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Jan 18, 2005
How the hell does Ben end up in the middle of the desert wearing a winter parka? Does Locke protect the Island for Ben while he's out hunting Whidmore's people?

Bizarely I had a dream a long time ago, think it was during series 3, where Jack and some others had escaped the island but ended up in a desert wearing artic tundra style clothing. Probably posted it somewhere in this thread!

Really enjoyed this ep. Reminded me why I love Lost so after that 4 week break. Thought Claire was a gonner, what with Kate looking after her baby in the future. They set me right up with that trap :p

But for me the smoke monster stole all my thoughts. Ben seemingly called it in? They were also safe from it? I'd just like to know what it's supposed to be!


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
They have two more seasons and they're not allowed to raise new questions? All of your questions are new as of this episode. There are several questions they promised to answer by this season's finale, but not all. The finale is going to be when the O6 get rescued. We'll know how they are rescued, how the rest of the world take it, and who lives on the Island still. The rest we can only speculate on.

They've only got something like 43 episodes left to air. They have more than enough questions to answer without raising half a dozen more questions each episode.

They could have at least thrown us a bone when Ben was asked about the smoke monster but all we got was a postponement until next episode at the earliest at which point they will have forgotten the questions they want to ask Jacob.


macrumors 68020
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
While I was cutting out the commercials from the file, I noticed that when Ben wakes up in the desert he is 'steaming.' They put in some digital steam coming off of him. I wonder if it is like the time travel electricity orbs from Terminator?

Also, it's my guess that what we saw as a flash forward wasn't a flash forward at all, but all that happened when Ben entered that Aztec looking room. He came out a few moment later, but could have been gone for days.



macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2004
Luton. Lutonshire.
Also, it's my guess that what we saw as a flash forward wasn't a flash forward at all, but all that happened when Ben entered that Aztec looking room. He came out a few moment later, but could have been gone for days.


I like it, except for the fact that he had no facial injuries.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
While I was cutting out the commercials from the file, I noticed that when Ben wakes up in the desert he is 'steaming.' They put in some digital steam coming off of him. I wonder if it is like the time travel electricity orbs from Terminator?

Also, it's my guess that what we saw as a flash forward wasn't a flash forward at all, but all that happened when Ben entered that Aztec looking room. He came out a few moment later, but could have been gone for days.


Well he did have to confirm the year (2005) with the hotel clerk.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2004
Luton. Lutonshire.
Well he did have to confirm the year (2005) with the hotel clerk.

He also had a piece of cloth wrapped around his (gunshot?) wound on his arm, where did it come from and where did it go when he walked back into the living room on the island, also his facial injuries were the same as when he left the room through the hidden door, when he went to see Widmore he looked perfectly healthy.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
He also had a piece of cloth wrapped around his (gunshot?) wound on his arm, where did it come from and where did it go when he walked back into the living room on the island, also his facial injuries were the same as when he left the room through the hidden door, when he went to see Widmore he looked perfectly healthy.

Yeah, I realized that stuff and wasn't trying to lend credence to the time travel from the back room theory, just the time travel aspect of it.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2004
Luton. Lutonshire.
Yeah, I realized that stuff and wasn't trying to lend credence to the time travel from the back room theory, just the time travel aspect of it.

Ah, sorry chap, Ben definitely didn't know what year it was which was strange as was waking up in a desert wearing a parka. Lost can be annoying and enjoyable at the same time, this episode was one of them.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2001
Tiger Bay
Ben gives his name as Dean Moriarty to the hotel clerk.
Any clues in the name?
Dean Moriarty is a character in "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac.
Or just a nod to a book?

I wonder if On The Road was read in the others book club?


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Ben gives his name as Dean Moriarty to the hotel clerk.
Any clues in the name?
Dean Moriarty is a character in "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac.
Or just a nod to a book?

I wonder if On The Road was read in the others book club?

Moriarty was Sherlock Holmes' nemesis. It's been used in so many films as an alias. Lost seems to abound with references that really don't go anywhere - just the writers having a bit of fun.

Mac OS X Ocelot

macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2005
Also, it's my guess that what we saw as a flash forward wasn't a flash forward at all, but all that happened when Ben entered that Aztec looking room. He came out a few moment later, but could have been gone for days.


That seems to be a popular theory that I don't like and occured to me at first then I quickly brushed it aside. I believe that he was placed in the desert by the Orchid station (the producers said it will come in play soon and that it's very important) but not when he went into the "Aztec room." I think when the O6 are rescued (probably by Penny--she's looking for Desmond and has the right coords now) Ben will remain on the Island and then use the Orchid to get off the Island and into the future. Also, I don't know if it was mentioned in this thread, but a number of people are bringing up the Dharma bear that Charlotte found in the desert in Tunisia (which is the country in which Ben appeared).


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
In reference to who's in the coffin, I have something to add to the speculation... Due to the "popularity" of the Oceanic 6 with the press, who ever was in the coffin wasn't part of that group, otherwise you'd expect reporters (or in-story news references to the funeral). Again, just a thought.

Ben gives his name as Dean Moriarty to the hotel clerk.
Any clues in the name?
Dean Moriarty is a character in "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac.
Or just a nod to a book?

I wonder if On The Road was read in the others book club?
Moriarty was Sherlock Holmes' nemesis. It's been used in so many films as an alias. Lost seems to abound with references that really don't go anywhere - just the writers having a bit of fun.
Ah but the fun is that these references could go somewhere or foreshadow plot details. The pain is that we are left dangling for so long we forget!

Mac OS X Ocelot

macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2005
In reference to who's in the coffin, I have something to add to the speculation... Due to the "popularity" of the Oceanic 6 with the press, who ever was in the coffin wasn't part of that group, otherwise you'd expect reporters (or in-story news references to the funeral).

The current biggest theory is Michael. He's not an O6 member because he used a fake name.

Well that episode felt like a complete waste of 42min...

It was only 22 minutes. And I'm guessing you're one of those people that hate on things because everyone else said it was one of the best. If nothing else, it advanced the plot of Lost, so if you enjoy Lost in general it wasn't a waste.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2007
Ben gives his name as Dean Moriarty to the hotel clerk.
Any clues in the name?
Dean Moriarty is a character in "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac.
Or just a nod to a book?

I wonder if On The Road was read in the others book club?

THAT'S where it's from! I heard it and I couldn't remember, I thought it was a Lost name but I couldn't figure it out. Haha, that was going to bug me.
Well that episode felt like a complete waste of 42min...
I couldn't disagree with you anymore.

That was really a great episode, one of the best of the season. I think it's pretty obvious that Ben has something to do with the Smoke monster appearing and its actions. What exactly? Who knows, but at least we got another piece to that puzzle.

I think the rules are either no innocent people are killed or no family members are killed. Probably the latter since Ben didn't say anything when the random Losties were killed. But when Alex was killed :)() then he said it.

I thought Ben had "warped" to Tunisia because of his expressions, the way that scene was shot, the fact that he was wearing Wickman's(I think that's his name) jacket and that the Dharma logo was all swirly, lol. I don't remember if we've seen the Orchid's logo but that could be it and we know something's up with the orchid and those bunnies.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2001
Tiger Bay
Moriarty was Sherlock Holmes' nemesis. It's been used in so many films as an alias. Lost seems to abound with references that really don't go anywhere - just the writers having a bit of fun.

Ben has a bit of all sorts of moriarty in him........

dean moriarty........based on neal cassady, a person fixated on intellectualism. women and a dodgy father.

Professor moriarty........mastermind of all english criminals, genius.

count jim moriarty......(goons character aka spike milligan,) eats out of garbage cans, "Sapristi nabolis"

I'm hoping for more of count jim moriarty to be seen in benjamin:p


Oct 27, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
What, did no one watch last night's episode or something?

I realized that near the end of the episode, when Jack told Kate: "You aren't even related to him (Aaron)", it had a double meaning.

He was reminding Kate that she is not Aaron's mother, and also reminding her that he is actually related to Aaron. Jack must have found out that Claire is his half-sister.

Good episode last night.


Jan 18, 2005
After last weeks episode I wasn't too happy with this one. But I think I'm just getting bored of Jack, tbh I don't really care about what happens with that character now.


macrumors regular
May 2, 2008
tampa, florida
YAY! other Lost Addicts :D

man this forum keeps getting better and better everyday!

is there anything else that would lead to proving that in fact Claire and Jack are related?


macrumors regular
May 2, 2008
tampa, florida
yeah i realize that not... i had completely forgot about that episode.

man there's sooo many little facts and connections between the characters... hard to track it all! haha

i'm anxious to see what happened to claire... and why she doesn't make it off the island.
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