Hey all,
I'm fine with the direction of the specs, price could have been a bit more competitive. 32 GB would have been a nice option, but that will be coming in the near future no doubt.
Include a multi port dongle, to keep things working out of the box with peripherals, and do a just a bit better on the price.
As current power is kinda capped by intel, it would be interesting if they did an additional fast Arm chip. X86! etc..wait...
This chip would be specifically for Apple only apps like iWork or iLife stuff like photos, iTunes maybe, so that Apple could work on that software without breaking 3rd party software for other people. So not a replacement for x86, but a complement.
This may also allow completely separate CPU overhead, so even if your rendering on all 4 cores, if you wanted to use iTunes, do something in photos, you wouldn't be worried about taking the power away or jinxing whatever you are doing.
This way apple can still get performance gains on their own terms. Just a fantasy idea, but you get the gist.
Include their own, breakaway mag safe cable, like the 3rd party ones but done from apple. So we still get mag safe. I just miss that too much.
Would love some decent speakers too not a big deal but last gen ones are terrible, I hear the new ones are much better and waiting to see what the 15inch sounds like.
2nd Edit:
Really getting out there.
Create a dock or eGPU peripheral, so those who want to game or need top power can do so, but I think this would take away from the Mac Pro line and it wouldn't be very portable.
" Introducing the Mac PowerUp, use any video card and plug it in, and connect to your Mac. Just works "
3rd Edit: (hey I'm king of apple for the day right.) This is mostly just for me.
Put back the power sleep/light, something subtle that also can give battery status like the old ones, but mostly because liked the feeling of it being organic. Something about it I just miss.
4th: Include the TV app integrated that works with remote, essentially bringing a form of "Front Row" back. member that!