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macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2012
Lets see... same size, same case.... upgraded for 4G LTE...

Lets call it the iPhone 4GS

For the people who want bigger phones; even bigger than the androids of today.... someone should really make a 10 inch tablet with a phone built in. That would silence the people who need bigger phones, not because they'd be unhappy, but because they'd be mashing their face into a tablet.

Samsung already made a phablet, maybe they can make a tabone?


macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
I'm getting myself all worked up over this, well this and the fact that there is still no sign of a new mac pro. I have to stop letting these rumors get me down. Apple is getting brainwashed over it's own success.


macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
Exactly right. (except obviously Apple doesn't read or pay any attention to it's customer base) They lead, we follow and they don't take suggestions. I'm getting a little sick of it.

Just now?

I've been getting sick of it since the iPod. I had a 2nd gen. iPod, my first and last. After less than a years worth of use the battery lasted me only 30 minutes a charge, and Apple made an awesome decision to make it almost impossible to swap the battery on my own. Eventually the hard drive failed as well. I had 15gb of music on it, all of which I couldn't retrieve... my own music, was stuck on the iPod (though 3rd party apps did become available eventually). Then there was the forced use of iTunes. Back then, iTunes wasnt the bloated mess that it is today, but its ridiculous how there are *so many* restrictions on Apple's products.
Last edited:


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
Personally I'd be disappointed if the screen weren't 4 inches. LTE is kind of cool, but I spend so much of my life in wifi range that it just isn't going to get me excited about a new iPhone. But a little extra real estate on that screen sure would.

agreed, some of the android phones have some really nice size screen. I just hope its a completely new design.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2012
Too small of a change to sell. Needs a tempting selling feature or two. If the article above is correct, all you would gain is LTE vs 3g, and as a result lose the ability to use your regular dock connector based peripherals. At the very least, the next iPhone will have an improved camera, perhaps an HD face-time camera, finalized version of Siri. Without those, it will be a tough sell.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2002
(nothing personal, there's plenty of other people who wrote the same thing I could have picked you just had three good examples)

Obviously since it was the #1 phone with three carriers and in the US in total their decision to not support your exact needs was not business critical. The largest percentage of people in the US looking for a smartphone decided the iPhone 4S features were the best out there for their needs. Which makes Apple's decisions to be the right one.

I'll give screen size as subjective/personal.

NFC is a gimmic still. It's the future but today you can hardly find places to support it and even then you have to pick which NFC technology you want to use.

LTE is hardly on people's radar. Remember how many people called the iPhone 4 the iPhone 4G. Verizon and AT&T are pushing gibberish for the average person. Ask the average geek and besides "fast" what could they really tell about it that isn't marketing text? Even using it as a requirement can arguably be bad. It's an immature technology that sucks battery and empties data limits as the carriers have them today.

Not really. The 4S sold like crazy because of new buyers, largely switchers from either BB or new to smartphones. For those people, everything about the 4S was very very nice. But for people who have had iPhones or touch based smartphones? Not so much.

Essentially, Apple created an incremental upgrade and relied on momentum for sales. At some point, they are going to have to actually move the bar again. A 4" screen would do this. NFC (with an infrastructure to support it) would do this. LTE? Not really, that is only catching up.

And as a geek, I can quite easily tell you what the differences are between HSPA, HSPA+, and LTE. And how NONE of them are true 4g. And how that fact is utterly meaningless in real life.

And finally, as someone who has had an iPhone since day one, I want a larger screen. 3.5 is merely adequate. Sorry. You can say all you want about 3.5 being fine. To me, it is the same as someone spouting why anyone would want or need anything bigger than the 1" screen on a Nokia candybar phone. They could make the same argument that the increase in phone size would make it unpocketable.

FYI, the height and width of the phone are of little importance to the front pocket of an average male's pants. Its the thickness of the phone. Half the time, my current 4s ends up sideways in my jeans pocket, which is actually annoying. And even though there is plenty of space in my pocket, I can't actually put much else in there with the phone because of its thickness. So a 4" screen would essentially do nothing to transportability, assuming thickness remained the same.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
Only if you consider the human hand outdated, and the idea of a handheld device being usable with one hand.

SuperSizing for the sake of marketing/supersizing is outdated, I grew out of that phase in my teen years and have long since left the McDonalds mentality behind.

Want to use two hands? Try an iPad.

3.5 inches is hardly the limit of what even small hands people can handle. Why don't you trade phones with someone with a larger phone for a day and see for yourself. I have a galaxy nexus, my previous phone was a droid incredible which is similar in size the iphone although slightly taller and less wide. The nexus looked huge when I first saw it but it really works in the hand greatly. The suttle curvature of the screen makes it a pleasure to use as well. I can reach the whole screen with ease one handed.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Oh yes hell yes :D:D colour me happy, I am now praying for the same 3.5" retina screen as my iPhone 4 has :)

Still, you could actually say what they have predicted anyone could have guessed at, apart from the dock connector? It's a shame they haven't announced anything about the hardware or camera?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 12, 2003
After less than a years worth of use the battery lasted me only 30 minutes a charge, and Apple made an awesome decision to make it almost impossible to swap the battery on my own. I had 15gb of music on it, all of which I couldn't retrieve... my own music, was stuck on the iPod (though 3rd party apps did become available eventually)

So your dock connector was broken as well? Battery life has nothing to do with transferring music, well not back then.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Really? Adding 0.5" diagonal is going to force you to use two hands? And wanting something a touch bigger automatically indicates a McDonalds mentality?

What a lot of people are expressing here is that 4" would be a good size for them. Some, like you, think 3.5" to be ideal. Neither opinion is more or less valid than the other.

You can be sure that Apple spent a lot of time and effort evaluating the ideal size for the iPhone. What they need to look at is making a new phone the size of the iPod Nano so I could just attach it to my wrist and not have to worry about it fitting into my shirt pocket. Siri's evolution might eventually enable this to happen. Fat fingers be damned, just talk your way.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2012
Are you sure that iPhone sells well because of the size? How about the fact that Android phones started later but now outsell iPhone by a big margin?

I'm not saying it sells well because of size. I'm saying size doesn't matter and is not a determining factor when people go to purchase their phones and that's why it sells. Yes, the android phones "outsell iPhone by a big margin" phoneS. When you lump all three hundred together hehe :D

Show me one individual android phone that comes even remotely close and then we can talk about whether people really care about screen size hehe


macrumors newbie
Feb 23, 2012
Wirelessly posted

One of the reasons for a 3.5" screen is because it allows you to reach the entire screen with one hand but if you make it bigger you have to use two hands.


macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
So your dock connector was broken as well? Battery life has nothing to do with transferring music, well not back then.

No, its because the battery was CRAP and Apple's specs at the time were more vague than Richard Simmons sexuality. The iPod's battery was rated as 'last 8 or more hours'

What the hell is 8 or more? 12 hours? 100 hours? In regards to iPods, Apple's been absolutely terrible with battery life. Cowon aka iAudio mp3 players are known to last as long as 60+ hours on a single charge. Apple never made it past the 40 hour mark, and even then it was never as long as they claimed.


macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
Wirelessly posted

One of the reasons for a 3.5" screen is because it allows you to reach the entire screen with one hand but if you make it bigger you have to use two hands.

Assuming this is correct, why don't you want to use both hands?


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2009
Lincoln, UK
Yep - no more compatibility with the chargers for my other i-devices? That alone might make it tempting to keep the old 3GS.

I'm sure there will be a little adapter available. I think the dock connector could be replaced with something much smaller, and hopefully not symmetrical so that you know which way to put it in just by feel, unless it could be used either way. Magsafe would be fantastic.


macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2006
Arlington Heights,IL
A microdock connector? Nothing like making all those spare docking cables we have bough over the years useless. Thanks Apple.

Yeah, it sucks but you can't expect them to keep it forever.

I love that people are already mad at Apple on a "rumor"

I heard Apple might make the next iPhone only for people whose name starts with S

Damn You Apple! :rolleyes:

Why can't we wait until it is confirmed before we start griping.
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