That's great!
That said, just canceled my order and bought a used mid-2015 model for half the price. BH's delay and lack of communication let me reflect on it more.
I like the new ones but in all honesty they're not what i expected and I realize I'm settling for less than what i wanted. I was fully prepared to splurge on a new computer but two factors stand out.
Skylake - Awkward timing of this release. So close to the next generation.
16gb limit - i believe apples reasoning, but doesn't change the fact that I expect more in 2016 for that kind of money.
Touchbar - good idea and kinda liked it when i tried it at apple store. What I didn't like... brand new display model touch id was offset, not sitting squarely with the unit. If i hadn't received a few questionable build quality iphones and heard reports in this forum echoing that their touch id on their brand new macbooks were also misaligned, Id think little of it but... For my $3200 splurge, I deseve more.
More importantly regarding he touchbar... Why no haptic feedback/3d touch? Of all places - a keyboard deserves to have some form of feedback so your eyes don't need to stay focused on it. At the very least, Apple should have made it operate like the trackpad "click" For something that has been in the works for years, I rank this right up there with Apple inexplicably omitting the backlight keys on one of the macbook air revisions a few years ago.
Anyway, for those of you getting the new model, i'm envious! It's a beautiful machine, it's just not my time yet.