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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 10, 2015
19 vs + The bottom of the phone will be jet black.
You mean the small area that you could see? I guess so.
Because they are trying very hard to reassure themselves that they made the right decision by settling on matte black rather than waiting for jet black to become available.
Not really. Like I said I can pick up a JB next Monday. I was trying to decide if I should pick it up and return my black 7+. The JB is beautiful and I so very much wanted that but it seems very impractical to own one. I never put a case on my phones and for my use case JB seems high maintenance. At the same time it doesn't matter much if one gets a JB or regular black if you put a case on.
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Born Again

May 12, 2011
What are you guys talking about?

Look how clean Jet Black looks

Trey M

macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
I think I've figured it out

I ordered a Jet Black, supposedly delivered around Oct 4-10.
But then it shipped over the weekend and is due Thursday.
(Apple seem to be experts at shifting production mid-stream and redirecting to demand. It's insane.)

But during that time I spent more time with the JB in person at the store and realized how much it bugged me that fingerprints were all over it - and 'micro abrasions'. That, at the fact that the normal Black looks WAY darker in person compared to the product shots. The product shots look like they're designed to make the JB look blacker.

But then I felt a twinge of 'fear' because then I wouldn't have the 'coolest' and rarest color. I'm being honest here. This is a really, stupid, stilly 'fear' — but a fear nonetheless.

So, I just decided to put aside my fear of not being the most intense Apple Fanatic and reserved a Black at midnight at my local store and picked to up today.
I'll return the JB and helpfully some wondrous person will enjoy and appreciate it more than I.

Really happy for JB lovers and I hope they're satisfied.
May your phone be eternally protected from smears and little baby scratches.

I relate to this. I ordered both a Matte Black and Jet Black, unsure which I would keep. Initially, and up to the minute I picked up my matte black 7+, I was almost 100% sure I'd keep Jet Black. However, upon seeing some real world scratch tests as well as spending some time with the matte black model, I've decided to stick with matte black.

The Jet Black is undeniably beautiful. I'll enjoy seeing them in the future in the stores and in the wild for sure. As I said in a previous post, the limited availability as well as the lack of a 32GB option really makes the Jet Black sort of the 'Special Edition' model, if you will. But once I saw the matte black in person, I was more and more confident with the choice. It really does look darker than in images online, so I 100% suggest people on the fence visit a store to really make up their mind. In the end, my decision mostly came down to:

1) I enjoyed the matte black enough, and had the phone on launch day instead of this week :)
2) Resale value. I always resell my device after a year, so even though I was prepared to take a loss buying Jet Black, it just made more and more sense to go with the choice that will offer better resale value in a year's time

Either way, you can't go wrong. They are both uniquely beautiful devices. As many have said, most of us will just throw it in a case...and then it's essentially the same phone. The new black is different ENOUGH from the space gray to feel genuinely new, and I can't express enough happiness at how great this design looks sans (visible) antenna lines.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2010
The border of the matte black is seamless with the back end since it's one and same.

I actually don't have a problem grip wise and it very much feels similar to the clic air case I had with my 6s from native union.

If you handed me a JB I wouldn't take it.

It's pretty for sure.

I just know myself and my OCD tendency.


macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2014
I checked out the JB plus yesterday in the store, it was covered in finger prints and smudges. I gave it the old hot breath and shirt polish and it looked flawless and mirror like after. I'm sure it was man handled by a thousand people by the time I got to it's maybe the finish isn't so bad.


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2012
I checked out the JB plus yesterday in the store, it was covered in finger prints and smudges. I gave it the old hot breath and shirt polish and it looked flawless and mirror like after. I'm sure it was man handled by a thousand people by the time I got to it's maybe the finish isn't so bad.
Jet black owner here. Obviously the display phones are going to look terrible with others dirty hands using the phone. But if you're the only one using the device like I am, the phone almost always looks clean. Fingerprints are minimal since I'm the only one using it and when they do happen they wipe off easily and the phone looks brand new again.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2015
They're honestly both awesome looking and truly black. They're not even close to resembling the space gray so be happy about that. I have a black but the JB out of the box is the nicest iPhone produced. I simply wouldn't be able to live with the wear that is the only reason I got the black.


macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2014
Jet black owner here. Obviously the display phones are going to look terrible with others dirty hands using the phone. But if you're the only one using the device like I am, the phone almost always looks clean. Fingerprints are minimal since I'm the only one using it and when they do happen they wipe off easily and the phone looks brand new again.

That's what I was thinking, one user it won't be that bad.


Sep 19, 2016
Meh. I like the matte black better. Always have. Shiny just looks cheap to me.


It's your phone. Go with what you want. If someone wants to judge you for your phone,rather color or make/model, android or iOS, let them. Who cares. It's a phone. You chose the color and model you want.

And maybe, just maybe some people just want to have a conversation. Maybe their not trying to bash or judge. Maybe they aren't trying to reassure theirselves. Or maybe they are. Doesn't sound like the op is trying to judge or bash. Just my opinion. Can't we all just get along and be happy that we have new phones?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2014
I'm just gonna leave this right here.

Also, carriers and Apple COULD (probably won't) but COULD change their trade-in policy and include heavy blemishes/scratches on their "not accepted" list when it's time to trade-in. You never know. Or, Apple could pull a fast one and make you pay the AppleCare repair fee or whatever if it looks like crap. I doubt they would do this but they all probably have some fine print somewhere to cover their ass if they do decide to. Apple could be like: we told you to use a case. If this ever happened, all you JB owners would be screwed. And the resale value would suck. It's a beautiful device that was poorly thought out and poorly manufactured. It belongs in a frame or something.


macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
I'm just gonna leave this right here.

Also, carriers and Apple COULD (probably won't) but COULD change their trade-in policy and include heavy blemishes/scratches on their "not accepted" list when it's time to trade-in. You never know. Or, Apple could pull a fast one and make you pay the AppleCare repair fee or whatever if it looks like crap. I doubt they would do this but they all probably have some fine print somewhere to cover their ass if they do decide to. Apple could be like: we told you to use a case. If this ever happened, all you JB owners would be screwed. And the resale value would suck. It's a beautiful device that was poorly thought out and poorly manufactured. It belongs in a frame or something.

I don't know about carriers but Apple isn't going to do that because AC+ terms and conditions specifically state that it doesn't cover normal wear and tear. Apple isn't going to make you pay $99 in order to trade it in unless it's shattered, cracked, etc.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 26, 2008
I have a regular black 7+ and went to the Apple Store to checkout the Jet Black iPhone. They have a JB 7 on display. The front side of both JB and Black phones look exactly identical in finish. The back side is where things get interesting. The JB iPhone feels awesome to grip and hold but it is a finger print magnet. The Apple Store employees were constantly wiping it with a microfiber cloth. I tried to wipe off the finger prints by rubbing it on my shirt but they were stubborn. It looks absolutely dirty with those prints as they show very easily with all the light reflecting off of its surface. There were no scratch marks on the JB display model but I can imagine that any scratches will show very easily than on the regular Black version.

I have an option to pickup a JB 7+ next week but I decided to pass and keep my regular Black 7+.
Thanks for making a new thread on your opinion on how jet black has scratches. Nothing new to see here folks. This is only like the 10th thread created about this.
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macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2014
Why do matte Black owners keep starting threads like this but not the JB owners?

Jealousy? Nah that can't be it, there was a choice, same price after all.

Have to admit, I love the look of the Jet Black, if it wasn't for the need to have it live in a case, well that or have it scratched to high hell in a matter of days, it'd definitely be he one I'd have chosen. Plus it seems like a crime to put that gorgeous Jet Black in a case so I can't help thinking it'd end up looking even worse than my 3G/3GS did. I know it's only a phone but I'd like it to hold its looks just a little longer.

Not that that's to say I don't like the matte black, it has its own unique charm and is by no means unattractive. One of those better in the flesh than images things.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2012
What are you guys talking about?

Look how clean Jet Black looks

Because 100's of people with their disgusting hands all over the phone after they were done holding who knows what or doing who knows what with is obviously going to garner results like this. However, myself, I tend to have generally clean hands before I go grabbing my own stuff. I wipe/wash my hands after greasy foods and so on and so forth. I don't think this will be an issue with my phone.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
Good heavens. I won't not be touching that thing. Looks disgusting. Obviously your personal device will be cleaner but I would not touch that demo unit if it looked like that.
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macrumors regular
Jan 22, 2008
To me- it's pretty simple why I got Jet Black. The grip, for SURE, is better. I don't use cases on my iPhone, and use the bigger plus size, and the metal is very slippery. You can say the matte has a fine grip and doesn't bother you, but that metal finish for sure is more slippery than the Jet Black. And if you're going to use a case anyway, then who really cares what color the back is or what finish it is? I'll take the added grip for sure over any minor scratches so I can add value to using the phone naked.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2014
I don't know about carriers but Apple isn't going to do that because AC+ terms and conditions specifically state that it doesn't cover normal wear and tear. Apple isn't going to make you pay $99 in order to trade it in unless it's shattered, cracked, etc.

I wouldn't be shocked if some carriers don't take back trade-ins of jet blacks that are all scratched and scuffed up

Moi Ici

macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2012
JB owners are content with their choice but the matte black brigade need reassurance and to justify their choice of matte black because of their fear of fingerprints and on a mobile phone.

Just a little.......
What are you guys talking about?

Look how clean Jet Black looks

Jebus....was there a fish playing with it


macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2012
I wouldn't be shocked if some carriers don't take back trade-ins of jet blacks that are all scratched and scuffed up

I've got it on good authority that AT&T's trade in policy just makes sure theres no cracks, dents, water damage, LCD intact, all buttons work, and phone powers on and is fully operable. Scratches are normal wear and tear and are acceptable.
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