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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
There's a dual 1.25 MDD on eBay - Apple PowerMac 2x 1.25 Ghz PowerPC G4 768MB 250GB+120GB OSX Installed with 17" Screen - and I have the itch to play with something new if I can get the seller down a bit on the price.

Just a few questions if anyone can help me please - the display, does it need a power cable or will it get power from the MDD? I can't see an input hole for a PSU for it.

I assume I can get a USB 2.0 card, Airport and better graphics, all PCI?

That's probably it, as I have loads of hard drives and spare RAM.

Cheers :)

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macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
The display gets its power via the ADC connector on the MDD's graphics card, everything (video, power, USB) is provided to the display using the one cable which was the main advantage of ADC. The graphics card uses an AGP connection internally (not PCI or PCIe). If you replace the graphics card with one that doesn't have an ADC port then you'll need an Apple A1006 DVI to ADC adapter which also functions as a power supply for the display.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
Thanks both ↑↑ , seems I'll be OK to go for it then, unless there's any bad reasons not to get an MDD?

I must be mad :D

Cheers :)



macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
They are reported to be noisy, which would drive me mad. But that can be remedied by replacing the fans with quieter ones and the HDDs with one or more SSDs. If you're looking to upgrade your graphics card at some point, this list shows which cards have an ADC.
Fantastic, I'll come back to that list if I buy.

Cheers :)

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Wild Hare

macrumors regular
Mar 29, 2021
I've quite a few MDDs and a bit of (on-going) history with them. In fact, the one you’re considering is my favorite configuration. I think their PSUs are weak and prone to failure (especially at this point in time - 20 years later). I've also replaced quite a few MDD failed PSU's.

However, some of that PSU weakness might be directly attributable to the PSU being taxed also with providing power to ADC monitors. (A reason I don’t use such monitors and opt for DVI monitors instead.) *Video card in that listing does also have a DVI connector.

AND both time and internal temperature take their toll as well… which brings me to this:

Seller might have taken the time to blow down the internals of this MDD but neglected to clean the front air intake. With so much dust (and possible cigarette smoke residue) left untouched, this leads me to wonder what the main CPU fan blades AND the PSU fans might look like. I can envision a PSU full of this same fuzz and residue… and possibly weakened more over time by this - and with increased internal operating temperatures (cooking capacitors?).

Maybe once owned by Arthur Brown?

So, while I don’t know if this is a good price for an MDD in the U.K. - I might shy away from this one, especially if I couldn’t preview it’s performance and fan condition(s) in person. I can only imagine the internal state of its’ PSU and if it has anything like what we see on the air intake, inside. Not good.

Sure you can get refurbed PSU’s and add a USB card to help with that “minus one” USB.

BUT maybe I’d simply wait for another (better condition) MDD instead.
FWIW. ;)


macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
Thanks very much, I'll bear that in mind. It's just past midnight here now, so I'm off to bed.

Cheers :)



macrumors member
Jun 28, 2021
They are reported to be noisy, which would drive me mad. But that can be remedied by replacing the fans with quieter ones and the HDDs with one or more SSDs. If you're looking to upgrade your graphics card at some point, this list shows which cards have an ADC.
The reason mine was only with me briefly before selling on (to someone who still uses OS9 for work!) was the noise. Like an airplane engine, sadly.

Webster's Mac

macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2016
I have a couple of MDDs...1 is a dial 1.25 (temporarily a dual 1.0ghz due to the CPU card dying). The PSUs are solid...IF they are recapped! I have a recapped PSU in the dual 1.25 MDD and am in the process of getting a spare MDD PSU recapped so I can throw it in my dual 1.42 ghz. Replace the thermal paste as these G4 chips will burn themselves up if allowed to. Great machines overall, both of mine are quiet but years ago I had a wind tunnel was not pleasant haha.

Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
I think that is a fine machine to purchase - definitely needs a good clean but most of these do. The PSUs are elderly and weak so a recap is a great option. 90 pounds seems a little steep to me but you do get a neat acrylic studio/cinema display and you don't see those everyday (even stateside). If I could get it for 45-55 pound and pickup "locally", I'd bite but maybe I'm undercutting their real value in the Eurozone. I wonder if seller has an a1006 or apple mouse/kb or some Pro speakers to sweeten the deal? Those additions would be worth the 90pounds to me (about $120 USD) and the a1006 would give you the option to upgrade to a different gpu if you wanted to and still use the ACD (which are cool).

I am of course in the US. I have no idea on MDD scarcity of the Eurozone, so assuming there are far less bouncing around, that of course increases selling price - you'll have to be the judge of that. I think it's a cool Powermac for sure though.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I had this exact model (not to be confused with the later FW800 Dual 1.25 which had less L3 cache) and loved it.

Can also boot into OS9 which is a bonus.

I used mine when I was a freelance designer - many publications and product packaging were done on that Mac :)

I also ran mine with the 17" Cinema screen and added 4XUSB2, a PCI wireless card and 2GB RAM - I sold it around 10 years ago for £50 :(


macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
I'm still on the fence about buying, I might try £70 and include the dust in my reasoning for the price.
Plus I have to add a 30 odd mile journey to collect.
Seller seems to be a recycling firm with loads of Macs, so will probably accept an offer to clear space.

It's not like I haven't got time to deal with it, as my wife passed away early December, and I need something to occupy myself.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I'm still on the fence about buying, I might try £70 and include the dust in my reasoning for the price.
Plus I have to add a 30 odd mile journey to collect.
Seller seems to be a recycling firm with loads of Macs, so will probably accept an offer to clear space.

It's not like I haven't got time to deal with it, as my wife passed away early December, and I need something to occupy myself.
That's terrible - really sorry to hear that @Hughmac
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macrumors member
Jun 28, 2021
I'm still on the fence about buying, I might try £70 and include the dust in my reasoning for the price.
Plus I have to add a 30 odd mile journey to collect.
Seller seems to be a recycling firm with loads of Macs, so will probably accept an offer to clear space.

It's not like I haven't got time to deal with it, as my wife passed away early December, and I need something to occupy myself.
I hope you’re holding up ok, @Hughmac. Having a project like the MDD is a good way to occupy your mind at times like this. It looks like you’re in the UK - Cruse bereavement support are a really helpful organisation to talk to if you‘d like some extra help.



macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
She had dementia, and after an unrelated stay in hospital in June was transferred to a care home.

At that point we all knew the end result, just not when, so I supposed I was prepared in a way.

I visited as often as Covid regs allowed, but I've gone from being a full time carer to nothing.

I'm OK thanks, coping all right but the house is so empty.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2020
Well the MDD was the last desktop Mac to support OS 9 out of the box, but if you're feeling bold, you can also push it into territory only a G5 was ever supposed to be able to achieve. It's all about what GPU you want for it, which can be far beyond what was ever officially supported, and how far you're willing to overclock it.

As others have said, the PSU is the weak spot, and I do consider myself to be lucky to have a model with a refurbished one. They even managed to tone down the "wind tunnel" on mine before I ever got it, though replacing the single 1.25Ghz with a double 1.25Ghz cpu card seems to be a little too much for what it's got, cooling wise.
I assume I can get a USB 2.0 card, Airport and better graphics, all PCI?
Oh, and for the record, you're going to be looking for AGP video cards, but otherwise correct. Don't worry, there are actually more AGP options than there are PCI ones. The only caveat there is that you're going to need a different monitor if you go down that rout, as the Apple Display Connector was only used on a handful of cards, and it's not really in line with the AGP spec. But, again, there are workarounds on using newer cards.

It's also far better set up as a file server than any G5, with 4 full sized hard drive bays, the only real limit there is that it all still uses IDE, and not even always the highest speeds possible. There are ways around that, but a SATA card would be optimal, if you can find or make one compatible.

The best news is that it has so many PCI slots that even if you replace all the older standards with new cards, you will struggle to run out of space inside of the thing.

I absolutely consider one a great project, and with the right upgrades it can easily keep up with a lower end G5. As long as you're willing to flash cards for the MDD, the cost on parts shouldn't get too high, PC parts from that era are still pretty cheap in comparison


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2021
She had dementia, and after an unrelated stay in hospital in June was transferred to a care home.

At that point we all knew the end result, just not when, so I supposed I was prepared in a way.

I visited as often as Covid regs allowed, but I've gone from being a full time carer to nothing.

I'm OK thanks, coping all right but the house is so empty.
Every time we lose someone it’s hard, even when we know it’s coming. Fill your time with things you enjoy as best you can. Adapting to this big change will take time, though. But you’re doing really well to get yourself a project and keep busy.

I’m afraid it’s true about the sound those fans on the MDD make though, but I suspect other, more experienced members here have strategies that can make them a little quieter. It was still a very pretty machine :)


macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
The hard drives are both Barracuda 7200 rpm, so no rush to upgrade for a while, and I've never felt like I was stretching a 64MB graphics card, so OK for the moment.
I have a spare Airport card but don't want to be dropping my network to WEP, so a PCI Airport like this AIRPORT EXTREME WIRELESS-G PCI CARD FOR APPLE MAC POWERMAC G3 G4 G5 is an eventual must.

So the plan is, get it home, clean the dust out and repaste the CPUs, restore from CCC backups, get wifi working (I have several USB sticks that should work fine), and then upgrade as necessary from there.


macrumors 68000
May 30, 2011
Looking at the size of the ADC and the res of the screenshots I get the feeling that it might be just the 15" version (1024x768).
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