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macrumors Core
Original poster
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Hello people,

Quick question. The digital crown started acting up on me (becoming stiff). I read online to pour luke-warm water and turn the crown to get rid of "gunk". Did that and the crown did in fact become smoother. Fast forward a few days later same issue and same fix (at this point I'm starting to become annoyed at this recurrence).

After 4 or so water passess I was at work when I noticed a bit of rubber sticking out of the digital crown (space area between the watch and the crown head). I pulled on it and an entire O-ring came out. I looked it up on iFix it (given their teardowns) and this O-Ring is the one between the crown head and the watch.

My question is: Is this normal? If not, has it happened to you?


macrumors Core
Original poster
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Next question, should I get it replaced. As I understand from the design specs, it means that I can longer use the digital crown when the watch is under water or when water is being poured over it.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Next question, should I get it replaced. As I understand from the design specs, it means that I can longer use the digital crown when the watch is under water or when water is being poured over it.

I would think it would compromise the water resistance and get it replaced before you give it another bath.

I have read a few, very few, other posts that had this rubber gasket come out.
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Jul 12, 2016
Next question, should I get it replaced. As I understand from the design specs, it means that I can longer use the digital crown when the watch is under water or when water is being poured over it.

That's the first I've heard of this happening with the Apple Watch. I agree with Newtons Apple, I would not subject it to any water and have it replaced with a new seal. I'm not entirely sure what that would cost with Apple.


Jul 12, 2016
It happens. You should make an appointment at the Apple store and they will replace your watch.

Check this out.

Apple doesn't carry replacement watches at their Apple stores. Apple would either have to send out your Watch for repair (Which is most likely what they would do) or send a warranty device. If it's only replacing an O-ring seal, then the turnaround process should be rather quick for repair.
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