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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

MacUpdate has also launched their spring application bundle. Their latest bundle delivers up to 10 Mac applications for $64.99 (up to a $474.76 value if all purchased separately), and includes a number of unique applications, including the Windows virtualization software Parallels 3.0. The applications include:

DVDRemaster Pro - recompress large DVDs to fit on standard DVD5 disc, or for use on the iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV
StoryMill - creative writing tool to outline, write and publish a novel
Hazel - create rules to automatically sort and organize your files
Art Text - create high quality headings, logos, banners, buttons
MenuCalendarClock - iCal compatible menu-bar calendar.
Leap - advanced file browsing and tagging
Typinator - type common phrases and pictures
Sound Studio* - record and edit audio
BannerZest* - create animated Flash banners
Parallels 3.0* - PC virtualization software for Intel Macs. Run Windows in Mac OS X.

This bundle sale runs from April 16 - 29th. As typical in these bundle sales, some applications are "locked" until certain sales thresholds are met. Parallels, BannerZest and Sound Studio are currently in "locked" status. These applications will become available to all bundle buyers once sales goals are reached. Historically, with these bundle sales, all applications have been unlocked with previous sales.

MacRumors is a promotional partner with MacUpdate. Bundle sales through these links benefit MacRumors financially, and provide a way for readers to directly support this site.

Article Link: MacUpdate Bundle: Parallels and 9 More Mac Apps for $64.99

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Parallels Desktop alone costs $79.99. If it gets unlocked, it's like getting everything else for free.


macrumors 6502
Oct 16, 2007
Hey, I'm new to this bundle stuff... but has there ever been a time when the "sales goal" was not met, and the applications remained locked?


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
Parallels Desktop alone costs $79.99. If it gets unlocked, it's like getting everything else for free.
We're Mac users. Who doesn't already have Parallels? :D

I understand the money you can make by parting out the applications you don't want but I'm not going to put forth the effort.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
Damn, I recently bought Leap in another deal, that would have made it more enticing.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
meh. Aside from Parallels nothing really stands out.

Amen. This one is a bit more disappointing then the last. I guess the other apps would come in handy for some other folks.

We're Mac users. Who doesn't already have Parallels? :D

I understand the money you can make by parting out the applications you don't want but I'm not going to put forth the effort.

Amen x2. I run VMWare, and a lot of my Apple using colleagues have either picked that up or Parallels soon after they got their Intel based Macs.

For the Intel user that doesn't have Parallels or Fusion this is a good deal based on that app alone. But getting rid of the other apps would be more a nuisance than a blessing.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2007
Boston, MA USA
meh. Aside from Parallels nothing really stands out.

Parallels Desktop alone costs $79.99. If it gets unlocked, it's like getting everything else for free.

I agree that nothing on this list makes me jump, and while Parallels would be a great deal, I already have it and have abandoned it for VMWare Fusion. So there goes that.

EDIT: Looks like Digital Skunk had the same reaction as me.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2008
Another one that will be sitting on the sidelines. I already have Parallels and it is sad to see it as the "big" prize. Actually, the upcoming version 4.0 will not be a free upgrade (US$ 50.00) so it makes the offer even worse.

Too bad. Well, things can be always worse. Worse as Macheist. ;)


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2008
Eugene, OR
lol this guy has a great point i would like to know who has actually paid for their copies of parallels?

Well, I pay $30 a month for my high speed internet? Is that what you mean? :cool:

I might spring for it, I kinda want the descent dvd ripping software. The crapware I am using is soooo slow.

Sub Minimal

macrumors newbie
Jul 7, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
i don't have Parallels, legal or otherwise, and StoryMill sounds like fun.

obviously, suggesting i'm a newbie, i wonder like macdim - is there much chance of the sales quota not being reached and apps remaining locked?

particularly given the number of 'passes' in this thread ...


macrumors newbie
Aug 9, 2007
Seeing as how I only use Windows for 3D games and the occasional app that isn't OS X supported, I'll have to pass on Parallels. Once Parallels is able to run the majority of PC games native-speed though, I'll probably buy it and uninstall Boot Camp. I look forward to the day when I don't have to restart to Windows just to play Final Fantasy XI :D :D


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2007
Heck, I got fusion for 1.99 a few weeks ago on amazon; 51.99 - 30 for signing up for their credit card - 20 mail in rebate from vmware (and free shipping)!

Nothing here is enticing at all. Great for newbies or those switching over to intels, but other then that... Meh


macrumors 68040
Oct 12, 2005
Parallels Desktop alone costs $79.99. If it gets unlocked, it's like getting everything else for free.

That's what I was thinking.

Also I think this is a far better pack than the MacHeist bundle, it actually has stuff that I'll use opposed to a really cheap package with applications that I might have a use for.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
So if they don't meet their sales goals, you're basically screwed and don't get many of the apps they're claiming to offer? Sorry, I'll pass on BS like that.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I find MenuCalendarClock useful - I bought it quite a while ago. Since I own that already, as well as VMware Fusion (legally purchased of course!) there's not much in this bundle for me.

The fact that Parallels is locked right now would spook me, though. If I didn't have Fusion, I'd look at this bundle... maybe after Parallels get unlocked. :cool:


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2003
The last MacUpdate bundle netted me many applications I have yet to use. I would hate for this one to do the same.

I agree that nothing on this list makes me jump, and while Parallels would be a great deal, I already have it and have abandoned it for VMWare Fusion. So there goes that.

Before purchasing an Intel iMac myself, I installed Parallels on a friend's iMac. Since then, I have been more inclined to try Fusion but am still sitting on the fence and really only have one or two apps for Windows anyway. Hazel and Typinator are the other two apps I could get used to.

I installed the Hazel demo and like it very much - easier to use than Automator for designated tasks. Perhaps the deciding factor is whether Parallels becomes unlocked, which is very likely (as all were unlocked in the prior bundle). :rolleyes:


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
sounds like a good bundle to me. the emphasis is on useful apps. i'm going to watch this closely and maybe i'll buy it if all apps get unlocked.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Melenkurion Skyweir
Not bad bundle (much better than MacHeist's retail bundle), but like almost everyone else in the thread, I feel Fusion > Parallels, and everything else doesn't really interest me all that much.

So yeah. *roots from the sidelines*


macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2006
What % of the profit are the developers getting? Not less than the organizers I hope.
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