For those with iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus , do you plan to get iphone 6s when it's released ? ( rumor of more ran , better camera ) , or will you use your iPhone 6 for two or more years ?
I'm on the full price bandwagon. Apple products in general retain a good deal of their value therefore I can usually sell last years model and get into the new one for close to on contract pricing. Sometimes I even do the buy sell trade dance (buying iPhones when they pop up for good deals) on Craigslist and cover the entire cost of upgrading.and then I get to enjoy all the benefits of the newest tech #
I buy my mom a new iPhone every year because it is not too expensive given the high resale value. I use her upgrade on "s" years and pay full price on "non-s" years.For those with iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus , do you plan to get iphone 6s when it's released ? ( rumor of more ran , better camera ) , or will you use your iPhone 6 for two or more years ?
Not enough earth shattering new features to make it worth an upgrade.
Nope, I typically keep it for the entire contract so I can buy the newer one on subsidy.
For those with iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus , do you plan to get iphone 6s when it's released ? ( rumor of more ran , better camera ) , or will you use your iPhone 6 for two or more years ?
On what basis? It's a mythical as yet unannounced product. You can't possibly know that.