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macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
I don't understand why this keeps coming up. The lost cost iPhone is already out and its called the iPhone 4/4s


macrumors 68040
Mar 23, 2011
Leeds, UK
I really liked the 3G design, I thought the shiny black plastic was pretty, and the shape was lovely. People who aren't as obsessive as me did get theirs all scratched up quite easily though, which reduced the prettiness a bit.

A thinner iPhone of that shape would be really nice! If it had the old screen size as well I would totally want one.

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
I already mentioned this in another post but at $49 for the 2GB model, the iPod shuffle is the most expensive MP3 player in its category.
Other 2GB MP3 players such as Philips SoundDot or SanDisk Sansa are in the $10-20 range and some of these even support video playback.

It was still the low-cost market though, so the poster I quoted is wrong.

It's not like the proposed "cheap iPhone" is going to be the cheapest smartphone around. It will probably be as expensive as a cheap smartphone can possibly be, but it will tempt people in the low-cost smartphone market (i.e., save a little longer and instead of paying $100 for that Huawei, I can get a new iPhone for $300).


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
Oh god...a yellow car? WHYYYY?

Does it at least have black racing stripes?

Who said anything about cars ? I was talking about my BMW.


I don't understand why this keeps coming up. The lost cost iPhone is already out and its called the iPhone 4/4s

I don't understand why this keeps coming up, we're talking low cost for unsubsidized phones and some posters keep bringing up the irrelevant older models.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
As this is digit times I will ignore the story. But, if it IS true, then who wants to guess the mark up Apple will put on a plastic iPhone seeing as the 3 and 3G had plastic backs but horrendous top end pricing?
I'm not sure if a plastic iPhone cuts it any more, maybe if it was half the cost of the normal model but what else will Apple skimp on in it? SOC, ram, camera, storage, battery, design so you can't replace the battery or home button or screen like the iPad cause of the glue?

Oh well at least it will get a mobile phone signal...

But it will be interesting to see what Apple make as it may be worth a punt?
Last edited:


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Oh god...a yellow car? WHYYYY?

Does it at least have black racing stripes?

Hey now! My Z06 was yellow, very very yellow, even the seats (well, the rear shells ...), no racing stripes, though it was occasionally raced. :)

Love me some yellow cars, the right kind of yellow, the right kind of car. :cool:


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2010
So let me get this straight: It is a cheaper iPhone primarily because it uses plastic? Wouldn't that make the iPhone 3 and 3GS and "cheap" phone with an high price...oh well who am I kidding...We already know Apple sells overpriced products...The BOM will only slightly change when they introduce a cheaper iPhone, but they can differentiate better and sell more in turn.


macrumors 65816
Mar 26, 2008
I hope they don't do this and pull a Sony/Samsung/Nintendo on us. This is Apple, and they are based out of AMERICA, the least they could do is offer ALL of their products here.

Yes, just like Ford or Chevy do....



Every company that wants to maximize revenue needs to cater to individual markets which are often influenced by different factors. E.g, just as an F350 wouldn't sell well in the UK where gas is 2-3x what it is here, a $450 iPhone wouldn't sell well in China where upfront cost is a big issue.

Please stop posting like all of us Americans are rednecks. In fact, many of us hope that rednecks who make America look bad like that all pack up and go start their own country, because they give America a bad name!

Stop giving us rednecks a bad name!


Who said anything about cars ? I was talking about my BMW.

Yellow motorcycle and/or SUV?


Hey now! My Z06 was yellow, very very yellow, even the seats (well, the rear shells ...), no racing stripes, though it was occasionally raced. :)

Love me some yellow cars, the right kind of yellow, the right kind of car. :cool:

Thanks to this topic, I went out and googled a few yellow BMW's. While I wouldn't choose that color myself, I will admit that some of them do enough.

Personally, I prefer black or red cars. I'm boring like that.


Jul 18, 2011
Would you prefer Apple maintain a 'good profit margin' on the iPhone while market-share drops below 10% worldwide like the Mac?

I agree that the answer isn't to make cheap rubbish that would only devalue the Apple brand. But I think they should sacrifice some of those very good profit margins for the sake of being more competitive on price.

What do I care about market share? I have a phone that works great and suits my needs and which I like, it doesn't really bother me that 70% of the rest of the world is using some other OS.

Apple isn't like google, who earns its profits from advertising (and thus has incentive to see its OS get into as many hands as possible). My concern is that their software side apparently can't keep up with their hardware, and I shudder to think what a sudden influx of millions of new IOS users would do to their servers.

Also, it sounds like they are essentially releasing a redesigned 3gs, and will likely limit IOS on that platform as well. What sort of "Apple experience" are you looking at when many of the key features will likely not be available there? Seems like it may be an iphone in form only, but not in essence?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2007
I think this is Tim's crap he is feeding the media to distract them while he works on the new Mac Pro, thin tb display, and iPhone 5s. We will all be caught blindsided by what he does with these and the "wow factor" will be back at these apple press events.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2008
It's not the phone, it's the data plan

I don't think the cost of the phone is the problem. You can get an iPhone 4S for $99 or an iPhone 4 for free.

The reason I hear the most as to why people don't have a smartphone is because of the expensive data plans. People don't want to add another $20-30 on top of their already expensive service plans.


macrumors 601
Jul 19, 2002
Some people are fooled by the initial cost of the subsided iPhone thinking it is only $200 or $100 or $0, but totally disregard the total cost of ownership. Then you have people who are fooled by buying unsubsidized but then paying the same monthly rate as as those who are subsidized!

What we need for a less expensive iPhone is a less expensive iPhone with less expensive plans! A lower total cost of ownership.

When things will take off is when you can get an iPhone for $100-$150, but then play $35 a month for say 200 minutes and 200mb of data and no text fees (or something like that).

Or another type of plan like say Tracfone. Where you by the phone upfront for $100 - $200 and pay a flat low monthly fee (say $20 a month). Then buy minutes and data separately that don't expire as long as your account is active. Something like 200 minutes for $35, and 250mb of data for $35.

Not everyone needs "unlimited" minutes and 2gb+ of data.

Probably neither will happen for a long time...
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