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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has started televising three new 'Get a Mac' ads which have been posted to their site.

- Pizza Box - PC tries to attract college students with free Pizza
- Throne - Mac explains switching from PC to Mac is easy by bringing your PC to an Apple Store
- Calming Teas - PC has a new line of calming teas for frustrated Vista users

Article Link


macrumors 68020
Oct 24, 2007
I am surprised that Apple would actually run the "Pizza Box" ad with their buy a Mac and get a free iPod touch promotion for college students, it just seems ironic.


macrumors regular
Aug 18, 2008
I didn't think any of them were to hilarious, except for the pizza box. How John Hodgeman says "eat me" at the end...
throne was just lame though


macrumors 68040
Rather than putting out ads attacking Microsoft's faults, Apple should put out an ad apologizing for MobileMe and for the fact that my MacBook's fan is so loud and constantly overheating and crashing despite having been sent to Flextronics multiple times.

It wouldn't sell computers, but it would earn my respect. ;)


macrumors member
Jun 5, 2008
Rather than putting out ads attacking Microsoft's faults, Apple should put out an ad apologizing for MobileMe and for the fact that my MacBook's fan is so loud and constantly overheating and crashing despite having been sent to Flextronics multiple times.

It wouldn't sell computers, but it would earn my respect. ;)

Take your complaints somewhere else. Off the top of my head, would be a good place for someone like you.


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2008
Take your complaints somewhere else. Off the top of my head, would be a good place for someone like you.

So because this is a Mac website, he's not allowed to have any complaints about any Apple product or service, even if there may be truth behind them?

On the topic of the ads, still dislike the way they're doing it like many other PC and Mac users. Unfortunately they see sales going up and assume it's working. Maybe it is, but there are far better ways to market the products without bashing Microsoft.


macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2005
I like the pizza box ad.

The throne ad was a bit lame...although the end was funny, and it did advertise a great service (genius bar transfer of your files).


macrumors regular
Jul 30, 2008
New York
Atleast the pizza box and throne one promote some of mac's features. I think it is best when they show what apple can do, bash windows, and have it be funny all in the same ad.


Apr 14, 2008
Rather than putting out ads attacking Microsoft's faults, Apple should put out an ad apologizing for MobileMe and for the fact that my MacBook's fan is so loud and constantly overheating and crashing despite having been sent to Flextronics multiple times.

It wouldn't sell computers, but it would earn my respect. ;)

Wait...hold on. In a market in which the options for the average consumer are Windows or OS X, you think that Apple should apologise for MobileMe (which doesn't affect their operating system whatsoever as it's a separate service) and to say 'we apologise that the repair centre that swingerofbirch uses isn't able to fix the problem he is having'. Is that right?



macrumors 68000
Jul 15, 2006
I thought the throne was was the best one...
It really captured WHY you should switch VS "Vista sucks"

The tea one was kinda funny but nothing about the mac was said.

The pizza one was alright too though, trying to latch onto the college kids.

The "I banish you, you are banished" line was pretty funny though!


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
As long as they're going to just bash Vista, they should have made fun of the Mojave ad.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2007
Rather than putting out ads attacking Microsoft's faults, Apple should put out an ad apologizing for MobileMe and for the fact that my MacBook's fan is so loud and constantly overheating and crashing despite having been sent to Flextronics multiple times.

It wouldn't sell computers, but it would earn my respect. ;)

Agreed. Plis it will help promote the mobile me service.

Take your complaints somewhere else. Off the top of my head, would be a good place for someone like you.

I dont see him complaining. Hes just stating his opinion whitch we are all open to do. I see YOU complaining about practically nothing


macrumors 68040
Take your complaints somewhere else. Off the top of my head, would be a good place for someone like you.

I've never heard of Engadget referred to in that way. Is that where you send everyone you consider a misfit? I don't read Engadget, but maybe I should take a look...

I wasn't really complaining about my situation. I've said in the past that I don't think these ads are a good idea. Hubris doesn't win people over. Because eventually everyone falls. And when Apple falls--which it will from time to time--people will take pleasure in remembering the times Apple took pleasure in Microsoft falling with Vista. And by giving my own personal example of my MacBook failing at the moment, I was pointing out how it's already hypocritical. And given MobileMe's failures, it's hypocritical to even more people.

I love Apple. If Apple consumers only apologize for Apple though, it will become a worse company. In particular, I don't think these ads are great. And I've said that consistently before MobileMe and my MacBook issues.


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2007
Calming Teas, by far, is the funniest. Crashytime Chamomille, ah, I can taste it now...

Did Mac just call him "Doug?"

Kenn Marks

macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2005
Ahh!! The APPLE Pizza Box

I love the 'Pizza Box' ad, it makes me remember my PowerMac 6100.

6100 was more of a cake box but the original LC, LC II, LC III, and Quadra 605 now there where "pizza boxes" with flip lids and all. "Tim the Tool Man" had one back on his desk in the entry hall of "Home Improvement".


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
They seem to get a little worse each time. At least the message gets across no matter what.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2006
Las Vegas
The PC transfer service is pretty important IMO - my cousin called me this weekend and asked if its possible to transfer her music (ripped and purchased) from her PC to a new Mac if she were to get one. Now she can just take her PC into the store and do it.
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