Hey, tekmoe.
So you mentioned that you use Ableton Live...
I also do a lot of audio work, and just picked up a white Macbook. The machine is definitely "fast enough" (I'm coming from an ibook and imac G5, and it even beats the imac), but I've got that darn CPU buzz/whine, and from what I've been hearing, that's just the nature of the beast with the Core Duo.
I'm thinking that I'm just going to return this (I'm still within my 14 days!) for a new MBP. Not only will I get a faster machine (not a necessity, but a bonus), but I'll get a quieter one to boot. If I skip the Applecare for the first year, then I'll really only be spending just under $300 more to upgrade to the low end pro model.
Anyway, have you ever heard the CPU whine that people talk about with Core Duo laptops? Does this new MBP really have none of that?
It's tempting, man...