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macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2003
Classic Mode Doesn't Work Anymore

Ever since the 10.3.4 update, all of my classic applications no longer work properly. Games are especially adversely affected :(

Games run in a jittery fashion instead of running smoothly, and there are ocassional screeching and buzzing noises. When playing pinball, the ball rolls then stops, rolls then stops - it's ridiculous!

Otherwise the update works well.

Please Apple, fix whatever it was that you broke with Classic!

(or tell me how to revert to the previous version of Classic)


macrumors member
Mar 22, 2003
North Augusta, SC
Powerbook problems....

manu chao said:
For all those with trouble with their batteries, check out It's the best tool I've seen so far to check the health of your battery. It's shareware but the free demo can already do a lot.

Wondering if you saw my post... I had nearly the same issue. PB crashed to a grey screen, then only black on restart with a crazy command line and chaotic startup script. Boot from your Panther CD and reinstall your system.. that's how I was able to fix mine.. just did an Archive & Install. Worked fine.. then I boldly (nervously) ran Software Update again and it ran flawlessly...


macrumors member
Mar 22, 2003
North Augusta, SC
WM. said:
Didn't happen to me, but I think you were experiencing verbose mode (or single-user mode?), which wouldn't necessarily indicate anything wrong with your Mac. Starting up in verbose mode obviously isn't normal, nor is the gray screen that you experienced before the reboot, but I don't think it was necessary to archive and install, depending on how long you waited before you restarted or shut down (if it was ten minutes, well, yeah, something was wrong, but if it was only 30 seconds, you might've been watching your Mac boot up). long did you wait?


Ahh... well... waited a few seconds or so after I removed the battery to the time I reinserted it and hit the power button again. The grey screen wouldn't go away despite regular attempts at waking it up.... and wouldn't shut down despite holding down the power button.

Hmm... well, good to know for next time.. calm down, wait a few minutes, then attempt a restart, instead of pulling out batteries and hitting the power button like a panicked chimp... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2003
davetrow1997 said:
Ahh... well... waited a few seconds or so after I removed the battery to the time I reinserted it and hit the power button again. The grey screen wouldn't go away despite regular attempts at waking it up.... and wouldn't shut down despite holding down the power button.

Hmm... well, good to know for next time.. calm down, wait a few minutes, then attempt a restart, instead of pulling out batteries and hitting the power button like a panicked chimp... :rolleyes:
The gray screen was definitely some kind of freeze; nothing wrong with restarting when you see that. To phrase my real question better: how long did you watch the scrolling text, each time you tried to boot, before you gave up? My point was that you might not have needed to archive and reinstall (which is a pretty drastic measure) to cure that problem.



macrumors member
Mar 9, 2004
Calebj14 said:
What's the new version number for Safari? I just graduated yesterday, so now I can't use my computer 'til the fall when I go back..... unless I get to take it home some over the summer ;) ! Don't want a "security hole" on the network now do we? :D

Safari is 1.2.2 (v125.7)


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
Looks like they might be getting rid of the classic part of Mac OS 10. Just like Windows did with 16-bit apps (understandably why though). I think the patch was a bug patch really from all of the other problems. It fixed somethings, but hurt other things.


macrumors newbie
Jun 2, 2004
10.3.4 Firewire Issue

Issue I have just discovered is that bus powered external firewire storage devices are not recognised (2.5" HDD). This was found after updating a PMG5 DP2.0GHz and PowerBook G4 12". The Drive mounted on any 10.3.3 system. Powered external 3.5" works ok

I assume the firewire storage support update has caused this.


macrumors newbie
Jun 13, 2004

My dual 450 g4 tower didn't wake up after a few days after this update. I used target disk mode to check the disks (no repairs necessary) and after that I was able to get back in and repair permissions. Weird.


macrumors newbie
May 27, 2004
The problem I was having with my 12" G4 powerbook taking a long time to fall asleep after updating to 10.3.4 was fixed by reseting the PRAM (see Apple website as to how this is done.)

Glad it was not a big deal in the end, but it is a bit stressful to see such symptoms after an update.


macrumors newbie
Jun 13, 2004
re: guiman

Resetting the PRAM didn't nothing for me in my situation. It just made the flashing folder icon bigger. ;)

I tried a few times. Only until i did the target disk mode stuff was I able to get back in.


macrumors member
Aug 10, 2003
wellington, nz
10.3.4 Firewire Problem

Hey everyone,

i have a DPG4 1.25 and iBook G3 800 12". Since 10.3.4 has been out i can't use the Firewire ports any more.

It seems as if 10.3.4 overwrites the logicboard firmware for the firewire maybe!?

I gather this is the problem through try/error/reinstall.

Heres what i did to make the problem happen on command.

Reinstall 10.3.

update to 10.3.3 - firewire works. everytime.
update to 10.3.4. firewire works for first try. then stops.

i tried the "reset-all" flash trick. Makes firewire go on the first try. then stops again on second try.

It happens on both my computers. its really annoy having to reflash every boot.

Also i have been getting a 'not waking from sleep' problem on my DPG4..
dont think this problem is tied with the firewire one though.

Anyone else heard of these symptoms? each and every feedback is much appreciated as my local Apple suppliers are not smart enough to be using computers. They try to replace to logic boards?! when it is only a software issue. I know this because 10.3.3 works fine.

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