps, etc.

And final thought, sorry if it's a bit off topic. The people around me that told me I was just a fan boi and they stick to Android, they're all Apple phone users now. For me it would feel like a downgrade. Still does. But boy does their OS get better and better, and I am glad it is.
The 5s is still a very capable phone but I would not buy one on contract or on a MPP. I'd get a used, off contract one for now because it's not worth being locked into a 2-year agreement for a 2 year old phone.

I know two people right now who are still using iPhone 5ses, but both are upgrading this month. One is getting the iPhone 6s Plus like me and the other is getting my old phone (6 Plus).
Of course its still good!

Its very close in power to an iPhone 6/6+ and close in features. In my experience, it runs iOS 8 better and smoother than the iPhone 6+

You wouldn't call the iPhone 6 outdated, would you?
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iOS is the only reason I purchased the iPhone in the first place; it plays nice with OS X. That said, even iOS is beginning to roll downhill. The new Apple Music app is simply atrocious, and it's impossible to navigate if you're listening to music while driving. Apple maps is emabrassingly bad, and Apple hasn't introduced any real 'must have' features in recent memory. The fingerprint sensor fails to recognize my fingerprint 75% of the time. And don't get me stareted on Siri. That gimmick cannot interpret a single sentence correctly. I'll ask it call Charlie on his mobile phone and it will dial the number of someone else instead. I don't even have an accent -- I was born and raised in Canada. It's honestly the most frustrating experience I've ever had with a phone.

It's simply not worth the money -- at least not anymore.
You have a Canadian
My 2 cents: I am very happy with my 5s and if it had NFC and I could use Apple Pay I would have no need to change it. It is not as tough as my 4s (which I use like an iPOD touch at the gym) but I am using iOS 9 without a problem. Others seem to have problems with the fingerprint sensor -my old phone got replaced because of it- with the new one, a simple cleanup every once in a while with an alcohol swab seems to do the trick. I use an app called CarAudioDeck and that takes care of the weird music app in iOS 8. Siri understands me well enough, it just does what it wants rather than what I ask if there is any ambiguity in the instructions I give it but that won't change with the new phone. I imagine nope7308 will soon switch to something else because he seems to have found all sorts of negatives to dwell on. Myself, I love the security and then, now, and hopefully when the 7s comes out will still "just work". So unless you need NFC and don't wear a watch, the 5s will do you just fine.
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