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macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2009
As for the uglification of sleek iPads with cases, may I suggest the Saddleback Leather iPad Sleeve. Protects it well when not in use, fully exposes the device in all its glory when needed, and ages well by acquiring a stylish "distressed" look when scratched, rubbed, etc. I get lots of complements on mine.

I agree most cases just look cheap/cheesy, and hide the device's elegant design. Pick a sleeve that complements, not conceals, your expensive purchase.


macrumors 68030
Jun 11, 2007
I think the iPad is thin enough. I like the weight it has to it for it's current dimensions. If it gets lighter, then I think it would feel "cheap" or not as substantial. The "heaviness" of the current model reminds me that despite it's thin form factor, it is not a piece of crap.


macrumors 68020
Aug 29, 2003
Toronto, Canada
As for the uglification of sleek iPads with cases, may I suggest the Saddleback Leather iPad Sleeve. Protects it well when not in use, fully exposes the device in all its glory when needed, and ages well by acquiring a stylish "distressed" look when scratched, rubbed, etc. I get lots of complements on mine.

I agree most cases just look cheap/cheesy, and hide the device's elegant design. Pick a sleeve that complements, not conceals, your expensive purchase.

Good advice! :)


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2006
BFD - I care more about the specs than the form factor.

You are a prime customer for any "no-brand" tablet that has a great looking spec list.

Some specs, for example "high clock rate," can impact battery life. One needs to look at portable devices with a whole different mindset than one would have comparing desk top devices that may function by brute-force power.

I think HOW a device carefully handles data to preserve battery life may be designed to trump raw power in getting better performance while not at the cost of portability. At the end of the day it's not just the device specs, it's the whole eco-system that it is part of.


macrumors 6502
Nov 28, 2009
I'm hoping that people will agree with here. Don't people think Apple have benchmarked themselves too high for the iPad 1? Especially for it's sleek design and perfect weight distribution in collaboration with it's size consideration. It's set the tone for other companies to follow and how can Apple beat itself without making serious changes?

Any design change is going to be like marmite. You'll either you love it or hate it. At this early stage of these case designs, it's a no-no for me. The 1st iPad has it right in every design hardware and software wise in my opinion.

Apple could of just upped the hardware inside a revised case (like 3G to 3GS). Knowing Apple though, it's too early to do that that yet. Let's wait for iPad 3 for that :D.


macrumors regular
Aug 13, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
If it's real

Of course not really sure it's real, but not fond of the idea of making the back of the iPad look just like the back of the iPod just so Apple can say it's a "family" of products. The back of the current iPad feels so good in the hands and is pretty easy to grip for a device of it's size and weight. The matte/satin aluminum feels very nice as well. God forbid they make it shinny and slick like the iPod. If they do that - I'll just skip it and hope they learn their lesson for iPad3.

the Form should definitely follow function in this case!


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
I don't think I will buy an iPad until it can do the following...
- run OS X
- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
- have an intel processor
- have a built in iSight
- have at least 1 USB port
- 2 GB RAM
- Nvidia graphics
a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)

Of course I realize this is a large unreasonable list (at least now) and won't come along for a really long time, but until it reaches this point, I don't think it will ever be very useful to me.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2004
I don't think I will buy an iPad until it can do the following...
- run OS X
- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
- have an intel processor
- have a built in iSight
- have at least 1 USB port
- a front facing camera
- 2 GB RAM
- Nvidia graphics
a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)

Of course I realize this is a large unreasonable list (at least now) and won't come along for a really long time, but until it reaches this point, I don't think it will ever be very useful to me.

Why don't you buy a macbook? It's cheaper than $1000.. unless you think it's fancy to walk around with a touchscreen computer.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2008
I don't think I will buy an iPad until it can do the following...
- run OS X
- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
- have an intel processor
- have a built in iSight
- have at least 1 USB port
- a front facing camera
- 2 GB RAM
- Nvidia graphics
a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)

Of course I realize this is a large unreasonable list (at least now) and won't come along for a really long time, but until it reaches this point, I don't think it will ever be very useful to me.

iSight AND a front-facing camera?


macrumors 68000
May 17, 2010
I don't think I will buy an iPad until it can do the following...
- run OS X
- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
- have an intel processor
- have a built in iSight
- have at least 1 USB port
- 2 GB RAM
- Nvidia graphics
a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)

Of course I realize this is a large unreasonable list (at least now) and won't come along for a really long time, but until it reaches this point, I don't think it will ever be very useful to me.

A really long time? Sorry, what you want it not coming ever. If you want an Apple touch screen UI, it's iOS.

How did you come up with that wish list anyway? What are you trying to do with this device that you can't do with the current iPad or a MacBook? Each is tailored to a different set of needs. If you're mainly just a consumer of content and entertainment, and you enjoy touch screen UIs, go with the iPad. If you need to do more content creation (where the precision of a real keyboard and pointing device with cursor are more efficient than using your chubby digits), go with a MacBook.

Often I think these kinds of wish lists have more to do with spec envy than real-world usage needs.


I don't think I will buy an iPad until it can do the following...

- run OS X
wait 5 years

- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
tablets work because they ar not laptops/desktops

- have an intel processor
rather let Apple develope their own

- have a built in iSight
camera is in the iPad2

- have at least 1 USB port
iPad already has USB

- 2 GB RAM
for doing what?

- Nvidia graphics
again better for Apple to develope their own

a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)
and you didn't even tell who much storage you didn't think it thru did you?


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2010
hm. for me, this iPad 2 looks somehow more outdated than iPad1.
Those kurved edges are relicts of the last decade.

I agree. Apple needs to stop trying to make everything thinner. My son wanted a new Ipod Touch with the camera in it, and after using it awhile, he and I both preferred the last generation thicker style. It was easier to hold and definitely easier to hit the sleep button and to plug in connector.

The current Ipad's shape is nice. Why ruin it and make it thinner yet?

I guess if the new design wasn't different enough, then people wouldn't want to buy a new one.

Give it a rest Apple!


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2010
I passed on the first version of the iPad (just like I did on the first version of the iPhone). As great as the iPad seemed on some levels, it underwhelmed in comparison to the iPhone 4 in almost all features other than size.

I really look forward to seeing this version - and buying it. That, and one day a Macbook Air. My Macbook Pro feels heavy and clunky lately. Changing times.

I have an Iphone 4 and had the Ipad first. I rarely ever use the iphpone 4 for browsing the web anymore. The Ipad is so much nicer with the bigger screen.

2 totally different devices for different needs. One does not replace the other.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
A really long time? Sorry, what you want it not coming ever. If you want an Apple touch screen UI, it's iOS.

How did you come up with that wish list anyway? What are you trying to do with this device that you can't do with the current iPad or a MacBook? Each is tailored to a different set of needs. If you're mainly just a consumer of content and entertainment, and you enjoy touch screen UIs, go with the iPad. If you need to do more content creation (where the precision of a real keyboard and pointing device with cursor are more efficient than using your chubby digits), go with a MacBook.

Often I think these kinds of wish lists have more to do with spec envy than real-world usage needs.

Okay... No need to be so hostile. It is my opinion and I have modest computing needs and I like the idea of an iPad as a primary computer. I was just imputting my own opinion of what I like and by the way, those specs aren't unbelievable. It has nothing to do with "spec envy". Those are just what I would need for it to run smoothly. And obviously I am not wanting it to come never like you thought. It is just far from what stage the iPad is in right now.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
- run OS X
wait 5 years

- act as an actual computer and not have to connect to a computer to update, sync, etc...
tablets work because they ar not laptops/desktops

- have an intel processor
rather let Apple develope their own

- have a built in iSight
camera is in the iPad2

- have at least 1 USB port
iPad already has USB

- 2 GB RAM
for doing what?

- Nvidia graphics
again better for Apple to develope their own

a 1,000 dollar price point would be good :)
and you didn't even tell who much storage you didn't think it thru did you?

No, I did think it through, I just don't care how much storage because I don't require a lot. The reason I wanted these specs was so it could replace a laptop and that is the reason for the 2GB of RAM which isn't even that much. And I don't know why you are saying the iPad has a USB port because it doesn't. I realize this is not happening soon. I was expressing my own opinion
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