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macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
imho, who cares?

in the end, i think it's sad that another couple, famous or not, has split up. it seems to be the 'in' thing to do these days.

sure, the kids will have millions, but she won't have a normal parental situation. not saying single parents can't do the trick themselves, but having divorced folks has got to suck in alot of ways.

and i feel for paul b/c he lost the first love of this life when his first wife passed.


macrumors G4
Doesn't bother me really... they're not taking anything away from me

They're not taking anything tangible from me. But I think they do bring out my feminist (non butch/non hairy leg) side.

If you're (in the generic sense, not BV) demanding equal rights and pay in the workplace or a fair share of a marriage's profits then you need to have equal responsibilities. Whether that's running the family home and entertaining hubbie's golf buddies or going out to work to bring in an extra income might be irrelevant but simply spending it on yourself and expecting to be kept in that style forever without having to lift a finger just seems wrong, particularly when there's no good reason why you're not capable of work.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
It's not just women.

Example: Kevin Federline.

At least I don't think incompetent = incapable. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Sorry, what's the hatred for her actually based on, apart from parroting what the tabloids have been saying?

How about her own father who said that she was greedy:

Heather Mills’ bid to win millions from Sir Paul McCartney in their bitter divorce settlement has been slammed by her own father as ‘greedy’.

Mark Mills claims his 40-year-old former porn star daughter has been offered a fortune and he urged her to settle months ago.

“He’s offered her multi-millions,” said Mark. “She should take that and stop what she’s doing. It’s plenty.”


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2004
Kilmarnock, Scotland UK
and why is she complaining about £35K a year for her daughter, she wont be taxed on that 35K, and thats 10K more than i make in a year and i get taxed on that. I have a pretty descent life, i have a home, a newish car, an iMac, a Mac Mini, a nice TV, mobile phone contract, satellite TV and an internet connection, and still (with carefull budgeting) have enough left over to treat my wife and new baby daughter now and again, but the main thing is we are happy. So what the hek is a 4 (or whatever) year old going to do with 35K tax free per year, there are only so many Bratz dolls you can get.


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2006
Carlisle, Up Norf!
Thing is, why is she entitled to it? WTF did she do to earn her 25 million?

Not that I'd ever dream of getting married (RE: This ****) but if a divorce did come round, mine would be easy to settle. She'd get half of everything. The chainsaw would be out and she'd get half...


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
and why is she complaining about £35K a year for her daughter, she wont be taxed on that 35K, and thats 10K more than i make in a year and i get taxed on that. I have a pretty descent life, i have a home, a newish car, an iMac, a Mac Mini, a nice TV, mobile phone contract, satellite TV and an internet connection, and still (with carefull budgeting) have enough left over to treat my wife and new baby daughter now and again, but the main thing is we are happy. So what the hek is a 4 (or whatever) year old going to do with 35K tax free per year, there are only so many Bratz dolls you can get.

She can start on blow at a young age.


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2007
Believe me, I'm no fan of Paul McCartney. He's toe-curlingly embarassing to watch (much like an elderly relative who refuses to accept they're past it), and he makes my flesh crawl with his creepiness. He also had that whole Lennon & McCartney/McCartney & Lennon debate which tried to suggest he had as much genius as the great man himself. On top of all this, his attempts at dyeing his hair are ***** and really obvious ;-)

However, even I have felt sorry for him in the last few days for having to hand over a single penny to that vampiric, single-minded, money-grabbing leech that is Heather Mills. She truly is an awful human being in every sense of the word, and no amount of charity work is going to divert people from realising this.

The way she came out of the court yesterday complaining that she only got £24m sickens me to the pit of my stomach. £24m is far more than most people will see in their entire lifetime. More than soldiers get for risking their lives, more than nurses and doctors get for saving them. And guess what....they all have kids too. Sadly, the hard-working majority won't be able to give their kids the kind of luxury that Mills can now afford hers thanks to her incredible ability to sit on an old man's cock for a few years.

Paul McCartney? He can just **** off. But Heather Mills? She can burn and rot in hell.

Henri Gaudier

macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2005
I'm staggered by the hostility shown here. Perhaps I've missed the tv show where she ate babies but what's happening? I saw a documentary about her where she went after stars who have fashion lines that use fur. (One rapper had a coat from a polar bear for f**ks sake!) Anyway, in that, she came over as a really nice person working herself sore to achieve something. He on the other hand came off as a right tosser. What is it that she's done? Of course the money is so huge anyone arguing about it looks pretty unsympathetic but if you were in her shoes you may have done the same. Especially if you're motivated politically to help charities which obviously needs money. Isn't this a case of the tabloids whipping up a frenzy based on a loose alliance to him out of a nostalgic fondness?


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2006
Carlisle, Up Norf!
Oh, she does charity work? Sorry, I must have missed that. That means it's totally acceptable for her to be a greedy cow that still isn't happy when she gets £25 million for doing sweet FA.


Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
He proposed to her, she didn't stalk him. He didn't organise a prenuptial agreement. He also divorced her, not the other way round. So any claims of gold-digging seem a little far-fetched.

In any dissolution of contract, lawyers will always encourage you to claim far more than you're realistically going to get, and I'm speaking from recent experience here, and as well from the divorce of my parents and the divorce processes of some of my colleagues. She's just silly if she thought and said that she deserved what she claimed, but being silly isn't a crime. Yet.

She gets approx 6% of his declared assets as pointed out earlier in the thread, a fair enough deal in a divorce settlement, and proportionally far smaller a percentage than many people get when they divorce a wealthier partner.

Marriage and divorce are expensive. By that contract, she deserves what she gets and so does he.

I just think a lot of people here are just jealous that a woman can get that money with seemingly little effort. But none of us were flies on the wall during that marriage, and none of us were privy to the details of the hearing. If the judge, after considering all the submissions and evidence from both parties thought this was a fair settlement, then who am I to disagree? Personally, I think Paul McCartney got off lightly.

There just never seems to be the vitriol spewed at men that walk away from a marriage with a handsome payoff. Kevin Federline, as emw mentioned... and I'm sure that Sean Penn was earning less than Madonna when they split up.

If any of you have qualms or complaints about divorce law in England, then I suggest you don't get married. Or make sure you have a prenuptial agreement.

Henri Gaudier

macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2005
The carve up of assets is the law. Every broken relationship goes through this process. Only a few are as high profile as this. There are no doubt, millions of cases of unfair distribution of assets. In this case I think he did well out of the system. I wonder if his £200 million iTunes money was totted up in the maths? I still can't see the reason for the hostility. If a couples assets are X then to walk away, a fair fraction of that sum is needed to start a new life. For some that's 50k or nothing; for others it's 250 million € £ $ . Huge though her sum is, at the end of the day, it's only a fraction of his net worth.


macrumors regular
Jan 9, 2008
Bay Area, CA
I thought she was way out of order complaining about the $$$ even if she does do alot of work for charity. I'm sure she is going to find it hard to even get charitable work due to the negative greedy image she has now.


PS: I would have been bouncing off the walls if my ex-wife had ended up with 6% instead of 50%+the house...

:mad: Grrr!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I thought she was way out of order complaining about the $$$ even if she does do alot of work for charity.

Doing charity work is essentially a licence to kill. I have also done charity work, and I can redeem the good karma points I earned for a "Get Out Of Being A Total Jerk" card. What immunity!

I'm sure the community is really proud of her little blurb at the end about her willingness to make sure her daughter travels in A class rather than B class. She's practically a Saint, you know.


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2007
Just out of interest, how many wooden legs can you get for 24 mil? Anyone know? ;)


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Some charmless posts here... in the fine tradition of the British tabloids building people up then knocking them down... and the great general public imagining they know someone... merely because they've read the gossip pages.


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2007
He proposed to her, she didn't stalk him. He didn't organise a prenuptial agreement. He also divorced her, not the other way round. So any claims of gold-digging seem a little far-fetched.

I disagree wholeheartedly. To gold-dig, one would only need to hang out in the right circles, and her background lends itself well to that idea. I'm not claiming she did gold-dig, and their marriage could certainly have been one of great love. The fact that it ended comparatively quickly doesn't mean that they weren't at one point mady in love with each other. But to dismiss it as far-fetched is taking it a step or two too far.

She gets approx 6% of his declared assets as pointed out earlier in the thread, a fair enough deal in a divorce settlement, and proportionally far smaller a percentage than many people get when they divorce a wealthier partner.

I still am not seeing why it's "fair". Comparing 6% of her life to the 6% of his declared assets doesn't hold any water because during that 6% she likely had an income, assets of her own, and she certainly received a fair helping of Paul's net worth while they were together.

I just think a lot of people here are just jealous that a woman can get that money with seemingly little effort.

That seems a little reactionary and playing the gender card to me.

There just never seems to be the vitriol spewed at men that walk away from a marriage with a handsome payoff. Kevin Federline, as emw mentioned... and I'm sure that Sean Penn was earning less than Madonna when they split up.

This isn't a thread about K-Fed. Does it need to be said here that Federline is as much of a leech as anyone in order to justify the premise that Mills may not be deserving of such a huge sum of money?

A google search for "Keven Federline Gold Digger" returns 20 000 more hits than one of the same for Mills. Mills wins "scum" by a slim margin, and K-Fed takes home the "trash" medal by a cool 100 000. It looks to me like public opinion of him is probably even lower than of Mills, and there's certainly a lot of vitriol being spewed his way for the amount he's walking away with.


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Some charmless posts here... in the fine tradition of the British tabloids building people up then knocking them down... and the great general public imagining they know someone... merely because they've read the gossip pages.
I haven't read the gossip pages. I've read quotes from BBC News. Is the BBC now a tabloid?


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2006
Carlisle, Up Norf!
£3.2m per year for herself and Beatrice
Properties in Los Angeles and New York
Between £8m and £12.5m for a home in London
£3m to purchase a New York home
£500,000 to £750,000 to buy a London office
Monetary value on compensation for loss of earnings

The bitch is mad.

Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
The Laws are set up for woman. this should be a warning to all wanting marriage. HALF! is hers if she goes.

Did she deserve all that money simply because she married him?

Great example why to not marry.
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