I followed some instructions that I found from a member ["
Pootey Dang"] on the steam forums, which has massively improved the throttling and temperature situation whilst playing CSGO. I get more like 65-75°C and it's been pretty smooth

'Hi guys,
Like most of you, I have had the fps drop/sound stuttering issue, and have tried EVERYTHING that I have read out there, but nothing worked for me (from LatencyMon, to a smorgasbord of launch options, to setting the priority of the csgo.exe process, BIOS and Driver updates, complete re). I've probaly spent more than 60 hours of tweaking and research in the last year to no avail... but finally... I sorted mine out... so I hope this works for one or 2 of you....
The problem with my system wasnt the GFX, even though it kinda seems that way... it was the realtime audio that uses the same IRQs and CPU, and cycles get queued, and blah blah.. jackity smackity....
Anyways... the solutiuon to mine was, to set the all the sound processes to realtime, and affinity (CPU to be used) to a seperate CPU than csgo.exe
For those of u who arent to familiar with how to set these, here follows...
1. Open up Task Manager, and click on the Services Tab...
2. Find the AudioSrv & AudioEndpointBuilder services and note their PIDs (should be 2 different ones)
3. Now got to the Processes tab, find the corresponding PIDs (both svchost.exe), right click, set priority to Realtime. right click them again, and Set Affinity to CPU 0 only.
4. Repeat step 3 for the audiog.exe process aswell.
5. Run CS:GO, back to task manager, and set csgo.exe Affinity all other CPUs except 0. (Leave the priority on normal)
Unfortanately, u need to do this everytime u run CS (Should be a way to make it perma, but I have no idea at the moment... maybe a MS Tech can help with that)
Now, when I play... I get minimal fps drop (never goes down to a stutter).. however, the stutter (less than before) now moved to when spectating.. (so not a problem while you're at the helm)
Not a perfect solution by any means, but a playable workaround for me..
Oh yeah... my launch options are "-novid -nojoy -processheap", but I do not know if this needs to be there to fix the problem, but they didnt work for me as a single solution.
As per all the existing solutions out there, this will probably work for a couple of people, and not for all. But if it doesnt work for you... good luck and happy hunting
Hope it helps someone..'