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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Apple posted two different versions of the Hip Hop iPod Ad which debuted on Wednesday.

The two new ads are simply shorter (15 second) and longer (45 second) versions of the previous (30 second) advertisement.

Meanwhile, one whisper tells us to pay attention to one of the next episodes of Friends for the next iPod ad... which is described as a bit more rockin'.


macrumors regular
Mar 3, 2003
Shame they're all the same...

I'm hoping Apple gets some new ads for the iTMS when it hits PCs next week.


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
Yeah, I can picture a rock ad. But where do they go from there? Don't get me wrong, two versions of the same ad isn't bad, but you can't have 4 people jumped around listening to Bach or Kenny G. :D

Maybe Britney....


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2003
Originally posted by Freg3000
Yeah, I can picture a rock ad. But where do they go from there? Don't get me wrong, two versions of the same ad isn't bad, but you can't have 4 people jumped around listening to Bach or Kenny G. :D

Maybe Britney....

On the contrary I think that that would be hilarious - particularly if it was kenny g doing the jumping around.


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2002
I thought the adds were ok. But I've seen the long one twice tonight and it's growing on me. Very cool.


macrumors member
Feb 6, 2003
Left Coast
Originally posted by Freg3000
Yeah, I can picture a rock ad. But where do they go from there? Don't get me wrong, two versions of the same ad isn't bad, but you can't have 4 people jumped around listening to Bach or Kenny G. :D

Huh? There's no reason they couldn't do a similiar ad where someone is listening to Bach and conducting 'air baton'. I think that would be a great ad. All kinds of music evokes emotion and animation in its listeners, not just rock and hip-hop.


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2003
These ads are frickin' awesome! Can't wait for more. And when this campaign starts to get stale. they'll come out with something even cooler (I hope.) Look at the past year.


macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
cool. a longer version is always good. :D

and i'm guessing that the 'watch Friends for the next ad...' doesn't apply to Australia? :( i might have actually watched it for once...

can't wait for a more 'rockin' ad!! :D


macrumors regular
Jul 31, 2003
New ad idea...

Star Wars kid + iPod + lots of dancing....

'Nuff said!

...Oh, and hamsters! Cant forget the hamsters!
Hamsters! Dancing with iPods!

*washes his pills down with ice water and steps back into his padded room*


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2003
Hate to be a critic...

... but these adds highlight the biggest flaw the iPod still has: the cable!

To be truly perfect, they should get rid of the cable and connect the remote and the earplugs via bluetooth (I mean: no cables at all!). All the necessary BT profiles exist, put them to some good use!

Then again, there is nothing to be said against Apple commercials, they can always use more public awareness. :D

Just my 2cents...

Jesus on OSX

macrumors member
Apr 29, 2003
You're mistaken.

Originally posted by huckleup Huh? There's no reason they couldn't do a similiar ad where someone is listening to Bach and conducting 'air baton'. I think that would be a great ad. All kinds of music evokes emotion and animation in its listeners, not just rock and hip-hop.

You sir, do not understand marketing. Just like websites, you have to capture the attention of the audience within the first 5-7 seconds or the channel is flipped.

Population suffers from ADD. No one is going to stick around and watch some Bach-inspired commericals during pop-culture shows, considering every single ad out there aims to deliver as much adrenaline as possible in a 30-second timeframe.

You snooze, you lose. Black Eyed Peas style Hip-Hop is a perfect candidate for the background music because a) it's catchy b) it's clear c) it's meaningless. Rather than provoking redundant thoughts in consumers, it aims to shift to focus on the product that's being conveyed. "Shake your booty" is something that you don't need to process in your brain consciously. It all happens on motor skill basis. Combine that with the visual aspect of the commercial and you have a killer mix. It would be quite a challenge to figure out this formula with mainstream rock, but my hunch is they're going to try anyway. Good luck to apple with trying to find a good mainstream rock band to fit the above context.

As much as I'd like to see Blind Guardian, Cradle of Filth, Black Label Society, Dillinger Escape Plan or Opeth in iPod commercials, they won't work no matter what. System of a Down has many catchy riffs which would satisfy the soundtrack, but they're too anti-establishment to be put on there. I just hope the "rock" version does not feature those ****** boy-"bands" such as Good Charlotte, Trapt or Limp Bizkit.

And the classical music does not work during primetime. Wagner is great, but too Hitler-oriented :p


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2002
Re: You're mistaken.

Originally posted by Jesus on OSX
You sir, do not understand marketing. Just like websites, you have to capture the attention of the audience within the first 5-7 seconds or the channel is flipped.

Population suffers from ADD. No one is going to stick around and watch some Bach-inspired commericals during pop-culture shows, considering every single ad out there aims to deliver as much adrenaline as possible in a 30-second timeframe.

You snooze, you lose. Black Eyed Peas style Hip-Hop is a perfect candidate for the background music because a) it's catchy b) it's clear c) it's meaningless. Rather than provoking redundant thoughts in consumers, it aims to shift to focus on the product that's being conveyed. "Shake your booty" is something that you don't need to process in your brain consciously. It all happens on motor skill basis. Combine that with the visual aspect of the commercial and you have a killer mix...
Excellent analysis. I agree completely.


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Re: Hate to be a critic...

Originally posted by nlz
... but these adds highlight the biggest flaw the iPod still has: the cable!

To be truly perfect, they should get rid of the cable and connect the remote and the earplugs via bluetooth (I mean: no cables at all!). All the necessary BT profiles exist, put them to some good use!

Then again, there is nothing to be said against Apple commercials, they can always use more public awareness. :D

Just my 2cents...

Err, how many Plays out there are Bluetooth?

I thought that was too slow for a transfer *to* the iPod so I imagine for a song it still would be too slow.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
Re: Re: Hate to be a critic...

Originally posted by MrMacman
Err, how many Plays out there are Bluetooth?

I thought that was too slow for a transfer *to* the iPod so I imagine for a song it still would be too slow.

the new Nokia N-gage has a wireless headset that works over bluetooth, not just for voice, but for the games as well. So the technology must work, but I personally think the old wired earbuds are the way to go. If you break them, they are easy to replace with ones from anywhere.


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2003

I think it's one of the best adverts apples done in a long time, it really does appeal to me and probably most of the kids out there becuse of the huge hip hop market over there in the US. But on Friends? They could have put it on a good sitcom...then again theyre just after as much coverage as possible.


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2003
My guess is the ad on Friends is going to be for iTunes for Windows. Since Thursday is the rumored day for the launch of iTunes Windows.

Just my $.02. :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2003
Dominican Republic
another thing

then youd have to put little batteries on the headphones ...just wouldnt be good for dancing... and jumping... and imagine the cost of these headphones... yikes... it would raise the price of the ipod... which isnt very cheap imho....

ipods for 200 would sell like hotcakes!

get with it apple!
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