Yeah, you already said it can do a lot more. But for many who have those older PCs, a chromebook would be a much better value than an iPad pro. $750 for a 32gb ipp + keyboard vs $200-$300 for a good quality chromebook. Just because Schiller says something doesn't mean that it is true.
Chromebooks are decent but their value depends a lot on what you're looking for. As tablets they're terrible; touchscreen support is an afterthought on Chrome OS. Despite all the improvements in the end it's still basically just Chrome with some PC flourishes to make it better at juggling multiple Chrome windows. If you're on the internet all the time it can definitely suffice as a PC replacement, but I think that it's way more of a compromise than iOS is. Ironically, Android seems to be getting more love as a computer replacement nowadays.
The truth is iOS and the Arm processor is currently not a Windows killer. Windows on the Surface is a superior and far more capable system than iPad Pro at its current state. For Apple to match, and that's just to match and not exceed the MS combination, it will have to provide a full OS X with touch screen system like the Surface.
This is a highly debatable statement. That the Surface is more capable than the iPP at some things is true, but the iPP is also better in many aspects than the Surface, so in the end the superiority of the device depends largely on what you need it for. For example:
I'll name just one thing the Surface can do the iPad Pro can't, it can be used to write programs which it can run. To write true iOS apps one needs an OS X based computer
This is an almost ludicrously specific requirement; how many consumers are writing applications, let alone writing apps that they
need to run on the same platforming they're developing on? You can't judge whether a device is objectively better based on your own subjective requirements. For a lot of people, like my mother for instance, an iPad is a far superior device than a Surface ever could be precisely because it is simple to use, simple to maintain, and yet does everything
she needs a computer to do. That does not make the iPP a superior device overall, and no one is claiming that. It simply can be and is a PC replacement for her.
Apple quit trying to fool us, bring on a true, that is not ARM crippled, OS X based pad.
Never going to happen. Stick to your SP4.
Fix up iOS for iPads, then say that its a good Windows replacement. The iPad is great for people who are purely consumption based, but beyond that, things are still developing.
are developing, but I agree that Apple needs to put more emphasis on getting productivity apps into iOS. Getting their own productivity tools beyond the basics like iWorks would be a great start!