Don't do anything dishonest, that wont get you anywhere, but you should
1) Go to your doctor immediately and have it checked out and documented.
2) Stop using the iPhone and take it to the Genius Bar immediately.
I think it is high time for Americans and Europeans to stand up and say we are no longer going to accept this defective Wall-Mart style CRAP that is created in China. I have had 2 products in the last 3 months with explooding batteries, one of which sprayed the electrolyte on my child. Luckily we were able to nutralize the acid before more problems.
We are in an era where every big company is trying to make their products cheaper and cheaper, so they go to China. China manufacturing=FAIL. Every stinkin LiIon battery in the explooding battery problems of the past year is made in ...wait for it...China (ding ding ding). If they cant even be bothered to make their schools and buildings up to spec to not kill their own people, then how in the heck can we expect them to give a crap about us, the Capitalistic society (Their mortal enimy's). I miss the days of products coming out of HK. While there are ties to China, things were such better quality then.
You need to burn Apple on this. They owe you. What if you get cancer later on because of cell damage that you dont see now. It can happen. Send Apple the message that we do not accept their non-QA, QC crap. And for the love of God, at least have them replace your iPhone with a new one out of the box and not a replacement, refurb stock unit in a white box. I think that is the least they could do. Of course they are not going to care, so the suggestion to run in without an appointment and drop trou and scream may have more of an effect, or may provide more comedy for us here in the forums. If you decide to do that, please have a friend video tape it, as this would be really funny.
Granted, we should keep the pressure on tech companies to prevent these kinds of problems and manage the quality of their products. But there is a flip side to your China rant. Without China's cheap labor, Apple simply wouldn't be able to crank out millions of iPhones at this rate and sell them for $200 a pop. Heck, without China, we'd probably all still be using cell phones the size of bricks, and paying $800 for them. We all seem to want our cake and eat it too.