Hmm... currently things are a little difficult.
I unexpectedly got a "new" Mac Pro recently, which really made things difficult. This isn't my first time getting an Intel Mac; my first Intel Mac was an '09 MBP, which I got in around 2012. At that point, I wasn't a PowerPC fanatic, even though I collected Macs---I was just getting an upgrade and was happy about it. I kept my iMac G5 on the side (which was my main Mac before getting the MBP) to use in our "computer room"/for general tasks, as I still liked using it. Later on I realized that my MBP didn't work well on my work desk, and I just didn't like using a laptop as a desktop. I ended up moving my iMac G5 to my main work desk, and henceforth I began drifting into using it as a main machine. I started to become more fond of the iMac, as well as the other cool PowerPC Macs I was adding to my collection. My entering into the PPC community here really did it, and I ended up neglecting my MacBook Pro almost fully... so, I sort of went BACK to PowerPC.
However, this unexpected edition of a Mac Pro shook things up. Now, I was sort of longing to use a faster computer, and I DID considering using my MBP again since it uses less power than the PowerMac G5 I was using, yet is much faster. Since my attachment to PowerPC Macs is pretty great, I have been devising a plan to be able to use my awesome Mac Pro, yet not ditch PPC Macs... I just feel some sort of sadness from the thought of it.
SO, I have decided to move my iMac G5 back at my work desk, casting-aside the power-hungry PowerMac G5. I have created a nice set-up for my Mac Pro, in the "computer room" rather than on my work desk. I have decided to use the iMac G5 as a simple work computer at my work desk, and save my Mac Pro for heavy-duty work, recreation, etc. (it's also good to have my best computer be in the "computer room"). And although I have sort-of been drawn back to my MBP, I will continue to enjoy using my PPC laptops, such as my iBook G4, which I sometimes bring to school. So in conclusion, I am planning to use Intel and PPC Macs side-by-side, as I really like my PPC Macs and don't want to ditch the fight, but also take pleasure in using my nice Mac Pro. I don't know how everything will work-out yet, as I am on winter break, which is obviously a break from the normal workflow. Hopefully I can enjoy my Intel Mac sometimes, yet also still be involved with PPC Macs and the community for them.
It DOES feel defeating to not keep my streak of using PPC as a main platform, and giving the finger the Apple, but hopefully I can comfortably go back to the time where I used Intel and PPC side-by-side! Here's to the new year

. Happy 2015!