Dag nabbit, I'm trying to download the DMG, but the download keeps "completing" after only 16 or so MB of data, producing a useless disk image. Obviously others aren't having this problem, so maybe I'll just wait a bit and it'll go away.
The price increase is a bit annoying, since it's obvious that they know theyr'e going to sell many, many times as many copies of this to Mac users as to Windows and Linux people put together--economy of scale dictates our version should be cheaper, if anything, but since they know the market is so hungry they can increase profit by raising the price a bit.
In any case, I suppose I can't complain since I've been using it free for almost a month and I'm only paying $40 for it, but still. And it really is a great product. The only issue I'm having is that when I suspend the virtual machine, after "defrosting" it the shared folder won't mount. I need to restart Windows to kick it back in. We'll see if this version fixes it--sure hope so, since tossing some particular file over to it is the main reason for using it. I do so hope that they'll implement a cross-system drag-and-drop like VPC has, but I'm not terribly optimistic.
Oh, and although I hate getting involved in grammar-spasms like this, I'll contribute to the apostrophe hulabaloo by linking one of my favorite little things: