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macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2012
Boston, MA
Apple should have made a distinguishable pre-paid phone a long time ago to separate the markets. A mass produced pre-paid phone with minimum specs could probably be usable and my guess priced at $350


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Do you own a unibody MBP? If so, wouldn't it hurt just a bit if it turned into plastic one day? :)

I don't think that's a valid comparison.

For one thing, the aluminium on a MBP accounts for a much greater percentage of the surface area than the aluminium on a phone (given the whole front face of a phone is is glass).

Another factor is that many people put their phones in cases, in which case it doesn't really matter what the phone is made from an aesthetics point of view.

Lastly, i'm not holding my MBP. I actually think contoured polycarbonate feels better to hold when compared to cold metal with hard edges.

But in answer to your question, hell yes. I love my unibody MBP.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
You seem to want to turn this into a fight (which I've had with you before and would like to avoid if that's okay.)

No, I'm just taking exception to this "hurt" word you keep throwing around. Are you really "hurt" by materials in consumable devices ?

But I will say this… The purely logical side of my brain might be happy with a plastic MBP. The same part of my brain might be fine if all houses were built of red brick (I mean, who really needs all those interesting materials and colours?)

My house is built of red bricks... I choose it over one built out of stone, or wood, or ... vinyl laminates (you know, 'plastic'). And frankly, I like the look of Red bricks a lot. What is your problem with red bricks ? I find gray or pink bricks ugly as sin if you ask me and would never want a house built out of them.

if plants reproduced without decorating the world with flowers, and if women looked like men.

Sorry, are you equating materials of consumer human built products with the beauties of nature ?

Yes, I'm going to have to turn this into a fight if you don't stop equating unimportant things like man made consumables to things that actually matter like the beauty of the nature that surrounds us. I think you need to strongly sit down and evaluate some priorities there...


You seem to be making a good argument for sticking with aluminium! :)

Hey, I like aluminium. It's good stuff, and I'd prefer having all my computer junk made out of it. Thing is, just because it's nice and Apple uses it for the vast majority of their products doesn't make plastic the crappy, cheap alternative.

If anything, I'd say the "expense" of using aluminium over plastic comes from the milling process. Plastics are much more malleable, and can be molded into a variety of shapes quite easily. Aluminium? They have to run it all through a shop to have it hollowed out and laser cut into shape. I'm thinking that probably costs a lot more money to do.

But that doesn't change the fact that the end results are still two products made out of two equally cheap materials. Aluminium is far from premium.


macrumors 68000
May 17, 2010
No, I'm just taking exception to this "hurt" word you keep throwing around. Are you really "hurt" by materials in consumable devices ?

I thought the words 'just a bit' and the smiley face at the end might have given it away.

My house is built of red bricks... I choose it over one built out of stone, or wood, or ... vinyl laminates (you know, 'plastic'). And frankly, I like the look of Red bricks a lot. What is your problem with red bricks ? I find gray or pink bricks ugly as sin if you ask me and would never want a house built out of them.

Okay, now I can't tell if you're being funny or serious here. I could have picked grey bricks, or weatherboard, or something else, but I suppose I picked on red bricks because my ugly old high-school was made of red bricks, and I've had an aversion to them ever since. No offence intended!

Sorry, are you equating materials of consumer human built products with the beauties of nature ?

Yes, I'm going to have to turn this into a fight if you don't stop equating unimportant things like man made consumables to things that actually matter like the beauty of the nature that surrounds us. I think you need to strongly sit down and evaluate some priorities there...

So are you saying 'human built products' shouldn't aspire to beauty in any way?


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
As an AAPL shareholder, I'm all for a cheaper iPhone if it'll boost sales and profits. I'd also welcome a cheaper device - current upgrade costs from the carriers mid-contract are too high. And the iPhone's "exclusivity" factor disappeared long ago.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2011
I still don't understand the point of this when you can get an iPhone 4 for free or a 4S for $100. Plus you get fancy glass and aluminum enclosures with those two.

some people like saving money. (in the US) if i pay upfront for an iPhone 4, it's $450. I can put it on any number of unlimited talk & text + ~2gb plans starting at $30/month.

total cost of iPhone after 2 years: $1170

now an iPhone 4 is free on contract. but unlimited talk & text + ~2gb plans start at about $100/month.

total cost of iPhone on contract: $2400

the contract price is more than double. that said, prepaid service is generally inferior to that of contract plans, but the $1000+ savings is enough for many to overlook this.

Then, there are people like myself, who don't want a data plan at all but still want the iPhone for voice/text & data use on wifi. as far as i know, there are no contract plans that come without data for the iPhone. so i'd be forced in to buying a plan i don't want.


macrumors 68000
May 17, 2010
But that doesn't change the fact that the end results are still two products made out of two equally cheap materials. Aluminium is far from premium.

You're probably right. I'm guessing it's the manufacturing process that costs extra too. Another benefit (I think) is it's recyclability. Plastics can be recycled too of course, but I happen to know that aluminium is highly valued by the recycling companies around here, so there must be something to that.


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2012
You don't know a lot of wealthy people then. I do and they get tossed items people consider indispensible and weren't even asked if they wanted them. iPhones being one of them.

Ok, some things are free for some people (normally the ones who are dirty rich and are the people who actually can buy whatever they want without caring). But out of the world's population they are in quite a minority, agree? And I think most of us agree that we don't know a lot of wealthy people. So if we can disregard from them it wouldn't be horribly wrong to say that in the majority of the cases nothing is completely free.

And I would also like to know where the store is located where you can just go in and be handed a iPhone 4 completely free (no extra charge) or a 4S for $100.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada

I thought the words 'just a bit' and the smiley face at the end might have given it away.

Hyperbole is an exageration. Hurt is just the wrong word. I'm not "hurt" at all, not even a tiny little bit, by consummer devices and their materials. Hence my objection to your use of the word, at all.

Okay, now I can't tell if you're being funny or serious here. I could have picked grey bricks, or weatherboard, or something else, but I suppose I picked on red bricks because my ugly old high-school was made of red bricks, and I've had an aversion to them ever since. No offence intended!

I'm dead serious, I like my house and its cozy red bricks. My first school was made out of red bricks and I enjoyed the time I spent there a lot with my friends. The simpler days, how I long for them. :(

So are you saying 'human built products' shouldn't aspire to beauty in any way?

They can if they want to, I don't have to care or be "hurt" by it. Frankly, I don't really give a damn as long as they are functional. Equating that to flowers, nature and women is just daft in my mind.

My HP elitebook is made out of plastic, feels as sturdy and well built as my MacBooks. The Polycarbonate Unibody MacBook was pretty sturdy and had a nice feel (especially liked the rubber bottom) even though I didn't own one (that's when I got the MacBook Air). All of it was functional, so who really cares what it looks like ?

Do you care that your hammer is a thing of beauty or do you just want it to drive nails in ?

Muscle Master

macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2010
I don't like it, does BMW use cheaper material to make cars more affordable to people? No they make top cars.


The ignorance... In Germany they do. You can get a 3 or 5 series with CLOTH SEATS

We are snobs in America and see BMW as a status symbol. Doesn't bother them none.. More money in their bank


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada

It was never even debunked. Phil Schiller never said they wouldn't make a low cost iPhone, only that Apple wouldn't sacrifice quality.

Last time I checked, Apple uses plastic in a lot of their stuff (again, Airport products, the Time Capsules, Mac accessories like chargers and adapters, the Apple TV) and these are quality products and Apple makes low cost product lines like the iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPad Mini, Mac Mini, etc..

So essentially, Phil Schiller wasn't debunking crap, he was saying "stop fretting about it, if we do make a low cost iPhone, it'll be the same Apple quality you've come to expect and we'll make it work at a lower pricepoint".

Mr Darcy

macrumors newbie
Jan 1, 2013
Do you own a unibody MBP? If so, wouldn't it hurt just a bit if it turned into plastic one day? :)

An aluminium notebook spontaneously turning itself into one made out of plastic?

Now that truly would be a sight to behold.

Almost ...

Dare I say it?



macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
The ignorance... In Germany they do. You can get a 3 or 5 series with CLOTH SEATS

We are snobs in America and see BMW as a status symbol. Doesn't bother them none.. More money in their bank

My brand new BMW last year cost me a little less than 11k$. Yes, brand new 2011 MY BMW, 11k$. It had a leather seat, but plastic fenders and body panels all around.

It's still awesome fun to drive and has the added benefit of pissing off the older "I own a BMW, so I'm big ****" crowd as I fly by them, with skull designs on my shirts, torn jeans and questionable footwear (either my very worn Dr. Martens or some waterproof white/black leather Teknic's).

And its bright yellow to boot, I call it "Bumblebee". :D

Lesser Evets

macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2006
Probably an A4 chip or even an older Samsung, a regular screen, no cameras or fancy internals or very-very limited cameras, plastic. I can see that.

However, it is then a very nice iPod Touch-Fone for $99-$149... and an iPod Touch with modern stuff and no phone is $299? Sounds like a kick in the iPT's crotch.


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2012
I don't like it, does BMW use cheaper material to make cars more affordable to people? No they make top cars.


Yes BMW use cheaper material. I used to have a 540 and 535xi. Let me start with the 540. The trim on the center console faded and cracked after 2 years of ownership. The wood trim is fake, unlike Lexus and Mercedes which use real wood overlay. The front passenger seat wont slide forward or backward because the plastic roller was cracked. The 535xi won't shift from PARK because the brake sensor behind the brake pedal got stuck. I found out that this spring loaded sensor is made from plastic that is prone to cracking when it's cold.

Muscle Master

macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2010
Those companies arent the most valuable in the world. Apple caters to wall street now.

Exactly.. Hate to say it and really not trying to be a dick... Steve is DEAD! Whatever his image was is kinda moot now. The Market changes every day and Apple has to move forward.. Have no time to appeal to Steve's ego


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2009
I still don't understand the point of this when you can get an iPhone 4 for free or a 4S for $100. Plus you get fancy glass and aluminum enclosures with those two.

The point is for places / people who buy the phone outright and then pay per month for service.

That "Free" iPhone 4 actually costs $350-$450, you're just paying for it by signing up for that expensive two year contract.

A phone that could be sold by prepaid carriers for $249 would probably be pretty popular around the world.


macrumors member
Nov 7, 2012
I still don't understand the point of this when you can get an iPhone 4 for free or a 4S for $100. Plus you get fancy glass and aluminum enclosures with those two.

Nothing is ever free...just means someone else has paid for it already.

With that said the phone is only "free" because it is subsidized and the price is built into your contract. Not every global setting has this option, so a cheaper option is the way to go to enter into that market segment to increase market share.


macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
The MacBook WAS a lower cost alternative to the MacBook Pro, and it DID have a plastic case rather than aluminum, so really nothing new under the sun.

It was also the only laptop at the time that Apple offered that was 13", which is why even though I could easily afford the Pro (and normally opt for the premium model of any product I buy) I bought the 13" MacBook, because it was the size that mattered (and still does) to me.
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