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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
MacEdition updates with a NMR report which disappointing rumors for Quark users:

that a Mac OS X-native version of XPress may still be writhing in the tarpits of alpha for many months yet, and that Quark is still nurturing its decade-old pipedream of breaking free from Apple technology in favor of a cozy niche in the Windows ecosystem.

This, along with a disturbing account of Quark's CEO's anti-Mac sentiments. This is contrary, however to an interview with Jürgen Kurz, Quark's director of product management on November 4th, 2002.

On a more positive note, they report that IBM's server plans are pushing PowerPC development towards 6GHz "within the next couple of years" and that this push should trickle down into the future successors to the PowerPC 970.

Which to vote for!? You can't put a positive and negative in the same topic! ;)
Are we still waiting for quark.....:eek: (yawn).

Quark is digging its own grave. I use indesign 2 and its great. I couldn't see going back to quark and its dated interface. Graphic designers are quickly migrating to OS X and quark is going to be left behind. Indesign is quickly becoming a more viable alternative.
draconian licensing

Now if Adobe would ease up the Indesign licensing, I'm sure they would get more installation in University labs. Indesign is a royal pain in the arse to deploy if you try to push an image to lab machines (about as bad as Final Cut Pro).

I understand that this is expensive software and Adobe [and Apple] want to protect thier investments... but Indesign is the type of software that people need or they don't. Joe user doesn't need a warez copy of Indesign... It is only really useful to graphic designers...
Let the students swipe copies here and there so that they are 'hooked' when they graduate and begin to move into positions where they have purchasing power. Real firms will likely buy the software (or they can get their pants sued off).

If Adobe would do this... they'd push Quark totally out of the market in half the time (that it is currently taking them to push Quark out of the market).

Quark was dead when InDesign 1 came out.

Quark takes 3 years to update to 4.01 come on!!! InDesign 3 its just around the corner and they still standing still.

Come next year around this time Quark is going to be as usefull as door stop.
Quark has sucked long enough!

I can't beleive the nerve they have thinking Quark can survive without Apple. Ha! And they are saying that at a time when InDesign 2.0 currently kicks the sh*t out of Quark. These guys need to take a pill so they can experience the REAL WORLD, and then they'll wake up and realize they are already dead. Ego's will do it every time.

Long Live InDESIGN!!!
Why even bother with mentioning that 6 GHz Power4 is in the works, we haven't even seen a Power4 in the Mac arena yet. This seems to be the way of it though, all this talk about wonderful power we'll have, yet were still dealing with requiring dual processors to try and stay in the game.

Ok, no more ranting....;)


Well folks, if there were EVER a clear sign it's time for XPress users to move on to something better, I'd say this was it! Heck, the man Ebrahimi practically said it himself, but of course, what else COULD he say about InDesign except that it was a "death sentence" as he put it. I mean, Quark's got their collective heads shoved so far up their own asses, it's impossible for them to see the truth- that InDesign blows their crappy Neanderthal ap out of the water!!

And if you ever needed proof that Quark, Inc lives in it's own dreamworld, the thought that they could develop a "niche" in the Windows world is totally laughable. It's also very sad! They've really lost it.
Well, I for one, will not put a sinlge penny more towards any future products from Quark. They've really gone off the deep end! And I say good riddance to them and their glacial upgrade cycles and their 1980ish application.

They're already dead. Now they're beginning to stink up the place. It's time to bury them!
This is the best news I've ever heard!!!!

I'm finally rid of that God-awful program forever!!
Party at e-coli's house!!!!!
:cool: :D :cool:

oh yeah...shake your booty..get your groove on.
*BeeGees plays in Background*
Eff Him

Goodluck to Quark ... publishing is dead? Last time I checked the Magazine shop was full of things printed on paper and full of ads... and created on a mac.

Apparently they would be happy if mac users and shops just stuck with OS 9 so they wouldn't have to be bothered with updating thier software.

They're ignoring the users and industry that supports them. For the first time I'm considering InDesign.

Could that CEO be a bigger *******? He's even been sucked into the microsoft .net fantasy.
What real world are YOU guys from?

Don't get me wrong. I've been an Apple user since the II+ and started into OSX with the public beta, but this is not good news. ID2 is a fine program, but many larger publishing houses (as well as ad agencies/design houses on the fence) would find switching to Wintel boxes running Quark a more favorable option than moving over to the ever-evolving OSX. There would actually be much less of a learning curve and once you were in the program designing, you wouldn't be very aware of what OS you were using. On top of that, many of these shops are running older hardware that may struggle with OSX's overhead. I've you're going to buy a new box, not only is the PC cheaper (the short run matters to bean-counters), but your existing peripherals will probably work fine with Windows (but not necessarily with OSX).

Hate Quark all you want, but they're still the standard. Very slow to upgrade, but never underestimate how well the tortise will do in the long run. As a Mac lover, I take this attitude as a personal insult and I hope Quark falls flat on its face, but unfortunately, they're holding quite a bit of power now... - j
Re: What real world are YOU guys from?

Originally posted by jayscheuerle
Don't get me wrong. I've been an Apple user since the II+ and started into OSX with the public beta, but this is not good news. ID2 is a fine program, but many larger publishing houses (as well as ad agencies/design houses on the fence) would find switching to Wintel boxes running Quark a more favorable option than moving over to the ever-evolving OSX. There would actually be much less of a learning curve and once you were in the program designing, you wouldn't be very aware of what OS you were using. On top of that, many of these shops are running older hardware that may struggle with OSX's overhead. I've you're going to buy a new box, not only is the PC cheaper (the short run matters to bean-counters), but your existing peripherals will probably work fine with Windows (but not necessarily with OSX).

Hate Quark all you want, but they're still the standard. Very slow to upgrade, but never underestimate how well the tortise will do in the long run. As a Mac lover, I take this attitude as a personal insult and I hope Quark falls flat on its face, but unfortunately, they're holding quite a bit of power now... - j

Actually, I work for the largest advertising agency in the world. In January, we're giving quark the axe in place of InDesign and OS X. Everyone is in love with both.

And 95% of the company would rather die three deaths than use Windows. Quark is an irrelevant product.
Re: Re: What real world are YOU guys from?

Originally posted by e-coli

Actually, I work for the largest advertising agency in the world. In January, we're giving quark the axe in place of InDesign and OS X. Everyone is in love with both.

And 95% of the company would rather die three deaths than use Windows. Quark is an irrelevant product.

You're a lucky exception then. Quark wouldn't be doing this if you weren't.

Quark is irrelevant? Unfortunately, 95% of the world says the same about the Mac. In this hardball game between stubborn knuckleheads, it's us users who are going to be affected most.

They would never switch to a wintel box, PC's do not have the ability to reproduce color with same accuracy as Apples boxes do, PC's are regarded as a joke with in the printing/publishing companies. The transition would be enormous and counter productive, you would have to retrain your entire staff to get them to the same level of productivity as they were in OS company that I've ever worked for would ever do this. And many of the multi-million dollar machines only work with OS 9. Its just not the issue of Quark its getting the hardware companies to create new drives for their printers that will work with OS X. And a set of drives for a particular machine cost 15,000 and up (depending on which one were talking about).

If you were truly an old would know better than to make such a ridiculous statement.
The designers are gonna pave the way for the print houses. If designers are choosing Indesign(and they are) they're gonna take there work to printers that are willing to take indesign files. So if the print houses don't switch to indesign there gonna lose business.

THe designers will set the trends, not the print houses. If one print house won't take indesign files, another will.

Also i feel the issue is not Mac versus PC. Indesign can be used on both, so a print house move to PC's is not going to force anyone to use QUARK. Designers will still be asking them to accept indesign files.

Indesign is creating waves, and if more people accept change and try indesign, the more this industry can progress. Quark's R&D suck, what was the big upgrade in Q 5, support for building webpages??? Give me a break, I hate using quark for the print work i do, i'd be damned to use it for my web design work(which is what i do most of).

Adobe will continue to improve indesign year after year, while quark will still have the same problems ten years from now. whe they're on version 6.5 :rolleyes:.

We as designers take the first step and start using indesign, then by requesting that our print houses take it, they'll eventually come around, or be left behind, with quark......
Mr. Hey

I've seen this happen to friends firsthand and I understand your comments in relation to OS9, but the transitional difficulties and productivity loss are going to be just as tough moving from 9 to X as from 9 to XP. At least the app would remain the same. Retraining to learn ID2 would be an even greater loss of productivity.

In the simplest terms, Quark would not be going this route if they weren't happy with how many and how effectively PC users are using their product. Bottom line...

That light should have a speed limit and that the sun is the center of our solar system were once considered ridiculous statements too. Let us hope that time is less kind to me.

Remember... I like OSX and ID2...
Re: What real world are YOU guys from?

Originally posted by jayscheuerle
Don't get me wrong. I've been an Apple user since the II+ and started into OSX with the public beta, but this is not good news. ID2 is a fine program, but many larger publishing houses (as well as ad agencies/design houses on the fence) would find switching to Wintel boxes running Quark a more favorable option than moving over to the ever-evolving OSX. There would actually be much less of a learning curve and once you were in the program designing, you wouldn't be very aware of what OS you were using. On top of that, many of these shops are running older hardware that may struggle with OSX's overhead. I've you're going to buy a new box, not only is the PC cheaper (the short run matters to bean-counters), but your existing peripherals will probably work fine with Windows (but not necessarily with OSX).

Hate Quark all you want, but they're still the standard. Very slow to upgrade, but never underestimate how well the tortise will do in the long run. As a Mac lover, I take this attitude as a personal insult and I hope Quark falls flat on its face, but unfortunately, they're holding quite a bit of power now... - j

What learning curve are you talking about? In Design2 has the same interface as photoshop, furthermore, ID was mimiquing Xpress to attract more xpress users.

ID read Xpress files without any problem. On the other hand when you open Xpress file on a PC from a Mac there is a mess in converting the fonts. Again, how much money to buy new fonts, new programs to run on PCs.

The only reason that the printshop doesn't have ID is that not that many people request them....if more and more people request them, it makes a business sense for them to have ID.

Don't forget you get ID for FREE untill Dec 31, 2002, when you buy a new Mac, you just have to request it.
Re: Re: Re: What real world are YOU guys from?

Originally posted by jayscheuerle

Let's just say my experience is not the same. I've often found it easier to start over than to try to fix a layout that ID2 has mangled during the conversion.

Yeah that does happen, some project get a little jumbled in the conversion. Maybe that will be improved with ID 3.
Re: Re: Re: What real world are YOU guys from?

Originally posted by jayscheuerle

Let's just say my experience is not the same. I've often found it easier to start over than to try to fix a layout that ID2 has mangled during the conversion.

50/50 here. I hate quark because they are the pure example of bad coding and lach of inovationan and drive.

But I can't (really couldn't since I got out of graphics commercially last year) figure out what causes it to mess up :\
Originally posted by jayscheuerle
the transitional difficulties and productivity loss are going to be just as tough moving from 9 to X as from 9 to XP[/B]


I'll have to disagree with you and just leave it at that.

p.s.. 6 Ghz.. :) ..I think I'll be staying with
Apple/OS X/IBM...I like the sound of that and the way it just rolls off your tongue.
Out with Quark in with InDesign

I work as a graphic designer/prepress tech for a commercial printer and have switched to OS X and InDesign for a year and they both rock. I used to hold Quark high above all other DTpub apps but not anymore. InDesign is a much more efficient app and in OS X, more reliable. I could go on and on about all the features that I like from ID2.
unload them faster than the lifeboats off the titanic

are you kidding me? indesign is a vastly superior product, but for quark to make comments like "publishing is dead" is plainly suicide!

stick a fork in your quark, 'cause it's done and I'll tell you why. publishing will not die, it's evolving to use our latest and greatest technologies... why do you think id3 will incorporate so many features for electronic publishing? the formats may change from paper to e-paper and the like, but there will always be publishing in one form or another.

so what the hell's quarks business strategy here? if you ask me, they can alienate us mac users all they want, i for one will not touch that dinosaur with a 10-foot pole since i've been using indesign. does quark going to a pc only format make any sense? 90% of the graphics world is on mac, so who will their clientele be? "do it yourselfers" looking to save a couple of bucks and do their own graphics work? kind of reminds me of an absolutely horrible program called publisher (99% of plublisher jobs my company deals with have to be redone). besides, quark is too damn expensive for that group of potential customer. so where does quark go from here? straight in the dumpster and if you have any vested interests in quark, i suggest you unload them faster than the lifeboats off the titanic.
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