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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Several prominent rumors over the past few months have indicated that we may see shipping PowerMac 970's at or around the WordWide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 23, 2003.

While early rumors have indicated that 970-related announcements/demos will be conducted at WWDC... the most optimistic claims indicate near-immediate availability.

Recent information, however, suggests that PowerMac development is still ongoing, and neither finalized nor in-production at this time. This would suggest that PowerMac 970's would not ship until some time well after WWDC.

(This information does not exclude the possibility/probability that the PowerPC 970 may be demonstrated/discussed at WWDC.)

Spike Spiegel

macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2002
oh well, im still coasting on my purchase of the MDD dual gig, so any interest i have in these proceedings cant be dashed that easily. I think the worst that can happen would be a rehash of last year's PM release, with the units not shipping until early september, which im sure, for the performance, many could live with.


macrumors 6502
Feb 8, 2003
For some reason this doesnt surprise me. If this is true their will be some very unhappy people come the WWDC, not me though, I can wait.

It's like they say, all good things in all good time.


macrumors member
Apr 27, 2003
"Recent information" from where??

Seems like you never know what's gonna happen next in the Apple community. It would make sense to display demos at WWDC and not have the actual product finalized at the time. I'm not one to complain though, can't afford one now anyway.

Be prepared for the angry and shocked masses who will read this later today.


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2001
Bascially, if the 970 PowerMacs aren't ready, then we won't hear a damn thing about them at WWDC.

Apple has these products fine tuned a good while before they hit the warehouse shelves, let alone the retail shelves.

If it's ready, we'll see it - Apple are in as much of a hurry as we are.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I will be gone without a computer during the WWDC and a few days after. I guess I will either be surprised when I find out what happened or not.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2002
East Bay, CA
I'm gonna love it when everyone who treated recent rumors as the word of god cries and complains. Realistically, we have no clue when these machines will come along. It's better to always assume they are a long way off - that way they are a nice surprise when they finally come along.



macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
I hope not

I hope this is incorrect, or at least the new systems will be out by September, my lease on my machine runs out then, and I would be very disappointed if that meant that I would have to get a G4, I want a G5 damn it! not buying new hardware that will be massively obsolete in a month or two!


macrumors 6502
May 29, 2002
I found it hard to believe that Apple would release any new generation PowerMacs or whatever they're going to be called in June. Apple has for a few years now to my recollection waited on introducing new bigger, badder systems through the summer so they can let the educational market clear out their inventories. This, of course, means that new systems that are considered significant to the consumers probably won't see them until August probably. This also begins setting Apple up for a very nice xmas run that stockholders like to hear about.

Until roundabouts August look for minor tweak/updates to the current PMac line.

Now to throw everyone for a loop...if a small rumor circulating is true, then we might see new systems earlier. The rumor I speak of is that new 970 based systems will not be called PowerMacs. In this case the report might be true but we could still see new machines earlier. That still goes against the inventory statement I made earlier but if these systems are extremely highend(essentially meaning Apple having a highend line above the current PowerMacs) then it may not have an impact on the same markets.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2002
Los Angeles
Hey - if Arn puts it up, I believe it!!!

*Ladies and Gentlemen - say hello to the G5/970*

I hope those PowerBook 970's are on their way out soon too!


macrumors 68000
Jun 7, 2002
No new Power Macs until Christmas...

Originally posted by Cappy
I found it hard to believe that Apple would release any new generation PowerMacs or whatever they're going to be called in June. Apple has for a few years now to my recollection waited on introducing new bigger, badder systems through the summer so they can let the educational market clear out their inventories. This, of course, means that new systems that are considered significant to the consumers probably won't see them until August probably. This also begins setting Apple up for a very nice xmas run that stockholders like to hear about.

However much I had hoped for new Power Macs to be possibly previewed during WWDC or at least during MWNY, what you state makes sense. The Christmas buying season is THE time Apple could use a brand spanking new machine. That would indeed please the stockholders a LOT.

Darn, I hope they are ready at all by Christmas time; really do. What if the earliest rumours were true after all, and the PPC970 equipped Macs won't be seen until MWSF in January and won't be shipping until sometime during February or even March 2004? I would HATE that to happen. I'm also really starting to wonder what Panther will bring us, if 64 bit computing is still several months away?!...



macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by Cappy
I found it hard to believe that Apple would release any new generation PowerMacs or whatever they're going to be called in June. Apple has for a few years now to my recollection waited on introducing new bigger, badder systems through the summer so they can let the educational market clear out their inventories. This, of course, means that new systems that are considered significant to the consumers probably won't see them until August probably. This also begins setting Apple up for a very nice xmas run that stockholders like to hear about.

Until roundabouts August look for minor tweak/updates to the current PMac line.

Now to throw everyone for a loop...if a small rumor circulating is true, then we might see new systems earlier. The rumor I speak of is that new 970 based systems will not be called PowerMacs. In this case the report might be true but we could still see new machines earlier. That still goes against the inventory statement I made earlier but if these systems are extremely highend(essentially meaning Apple having a highend line above the current PowerMacs) then it may not have an impact on the same markets.

That's a very interesting point:

- Introduce the 970 Xstations (whatever) ABOVE the current line of PowerMacs (which will receive a minor price cut, as will the iMac respectively).

- Continue to EOL the PowerMacs until inventory is clear.

- Then bring the Xstations down in price with their 1st/2nd revision to take the PM's place.

It might happen. Probably not, but it might.


macrumors 68000
Jan 3, 2002
Re: PowerMac 970's... Later than Sooner?

Originally posted by Macrumors
(This information does not exclude the possibility/probability that the PowerPC 970 may be demonstrated/discussed at WWDC.)

If they're previewed at WWDC in some fashion, wouldn't the news leak out? And wouldn't such news kill Power Mac sales, what little there is? So doesn't it make sense for Apple to take orders and release the 970 PMs soon after such a preview?

I would think, even if the preview was to only select developers under the NDA, the mainstream press would report such a big news. So I'm not talking just about the rumor community here.

It would be a major shame if Apple didn't release the 970 before the education buying season. I don't think too many people, myself included, will get a G4 as their next major purchase.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2001
So many people crying for "their" g5's
I think there is gonna be 1 G4 update.
New powermac not until very late 2003 or early 2004.


macrumors member
Sep 7, 2002
Good News?

I seem to remember taht before several of the other new product announcements e.g. (new G4 Imac, SuperDrive in Powerbook) we have seen denying rumours ahead. Perhaps Apple ameks these themselves to improve spectacularity of new announcements. I think the MacBidouille stuff is crap, but that they will probably announce the '970 during the summer and start shipping 1. of september.



macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2003
Originally posted by alset
I'm gonna love it when everyone who treated recent rumors as the word of god cries and complains. Realistically, we have no clue when these machines will come along. It's better to always assume they are a long way off - that way they are a nice surprise when they finally come along.

sad but true.

Black Badger

macrumors member
Mar 26, 2003
Although Apple have a history of not discussing unannounced products, they do however show off future products, such as the XServe, which was announced in May 02 and shipped in July, the XRaid, again was announced at the same time, that shipped in Feb 03.

Apple could announce 970s at WWDC, then make available a limited number of 970s, say 40,000 units, only to attendees immediatly either at the conference or through the Apple Store and the public can pre-order for mid August/Sept.
You can imagine Steve saying at the end of the Panther presentation "You know what would go well with this next generation OS you've all got, a next generation PowerMac...." whoops/cheers and he shows one off "...Only you guys here can order one at the Apple Store for immediate shipping, so you can try out the awseome power of the 970 today"

There would be a number of advantages to this:
This would allow developers to get their hands on one, develop/tweak their code before the masses get hold of them.
Apple would get a whole bunch of field testing done (like Safari) where last minute bugs could be ironed out before mass rollout.
More "real world" benchmarks could be done (even with a beta Panther) - creates buzz, drives pre-orders.
The people who would like to see how fast they are, but can't wait until Aug/Sept for a buying decision get to see benchmarks shortly after WWDC.
Due to a limited initial release, they would become an object of desire - driving pre-orders in the public.
The buying public sees that they are indeed real and out there.
Apple would have a little more time to amass stock for the mid-August shipping for the public pre-orders and Apple would be able to ship the new 970's with a final version of Panther.

Ok so the timings could be off but with Apple you just never know.

The only danger to this is if the new machines do not perform as well as expected and a negative buzz will be created. Either way Apple are well aware of the fact that the new machines NEED to be pretty amazing so they will be pulling out the stops.


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2003
Although Apple have a history of not discussing unannounced products, they do however show off future products, such as the XServe, which was announced in May 02 and shipped in July, the XRaid, again was announced at the same time, that shipped in Feb 03.

Apple could announce 970s at WWDC, then make available a limited number of 970s, say 40,000 units, only to attendees immediatly either at the conference or through the Apple Store and the public can pre-order for mid August/Sept.
You can imagine Steve saying at the end of the Panther presentation "You know what would go well with this next generation OS you've all got, a next generation PowerMac...." whoops/cheers and he shows one off "...Only you guys here can order one at the Apple Store for immediate shipping, so you can try out the awseome power of the 970 today"

There would be a number of advantages to this:
This would allow developers to get their hands on one, develop/tweak their code before the masses get hold of them.
Apple would get a whole bunch of field testing done (like Safari) where last minute bugs could be ironed out before mass rollout.
More "real world" benchmarks could be done (even with a beta Panther) - creates buzz, drives pre-orders.
The people who would like to see how fast they are, but can't wait until Aug/Sept for a buying decision get to see benchmarks shortly after WWDC.
Due to a limited initial release, they would become an object of desire - driving pre-orders in the public.
The buying public sees that they are indeed real and out there.
Apple would have a little more time to amass stock for the mid-August shipping for the public pre-orders and Apple would be able to ship the new 970's with a final version of Panther.

Ok so the timings could be off but with Apple you just never know.

The only danger to this is if the new machines do not perform as well as expected and a negative buzz will be created. Either way Apple are well aware of the fact that the new machines NEED to be pretty amazing so they will be pulling out the stops.
you might be perfectly right, but i hope the ppc will become aviable faster than august / september. even if that is not really realistic.
Best would be to have some unit s like 5000 or so, in the us and in europe, to begin the shipping immediatly.
Hence, i don t think it will be made that way. I ll be rather like presenting it in august/ september and than making in aviable, as it seems there are still unsolved problems ! why would they wait so long, if there weren't... ?
Well a possible point is that apple will not use the ppc970 but im quiet optimistic regarding the presentation of the chip sooner or later.
For certain, if apple is not presenting it on wwcd, ill buy a 15'', if they are upgraded. with or without 970.

Centris 650

macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2002
Near Charleston, SC
I just can't see Apple showing the 970 in June if they aren't ready for orders. Word would leak out about the machine and just kill powermac sales. I wonder how powermac sales have been affected by these rumors anyway? I know I have put off my purchase until sometime Q4 or Q1 of 2004. I was hoping for a Rev B of the 970 by then but as it stands I might be getting a Rev A. However, whatever is out by then I will have to purchase.

Black Badger

macrumors member
Mar 26, 2003
As for killing Powemac sales, well they are pretty much dead now anyway. By having loads of pre-orders is better than having no orders whatsoever. Sales of the G4 are so bad because 1. They are not that good 2. People want a faster machine & 3. People are waiting for a new machine which they know is only round the corner.
Sales were dead before Jan, then the 1.42's came out - wow, bit of a rise but not much. People just want better pro computers from Apple and are holding off for the next big thing - 970. Its the silence that is driving people away.

The 'Developer Batch' I've proposed would not be under any NDA as such, these would be pretty much identical to the public versions, except for very minor revisions. It would just allow dev's to get to grips with them and say to the public "Yep, there real and on their way'


macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2003
SF Bay area
I think Apple will release new machines as soon as it is technically possible.

We always seemt to deal with two schools of thought. One group argues that Apple will somehow adjust the ship date of a new product to accord to some other product or some buying season.

For example, new PowerMacs will come out in some relation to the education buying season or the Christmas season.

I'm in the other school. Apple might adjust it's schedules a month or so as described above, however, the biggest driver is technology. If the 970 is ready in July, Apple won't wait till Christmas or MSWF to release them. Time to market is so important it would be very costly to delay.

Anyway, the net result is we only know that a June/July release is within the realm of possibility as IBM seems to have the 970 in production. We don't know if there are other technical items that could delay introduction. For Apple's sake I hope they can get them out the door quickly. Personally, I'll be happy whenever they come out.
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