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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 12, 2016
If you are finding yourself with system crashes trying to go from the first beta to the second beta use the instructions below as a work around.

Assuming you already downloaded the installer, via Preferences:
  1. Plug in a blank drive of at least 8 GB, and note down the volume name of the storage media
  2. Open your terminal and run the command "sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Catalina\ --volume /Volumes/<name of volume>" and follow the instructions on the terminal and wait for it to finish. The volume will be wiped.
  3. Reboot your Mac into your external disk which is in effect a recovery mode of the newest beta.
  4. Wait for the disk evaluation to finish, which can take up to 15 minutes. You may need to log your account in.
  5. If you are using File Vault, go to disk utility and mount both partitions of your macOS drive and exit the utility. This is important, and failure to do this could wipe your partitions.
  6. Click the install option and proceed through the process as normal. If you are using File Vault you may need to periodically unlock the disk for the updater to continue.
If you are finding yourself with constant fileproviderd crashes and an unresponsive Finder, disable iCloud in your settings and re-enable it.
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What error?

Have you installed it already?
‘macOS could not be installed’, something like that. Didn’t dive into the logs, restarting and it’s trying again but I feel like I might have to end up wiping it and retrying. Fingers crossed it just works this time around.
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‘macOS could not be installed’, something like that. Didn’t dive into the logs, restarting and it’s trying again but I feel like I might have to end up wiping it and retrying. Fingers crossed it just works this time around.

God bless!
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New Features
  • Installing third party kernel extensions now requires that you restart your Mac before they’re permitted to load. (50340461)

Known Issues
  • Migration Assistant is currently unable to correctly migrate data from a Mac running macOS 10.15 to another Mac running macOS 10.15. (50894629)

  • EBADARCH error code. The remaining stub frameworks are nonfunctional and exist only for compatibility purposes. (51236070)


Known Issues
  • On Macs with the Apple T2 Security Chip, VoiceOver is currently unavailable while in macOS Recovery. (49870874)

Apple CryptoKit

Known Issues
  • When using the SecureEnclave API with access control set on keys, users might not be prompted to authenticate. This might cause subsequent operations requiring authentication to fail. (51279188)

Apple File System (APFS)

Known Issues
  • AVAudioEngine. (50906329)

  • You can use new AVAudioNode types to wrap a user-defined block for sending or receiving data in real-time.

  • A new method is available for an AVAudioEngine based app to retrieve a list of all nodes attached to an AVAudioEngine instance.

  • A new rendering mode in AVAudioEnvironmentNode selects the best spatial audio rendering algorithm automatically based on the output device.

  • A new AVAudioSession property allows system sounds and haptics to play while the session is actively using audio input.

  • A new property, AVAudioSession.PromptStyle informs apps which style of voice prompt they should play based on other audio activity in the system.

  • The AVAudioSession.RouteSharingPolicy enumeration is extended to allow apps to specify route sharing policies so their audio and video is routed to the same location as AirPlay.

  • Audio Unit Extensions now support user presets that are available across all host apps.

  • The OpenAL framework is deprecated and remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to AVAudioEngine for spatial audio functionality.

  • AUGraph is deprecated in favor of AVAudioEngine.

  • Inter-App audio is deprecated. Use Audio Units for this functionality.

  • Carbon component-based Audio Units are deprecated and support will be removed in a future release.

  • Legacy Core Audio HAL audio hardware plug-ins are no longer supported. Use Audio Server plug-ins for audio drivers.


New Features
  • AVFoundation now supports encoding video with alpha channels using HEVC. Videos encoded in this manner are broadly supported in AVFoundation APIs and by Safari within web pages. Technical details of the format can be found in the Interoperability Profile specification. (8045917)

  • The previously deprecated 32-bit QuickTime framework is no longer available in macOS 10.15.

  • The symbols for QTKit, which relied on the QuickTime framework, are still present but the classes are non-functional.


Known Issues
  • Books and PDFs imported into the Books app might not upload to iCloud Drive. (47124224)


Known Issues

Core Image

New Features
  • The init(imageURL:eek:ptions:) and init(imageData:eek:ptions:) initializers no longer support RAW decoder versions earlier than 6. Version 6 and later remain supported. (50911303)

  • Added new APIs for instantiating and modifying the built-in Core Image filters.

  • The CICoreMLModel filter is enhanced to support models with an input or output of type MLFeatureType.multiArray.

  • Metal CIKernel instances now support arguments with arbitrarily structured data.

  • Metal CIKernel instances now support returning a group of two by two pixels.

  • The integer values of CIFormat symbols, such as ARGB8, have changed to a new set of values which are consistent across platforms. The former values remain supported for backward compatibility; however, you should avoid dependancies on specific numerical values.

Device Management

Known Issues
  • Sending a Volume Purchase Program download request to a client from a Mobile Device Management server might cause an authorization dialog to appear on the client. (49376544)

  • You might be unable to log in while creating a mobile account on a server with Mobile Device Management Bootstrap Token support. (50912641)

  • After installing a Device Profile with PrintMACAddress=true, the user’s MAC address might not print as expected. (51003427)


Known Issues
  • The Filter Packet network extension type and NWEthernetChannel API don’t currently work with network interface drivers implemented using DriverKit. (48709552)

  • If a user space driver quits unexpectedly or you restart your Mac, you might need to unplug and reattach the accessory cable to enumerate the driver. (50042397)

Known Issues
  • The exec and open events are cached, however the cache entries aren’t invalidated when the file is manipulated. exec events are cached based on the executable and open events are cached as a product of the executable and the target file being opened. (45497117)

  • The cache flag for es_respond_auth_result(_:_:_:_:) and es_respond_flags_result(_:_:_:_:) is ignored. (49071387)

  • EndpointSecurity system extensions don’t have access to early boot events. (49487645)

  • The original_ppid field of es_process_t isn’t currently set and always returns -1. (50746916)

  • The kauth API will be removed in a future release. (50419013)


Known Issues
  • Password reset for FileVault volumes from macOS Recovery doesn’t function as expected. (50455695)

    Workaround: While in macOS Recovery, launch Terminal from the Utilities menu, then type resetpassword and press return. In the window which appears, select ‘My keyboard isn’t working when typing my password to log in’.


Known Issues
  • Files can’t be copied from or deleted on an iOS device via the Files tab in Finder. (48649759)

  • Finder might quit unexpectedly when trying to restore using the Time Machine interface. Instead, control-click the item and choose Restore. (49398715)

  • You might be unable to download folders from iCloud. (50855741)

    Workaround: Download files within the folder individually.

  • When iCloud Desktop is enabled, attempting to drag a volume mounted on the desktop might unexpectedly result in the volume being copied to the Desktop. (51187890)


Known Issues
  • Turning off the Siri switch in iCloud settings doesn’t stop Significant Locations from syncing. To stop syncing, turn off the Significant Locations switch. (50908297)

  • If you’re using iCloud Drive to sync Desktop & Documents Folders, your Desktop might be empty after upgrading to macOS 10.15. (50789836)

    Workaround: Enable Desktop and Documents in System Preferences under iCloud > iCloud Drive > Options, then restart your Mac.

  • The Cloud Files section in About This Mac > Storage > Manage might inaccurately represent the current state of files on your Mac. (50362095)

  • Even when Optimize Storage is switched off, iCloud Drive might fail to automatically download all files. (50667204)

    Workaround: Download files individually.

  • Pages, Numbers, and Keynote documents in shared folders can only be opened on macOS and iOS. iWork documents in shared folders are currently inaccessible from (50738067)

  • When creating a new Pages, Numbers, or Keynote document in a shared folder, you might see the message “Couldn’t connect to iCloud”. (50827963)

    Workaround: Close and reopen the document.

iPad Apps on Mac

Known Issues
  • In order to show a share sheet from a toolbar item using the UIActivityViewController, create the NSToolbarItem using the init(itemIdentifier:)initializer and pass it a UIBarButtonItem configured as a UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem.action. There is no need to set the barButtonItem property. (47292316)

  • Currently, you’re unable to import AppKit and UIKit modules in the same compilation unit. If you want to import AppKit headers into an iPad App on Mac, you can import the individual AppKit header in Objective-C, or you can create a bridging header to import the individual AppKit header for Swift. (48094910)

  • The UIScreen class’s isCaptured API isn’t currently supported. (48360589)

  • When donating interactions using the INInteraction class on macOS, the completion handler is invoked with an error which can be safely ignored. (48371526)

  • You can’t open the Services Preferences pane from the Services > Services Preferences menu item in the app menu. (49780697)

    Workaround: Use System Preferences to navigate directly to the Services Preferences pane.

  • The current property on UIDevice and the OS Product Name is currently returned as iOS rather than macOS, which can affect diagnostic logs generated by your system. (49792004, 51304085)

  • UILabel, UITextField, and UITextView instances with alignment set to center or right in Interface Builder have the wrong alignment when designing for or running iPad Apps on Mac. (50062524)

    Workaround: Reapply the desired alignment in awakeFromNib().

  • Event handling in extension contexts may produce unexpected results, including failure to deliver trackpad pinch and zoom gestures. (50145462)

  • When sending Mail attachments via MessageUI, each attachment might appear as two icons when viewed by the recipient. (50369995)

  • If you use UIDocumentBrowserViewController to create a new document, then cancel, the helper process presenting the document browser might quit unexpectedly. (50558637)

  • Controls drawn with accent color incorrectly maintain their active color when the window is inactive. There is no need to work around this in your app. (50563638)

  • The UIKit module currently doesn’t import the newly added NSToolbar and NSTouchBarheaders, NSToolbar+UIKitAdditions.h and NSTouchBar+UIKitAdditions.h. You can import these headers directly in Objective-C, or you can create a bridging header to import them for Swift. Be sure to import Foundation before importing these headers. (50704322)

  • The new required URLCache initializer init(memoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:) is currently unimplemented. (50739637)

  • When your iPad App on Mac is launched directly into the background, it experiences all the state transitions of a regular app launch — such as application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) and applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) — followed by state transitions to return to background state from there — applicationWillResignActive(_:) and applicationDidEnterBackground(_:). This will soon be updated to match iOS, where your app will receive only applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:), and only if it wasn’t already running. (50742219)

  • iPad Apps on Mac don’t currently use the same default keychain access group as iPad apps. (50779224)

  • For iPad Apps on Mac to save to Photos Library, explicitly linking the Photos framework is required. (50781430)

  • It isn’t currently possible to pass shared items from a Sharing extension back to the host through its completion handler. (50835062)

  • Opening a CloudKit share URL might not launch an iPad App on Mac that’s present on the system. Additionally, the system might not take the user to the appropriate App Store page to download an app which isn’t present on the system. (50877241)

  • Ad-hoc app signing doesn’t allow access to the Keychain. Adding Keychain Sharing should trigger mandatory signing using a profile, in turn allowing access to the Keychain. (50898387)

  • A tooltip added to an NSToolbarItem will be presented as a blank window. (50957416)

  • Password AutoFill might not appear in iPad Apps on Mac. (50992371)

    Workaround: Toggle the following setting off and on in Safari Preferences > AutoFill > User names and passwords

  • Action and share extensions might exhibit visual anomalies. (51005363)

  • The productsRequest(_:didReceive:) method from StoreKit currently returns with didFailWithError and products aren’t loaded. (51028870)

  • Localization for ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton isn’t currently available. (51032803)

  • All assets at 3x scale factor are currently ignored when compiling the asset catalog for iPad Apps on Mac. Because the search begins with the universal asset, assets for a specific memory or graphics class won’t be found. For example, if you provide an image and only give a 6GB and Metal 5v1 asset, it won’t be found at runtime. It’s recommended that you provide all images as vectors to allow generation of the correct scale factors, or at minimum provide 2x versions of the assets. If you’re classifying resources based on memory and graphics families then you should provide "Any Memory" and "Any Graphics”. (51033745)

  • When the user quits an iPad App on Mac, the app transitions to UIKit background state and the app's audio will be stopped; however, no AVAudioSession interruption notification will be posted. In an upcoming beta, AVAudioSession will issue a begin interruption notification in response to the app transitioning to UIKit background state. Additionally, if an iPad App on Mac attempts to activate an AVAudioSession, start an AudioQueue, AURemoteIO, or other high-level player object while in UIKIt background state, it might succeed. In an upcoming beta, audio input and output won’t be allowed to start and AVAudioSession won’t be allowed to activate while the app is in UIKIt background state. (51050672)

  • CallKit CXAction instances might return an error. (51074735)

  • MTKView objects might render incorrectly. This will be resolved in an upcoming beta. (51084042)

  • Color asset variant isn’t passed during runtime, so these colors won’t appear in your iPad App on Mac. (51113192)

  • If you create an NSToolbarItem with a UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem of type compose, reply, search, or camera, your app might behave unexpectedly. (51253315)

  • SFSafariViewController doesn’t open the URL from initialization time when presented; SFSafariViewController’s intended design on macOS is to open the URL from initialization when presented, then dismiss itself. (51267323)

  • If your iPad App on Mac is launched directly into the background, a second background launch request launches the app into the foreground, making it visible to the user. If your app uses any of the supported APIs which might result in a background launch, this might cause your app to launch in the foreground without user input. (51287556)

  • In macOS 10.15 beta, the UIGraphicsRenderer class’s default() function returns the nonextended color range renderer format by default. To use-extended color range format for rendering, create an instance using preferred() and pass it to init(bounds:format:). (51303954)

  • When creating a Mac version of your iPad app, Xcode automatically generates a unique Mac bundle identifier. If you have an existing Mac bundle identifier you’d prefer to use, you can do so by using manual signing in Xcode. (51076014)

    Follow these steps to configure your project, AppID, and provisioning profile:
  1. Sign in to Apple Developer, then select Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles.

  2. In the Identifiers section, select your iOS app identifier to edit.

  3. Check the UIKit for Mac capability to enable it, then click the Configure button.

  4. Choose Use an existing macOS AppID and select the identifier you'd like to use from the popup menu. Click the Save button to finish editing your AppID.

  5. In the Profiles section, click the + button to create a new profile, select ‘macOS App Development’, and click Continue.

  6. Select your iOS AppID from the popup, click Continue, and complete the rest of the profile creation flow. When finished, click the Download button.

  7. In Xcode, select your project to view the Project Editor and select your app’s target. Then select the Build Settings tab.

  8. Set the Derive UIKit for Mac Product Bundle Identifier setting to No.

  9. Expand the Product Bundle Identifier build setting to view its configurations. Next to the Debug configuration, click the + button to add a conditional value.

  10. For the build setting condition, select Any macOS from the popup menu. Edit the value of the conditional build setting to match the macOS bundle identifier you want to use. Repeat this step for all configurations in your project.

  11. In the Signing & Capabilities tab, uncheck Automatically manage signing.

  12. For your macOS app, select Import Profile from the Provisioning Profile popup and then select the profile you downloaded earlier.


Known Issues
  • Attempting to open iWork documents in Finder will unexpectedly create a .cpgz file if the corresponding iWork app isn’t installed. (40693892)

    Workaround: Install the corresponding app from the App Store before opening the document.

Game Controllers

Known Issues
  • HID reports from DualShock 4 game controllers using Bluetooth might be reported differently by lower level frameworks such as IOKit in comparison to macOS Mojave 10.14. This might cause existing macOS games to become unresponsive to input from these controllers in macOS 10.15 beta. (51163262)


Known Issues
  • Certain languages might exhibit clipped or misaligned layout. (51068688,50983852)

  • Certain languages might display unlocalized text. (47765173,51196633)

Known Issues
  • If your Mac contains both macOS Mojave 10.14 and macOS 10.15 volumes, you might experience issues searching in Mail. (46611310)

    Workaround: While running macOS Mojave 10.14, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    Reboot into macOS 10.15, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    Reboot into macOS Mojave 10.14, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    Depending on the size of your Mail database, it might many hours to reindex all content.

Known Issues
  • Navigating using the back button might produce unexpected results. (51248128)

  • Music might take a long time to launch for some users. (51207753)

  • You might be unable to scroll content on shelves. (51248128)

  • Connecting to another computer using Home Sharing might not show the remote library as expected. (50921136)

  • The visualizer might not appear as expected. (49952376)

  • Artwork changes might not immediately appear; playlists will be added in an upcoming beta. (51201715)

  • Attempting to delete movies, TV shows, and music videos from Manage Storage settings might not work. (51001458)

  • Music might not remember the previously selected tab when it’s relaunched. (50922604)


New Features
  • All NSURLSessionTasks with a GET HTTP method which contain a body will now produce the error NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum. (46025234)
Known Issues
  • The driver for Ethernet Control Model (ECM) USB-C to Ethernet adapters isn’t currently enabled in Virtual Machine instances of macOS 10.15. (50968842)

  • An active Network Extension content filter configuration might interrupt the boot process indefinitely following a kernel panic. (50965627)

    Workaround: Boot into macOS Recovery, launch Terminal, and execute the following command:

  • NetBoot is unavailable when a Network Extension content filter configuration is enabled. (50872052)

  • The NWEthernetChannel API doesn’t currently support VLAN interfaces. NEPacketTunnelProvider will see both tagged and untagged frames arriving on physical interfaces. Depending on the Ethernet driver, VLAN tags might be processed by hardware and thus stripped off the Ethernet frames thus NEPacketTunnelProvider won’t see the VLAN tag. (51275655)

  • Enabling a Network Extension content filter using NEFilterManager might not start the content filter. (50603957)

    Workaround: Make another change to the configuration or change the network configuration of your Mac.

  • Installing a content filter configuration when the corresponding content filter system extension is inactive will interrupt all network traffic on your Mac. (51033902)

    Workaround: Remove or disable the content filter configuration in System Preferences > Network.

  • The DNS Proxy, Packet Tunnel, and App Proxy network extension types don’t work as System Extensions. (51186839)

    Workaround: Use App Extensions for these network extension types.
  • Support for FTP and File URL schemes for Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) is removed. HTTP and HTTPS are the only supported URL schemes for PAC. This affects all PAC configurations including but not limited to configurations set using Settings, System Preferences, profiles, URLSession APIs such as connectionProxyDictionary, and CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL(_:_:_:_:). (28578280)

  • SPDY support is removed from the URLSession and NSURLConnection APIs. Servers should use HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1. (43391641)

  • Network Kernel Extension API will be deprecated in an upcoming beta. (49284108)


New Features
  • To improve the Photos upgrade experience, Photos is testing database upgrades using a clone of the Photo Library. This clone doesn’t include the content of each photo, but does include faces metadata and a thumbnail image of each person in your library. It also contains metadata such as the asset name and the geographic location of the photo. It is created at ~/Pictures/macOS 10.15 Pre-Upgrade Backup, and you can manually remove this backup at any time. The clone will be removed automatically before the final release of macOS 10.15. (51033690)


Known Issues
  • Browse and Top Charts are currently limited to content from the United States. (47884301)

  • Deleting podcasts using About This Mac > Storage > Manage doesn’t update what’s shown in the Podcasts app until it’s relaunched. (50354510)

  • Setting “Automatically Download Episodes” to “Never” might not take effect. (50960777)

  • Writing a review isn’t currently supported. (46173722)

  • Manually checking for feed updates when Option-clicking the Podcasts app in the dock isn’t currently available. (50958585)

    Workaround: Quit and relaunch the app.

  • Certain UI elements might appear unaligned on non-Retina displays. (51138730)

  • The first time Podcasts is launched, a migration is triggered even if there is no content to migrate. (51145044)

  • If Podcasts is placed in Full Screen mode, some UI elements might be obscured by the toolbar. (47125303)

Quartz Composer

  • Starting in macOS 10.15, the Quartz Composer framework is deprecated and remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to frameworks such as Core Image, SceneKit, or Metal. (50911608)

Screen Sharing

Known Issues
  • If the Mac you’re screen sharing with is running macOS 10.15 beta, you can’t drag and drop onto the screen share. (50791710)

Screen Time

Known Issues
  • Parental controls that predate macOS 10.15 continue to be enforced even when these restrictions are set to Off in Screen Time. (48010796)

  • Users can click ‘One more minute’ multiple times per day instead of only once each time they reach a limit for that app. (48773803)

  • When in Downtime or after reaching an App Limit, clicking Ignore Limit requires clicking in the precise location for the options to appear. (50061983)

  • Screen Time > Content & Privacy > Content > Web Content > Allowed Websites Only isn’t currently enforced in macOS 10.15 beta. (50462899)

  • Messages and FaceTime don’t currently enforce Screen Time’s Communication Limits. (51055350, 51055448)

  • If the Always Allowed pane is empty or isn’t allowing you to select any apps, quit and relaunch System Preferences. (51120837)

Script Editor

Known Issues
  • Script Editor might quit unexpectedly when saving or executing scripts. (50470730)

Scripting Language Runtimes

  • Scripting language runtimes such as Python, Ruby, and Perl are included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS won’t include scripting language runtimes by default, and might require you to install additional packages. If your software depends on scripting languages, it’s recommended that you bundle the runtime within the app. (49764202)

  • Use of Python 2.7 isn’t recommended as this version is included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS won’t include Python 2.7. Instead, it’s recommended that you run python3 from within Terminal. (51097165)

Sign In with Apple

Known Issues


Known Issues
  • Siri doesn’t currently support the Music and Podcasts apps. (47202947, 50790506)


Known Issues
  • Return types for View modifier methods include complex generic types. In a future release, these methods will return simpler types. (46140669)

  • Tabs in TabbedView instances are blank if you use them with a NavigationView. (49958869)

  • Image instances don’t use resizing information configured in asset catalogs. Configure the size of an image using the resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:) modifier instead. (49114577)

  • The possible values that you can select from a Picker can’t be accessed from UI automation. (50679414)

  • A ScrollView doesn’t always size itself as expected for its content. (49204262)

    Workaround: Size the view that’s inside the ScrollView by applying the frame(width:height:alignment:) modifier to the inner view. (49204262)


Known Issues
  • Upgrading system extension versions isn’t currently available. The extension can be deleted, then reinstalled which requires user reapproval. (48943883)

  • Driver extensions might not launch on-demand after installation. (51229724)

    Workaround: Disable System Integrity Protection, then launch Terminal and execute the following command before approving the newly installed driver:

  • Approving system extensions via Mobile Device Management isn’t currently available. (50553712)

Voice Memos

Known Issues
  • Location-based naming isn’t yet available in macOS 10.15 beta. (50743045)


Known Issues
  • Your Mac may be unable to automatically join WPA3 networks. Instead, select the network manually. (50605428)

  • After turning Wi-Fi off using the menu bar, reopening the Wi-Fi menu might unexpectedly list available Wi-Fi networks. (50643127)


Known Issues
  • Swift interfaces for several new URLSession APIs are unavailable. (50517967)

  • Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. If you need Subversion or related command line tools, install the Command Line Tools package by running xcode-select --install. (50266910)
Just installed. New App Store icon. New iTunes, podcasts and Apple TV apps. For some weird reason Mail does not start. It just sits there. Upgraded from 10.14. MacBook Pro 2018


  • Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 5.02.17 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 5.02.17 PM.png
    5.6 MB · Views: 798
Installed fine once it restarted from the error dialogue. Weird! Oh well.

I've had no luck. Tried 4 times now; always the same error right after the restart prompt.

Did you redownload the entire ~6 GB install file?
I've had no luck. Tried 4 times now; always the same error right after the restart prompt.

Did you redownload the entire ~6 GB install file?
I just restarted as the error message suggested and it installed fine second time around. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Would someone be able to try out the "up next" feature of the new music app? I'm trying to figure out if it works like it did in iTunes or if it works like the iOS Music app.
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