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macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
Deserves... Yes, let's give a handout to a poorly run company that chooses to not jump on that train and offer one of the world's most popular phones.

Unfortunately for T-Mobile users, T-Mobile is too cheap to make a contract and commit to Apple's terms.

Part of the reason they are dying, they have no good base anymore because their infrastructure isn't getting updated like it needs to be.

So, youre against consumers having choice?

You should know that T-Mobile *does* want the iPhone but Apple, I mean Foxconn, isn't making any with the AWS band. But hey, its easier to just flame an entity without any knowledge on the subject.


macrumors regular
May 18, 2011
Not Worried

I wanted a 4 or 4.5 inch iPhone.....However, the more I use and compare my Galaxy Nexus to my iPod touch, the more I realize Apple doesn't need to make the screen bigger. Not when the quality is what it is. Bigger would be the key for movies and such, but I put my devices side by side and feel NO loss due to the smaller size of the touch. Clearly they still know what they're doing. Now, if they go bigger, so be it, but too large a screen makes for a crappy experience when you LOVE to navigate with only a thumb. Either way, I'm sure it'll rock like they're other products and since I've got my new iPad, I'm not worried about the future, it still looks bright.


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2011
Pensacola, Florida
Lets say if this rumor is true - Theres NO WAY i would upgrade to another iphone with the same screen size. Im happy with my white 4 anyway.

I could get an 4s or a newer one, but its like theyre collecting more money for the same phones over over with a new iphone with the same specs but newer stuff added to it.

So APPLE if your reading this - Im not gonna purchase a iphone with 3.5 screen just like the previous iphones.. Id like to see a 4.x screen or bigger.


macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
I hope they are not expecting the rumored ipad mini to fill the need for a larger iphone screen. That would be idiotic.


Lets say if this rumor is true - Theres NO WAY i would upgrade to another iphone with the same screen size. Im happy with my white 4 anyway.

I could get an 4s or a newer one, but its like theyre collecting more money for the same phones over over with a new iphone with the same specs but newer stuff added to it.

So APPLE if your reading this - Im not gonna purchase a iphone with 3.5 screen just like the previous iphones.. Id like to see a 4.x screen or bigger.

Exactly right. (except obviously Apple doesn't read or pay any attention to it's customer base) They lead, we follow and they don't take suggestions. I'm getting a little sick of it.

Here is my answer to this rumor:


  • Best-Android-Phone-2012.jpg
    42.2 KB · Views: 106


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
If it was up to Samsung, people would be walking around with a 55" smart phone on their back.


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2010
If they were to use a 4" screen what would they do to the resolution?

There are three options, none of which seem good:

1. If they were to keep the resolution the same it would no longer have a sufficient dpi to be considered retina, right?

2. If they were to double the current resolution to 1920x1280 it would be overkill for a 4" display with lots of wasted pixels and increased cost, right? Assuming there's even the technology to pack that many pixels in a 4" display.

3. If they increase the pixel count somewhat less than 2x than all the existing iPhone apps wouldn't scale up in a pleasing way.


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2012
I was expecting a bigger screen just because of the LTE rumor. LTE will need more juice which means a bigger battery (like iPad) and which could mean leaner internals or a bigger case -> a bigger screen. We`ll see I guess.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
I hope they are not expecting the rumored ipad mini to fill the need for a larger iphone screen. That would be idiotic.


Exactly right. (except obviously Apple doesn't read or pay any attention to it's customer base. They lead we follow and they don't take suggestions. I'm getting a little sick of it.

Wrong. If my wife can't hold it, it's doa. We're not all male geeks here, half the world is female and (generally) smaller hands. I know that maybe hard for some of you to believe. She saw a Droid X once and said she would never talk to an idiot who had a phone that big in his hand.


macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
Only if you consider the human hand outdated, and the idea of a handheld device being usable with one hand.

SuperSizing for the sake of marketing/supersizing is outdated, I grew out of that phase in my teen years and have long since left the McDonalds mentality behind.

Want to use two hands? Try an iPad.

What's wrong with using two hands for certain smart phone functions? I understand why those with one hand would be concerned but why would the others? Making calls with one hand is not an issue even with big phones. For other functions - texting, browsing etc. just use two hands. Nowadays smart phones are used primarily for something other than voice calls. All those activities benefit immensely from having larger screen so the tradeoffs are skewed strongly towards larger larger screens.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2012
What's wrong with using two hands for certain smart phone functions? I understand why those with one hand would be concerned but why would the others? Making calls with one hand is not an issue even with big phones. For other functions - texting, browsing etc. just use two hands. Nowadays smart phones are used primarily for something other than voice calls. All those activities benefit immensely from having larger screen so the tradeoffs are skewed strongly towards larger larger screens.

The iPhones sales figures would disagree with your assessment :D


macrumors 68040
Not that there is anything magical about the current iPhone size, but the idea of making it bigger goes against, at least in a way, what Apple has done with other products. Frankly, I think there is going to need to be a shift from what we think of as a phone. Apple really changed the smartphone market, but once they created the iPad, it shifted things that were started on the phone to a now larger screen.

I think, for those of us who still actually talk on a phone (which I know is a novel idea for lots of people), that moving towards a better and more seamless wireless connection between phone and ear needs to happen. Ditch the idea of having a phone with a speaker or two and a microphone and push all sound to a removable / dock-able bt headset (that is reduced in size to even less than the old Apple bt headset). Maybe the shape of the phone can change if you're not focused on making the device fit from ear to mouth?

All I know is that I don't want to carry around something big - given it's in my pocket as it is today. I'd really love to be able to have an iPhone, iPad, MBA each have a phone connection that I could shift from one to the other, seamlessly using the same line. I can do this with Skype now, but why shouldn't we be able to do the same thing with a traditional mobile service?

Then you could have your small iPhone (current size, maybe not as thick) for a really mobile experience, an iPad for those times when traveling and carrying an iPad makes sense or using your laptop when that makes more sense.

Hey, maybe I should be patenting this idea...


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2012
The one handed argument is not what is selling iphones. It's just that they are Apple period.

I was referring to lilo's post that benefits of all these activities are skewed toward having larger screens. If that was the case, iPhone wouldn't be the best selling phone every quarter. When will people realize that the mass consumer wants a phone that's easy to use and that works? No one cares about processors, screen size, and LTE hehe :D


macrumors member
Nov 7, 2010
New Mexico
It's pretty clear that Apple is not suffering because of their product is the most valuable company on Earth, and it's growing faster than any other.

Personally, I can't stand the bigger phones. They look ridiculous, they're not as comfortable to pocket, and they're difficult or impossible to use one-handed--and I have big hands. Regardless, it's a phone and I'd like it to stay that way. They have the iPad too (which, i for one, use when I want to do anything besides on-the-fly smartphone type computing on a larger mobile device) because, after all, there are plenty of folks that complain about it being "just a big iPhone"!

At any rate, I'm willing to bet that the new iPhone will maintain the same or similar height and width (possibly depth, but with LTE you never know...) but that it will probably be slimmer and with a subtly modified form factor. Just look at Apple's product line, at their release pattern (but, for the complainers, DON'T look at their sales growth, share of profits, or customer satisfaction compared to any other company--because you'll realize that they know what they're doing!) and their philosophy--these various factors demonstrate (again and again) that Apple doesn't follow the market. It defines the market.


macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2011
Lets see... same size, same case.... upgraded for 4G LTE...

Lets call it the iPhone 4GS

For the people who want bigger phones; even bigger than the androids of today.... someone should really make a 10 inch tablet with a phone built in. That would silence the people who need bigger phones, not because they'd be unhappy, but because they'd be mashing their face into a tablet.
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