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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Some collected information on new hardware:

- New PowerMacs are Mac OS X-Only (booting) (old OS 9 models are available)
- The Low End PowerMac is now a single-processor machine (Was a dual 867)
- Apple's 20" LCD appears to require Mac OS X v10.2 (presumably for drivers).
- Apple's now discontinued 22" LCD can be found for $1499 from retailers.
- Noise problems claim to be solved in the new PowerMacs
- Apple's 23" LCD saw a significant price drop (by $1500) and now retails for $1999.
- A common internet myth is that Apple "overclocked" it's high end G4 processors. This is simply speculation and appears not to be true for the 1.25GHz processors. These appear to be clocked by Motorola at 1.25GHz. The 1.42GHz processors should similarly be assumed to be Motorola parts.


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2002
the great ether
Xserve technology in tower case!

am I the first to notice that these are Xserver technology boards in these cases?
that would explain why the low-end single processor unit is still an improvement on the old DP unit, with the improved I/O and system bus technology.

yes the low-end has a 133mhz bus and the top end has a 2MB cache, but they have the same architecture.

MasterX (OSiX)

macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2001
I also noticed the new heat syncs are smaller than before. and in some of the apple's photos you can see a new fan toward the CD drives. Are these on the last PowerMacs?
Also with a PowerMac 1Ghz at $1499 I think we'll see some interesting things in the iMac/eMac soon.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
This was a great upgrade on both the display and powermac lines.
I mean, how can you not like the prices. Prices where the reason
I got a PC in the 1st place, so now that apple seems to correct
their pricing problem I will get a mac. I just want a 970 chip ;).

Updates like this make me very excited about new iMacs... They
gotta be coming soon. ;)


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
A common internet myth is that Apple "overclocked" it's high end G4 processors. This is simply speculation and appears not to be true for the 1.25GHz processors. These appear to be clocked by Motorola at 1.25GHz. The 1.42GHz processors should similarly be assumed to be Motorola parts.

Ok, I don't get this at all. When the 1.25 Ghz came out, everyone said, "it's just a overclocked 1.0 Ghz!" Now the 1.42 Ghz comes out, and some say it's a 1.25 Ghz that is overclocked.



So by this simple logic, can we say that the 1.42 Ghz is an overclocked 1.0 Ghz? If the next revision of Powermacs gives us 1.6 Ghz are we going to say it's an overclocked 1.42 Ghz?

Can't we all just say that if Motorola produces a chip at 1.42 or 1.25 Ghz, stamps it and sends it to Apple, that is it not overclocked? Once in a while they might produce a fairly speedy chip!


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: Xserve technology in tower case!

Originally posted by kansaigaijin
am I the first to notice that these are Xserver technology boards in these cases?

that would explain why the low-end single processor unit is still an improvement on the old DP unit, with the improved I/O and system bus technology.

I don't see why you are saying this is XServe tech... it's not unlike the old PowerMac tech.


Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
Seems like motorola doesnt want to print its specs on the 7455 1.25 ghz or 1.42 ghz. Not to bust on the administrator of this site but i noticed you used the words APPEAR and ASSUMED! All us mac lovers are just trying to figure this out and we are smart enough to know motorolas history concerning their cpus and where it has left our beloved Macs!


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
I think I read about it being xServe tech on some other web site,
maybe spymac... wait, it was MacInTouch

Looking to boost a poorly-selling line of professional computers, Apple announced new Power Macs this morning (which apparently will be unable to boot from Mac OS 9). The new Power Mac G4s are based on the XServe architecture but add FireWire 800 plus internal support for AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth

hope that helps. ;)


macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2002
Battle Creek, MI
I'm glad to hear that the noise problem may have been fixed. As a musician this would obviously be important to me. I'm considering a powermac over an Imac now, but I'll wait another week to see what else Apple has to offer in the Imac lineup.


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2002
the great ether
these are not just speed bump machines

from the Apple page,

"Cutting-edge Xserve-based system architecture gives the Power Mac G4 a tremendous performance boost.

The new Power Mac G4 systems leverage the highly acclaimed Apple Xserve architecture to deliver the ultimate in computing power. Designed with a clear objective in mind \ dramatically increased throughput \ these new desktop workstations combine one or two PowerPC G4 processors, Double Data Rate (DDR) main memory, dedicated L3 cache and integrated I/O to create an extremely responsive system."

<kevin kline voice>
<end kevin kline voice>

no just kidding, anyone could miss it in all the excitement. and one the other hand, some people just don't want to ackowledge what a big deal it is. These are not just speed bump machines.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
but what exactly does 'x-serve architecture' mean? How does it
differ from the previous powermac (other than the obvious stuff ;))


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2002
Re: Xserve technology in tower case!

I don't see why you are saying this is XServe tech... it's not unlike the old PowerMac tech.


Apple says so in their press release:

Based on Apple's advanced Xserve(TM) architecture... the new
Power Mac G4 line...

They are based on the motherboard introduced in the Xserver.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: these are not just speed bump machines

Originally posted by kansaigaijin
from the Apple page,

"Cutting-edge Xserve-based system architecture gives the Power Mac G4 a tremendous performance boost.

The new Power Mac G4 systems leverage the highly acclaimed Apple Xserve architecture to deliver the ultimate in computing power. Designed with a clear objective in mind \ dramatically increased throughput \ these new desktop workstations combine one or two PowerPC G4 processors, Double Data Rate (DDR) main memory, dedicated L3 cache and integrated I/O to create an extremely responsive system."

Ah - you are correct... very interesting. :)

(added to main page)



macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
I'm impressed with the lower prices of these machines. Even the video card is priced less than you can find it for on PriceWatch.

Two Questions:
Does anyone know what model HD Apple uses in these boxes?

Does anyone know if the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro is Mac and PC compatable or do you have to buy a special mac version?

thank in advance if you have the answer

Also, I imagine xServe would get an update soon. I wonder what they'll do to that beast?


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2002
3rd star to the right
Re: overclocking

How can we find out what chips these are?
Finally getting speedy 7455's in decent numbers,
or new 7457's?? My Moto sources said that
the Apollo 7 (I'm assuming the 7457) was in full
production, clocking significant #'s of chips
at 1.6ghz, over 3 months ago.


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2002
i can't wait to HEAR one of these things. I mean, I'm almost certainly going to wait for the rumoured IBM chips anyway, but if these newies aren't so noisy, then maybe I'll crack and buy one. The last lot of PowerMacs were NOISY - there's no way I could hack it. My G3's faint hum irritates me enough.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by Macette
i can't wait to HEAR one of these things. I mean, I'm almost certainly going to wait for the rumoured IBM chips anyway, but if these newies aren't so noisy, then maybe I'll crack and buy one. The last lot of PowerMacs were NOISY - there's no way I could hack it. My G3's faint hum irritates me enough.
I'm also excited to hear how quiet they are. PC noise drives me nuts. My G3 isn't bad at all, so you must really be sensitive.


macrumors 68030
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by Freg3000
A common internet myth is that Apple "overclocked" it's high end G4 processors. This is simply speculation and appears not to be true for the 1.25GHz processors. These appear to be clocked by Motorola at 1.25GHz. The 1.42GHz processors should similarly be assumed to be Motorola parts.

Ok, I don't get this at all. When the 1.25 Ghz came out, everyone said, "it's just a overclocked 1.0 Ghz!" Now the 1.42 Ghz comes out, and some say it's a 1.25 Ghz that is overclocked.



So by this simple logic, can we say that the 1.42 Ghz is an overclocked 1.0 Ghz? If the next revision of Powermacs gives us 1.6 Ghz are we going to say it's an overclocked 1.42 Ghz?

Can't we all just say that if Motorola produces a chip at 1.42 or 1.25 Ghz, stamps it and sends it to Apple, that is it not overclocked? Once in a while they might produce a fairly speedy chip!

I hope that the mention of overclocking here isn't because of the snide remark I made in the other thread. I thought that it could only be taken as sarcasm, as "overclocking" a 1GHz chip to 1.42GHz is ... well, let's just say "difficult".

My take on it is this: anyone who thought the 1.25GHz chips were overclocked by Apple just because Motorola hasn't gotten around to updating their web site yet should right now explain precisely how Apple managed to overclock an "official" Moto chip to 1.42GHz.

Any takers?

Didn't think so.

As has been said before, the 1.25GHz chips are not "overclocked" 1.0GHz chips. Likewise, the 1.42GHz chips are not overclocked variants of any previously-released chip speed bucket.

Hopefully, this is the end of that stupid but persistent rumor.

MasterX (OSiX)

macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by pgwalsh
I'm impressed with the lower prices of these machines. Even the video card is priced less than you can find it for on PriceWatch.

Two Questions:
Does anyone know what model HD Apple uses in these boxes?

Does anyone know if the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro is Mac and PC compatable or do you have to buy a special mac version?

thank in advance if you have the answer

Also, I imagine xServe would get an update soon. I wonder what they'll do to that beast?

All modern video cards work on Macs and PCs. The problems are in getting the BIOS on the card to recognize it's in a mac. I know you can do this with VooDoo cards easily, and nVidia with some effort. The mac cards are "cheaper" because you already pay for the base video card, the $300 is an upgrade fee. You also need drivers, thankfully 10.2.3 has OpenGL 1.4 (?) in it



macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Sort of O/T, I know, but what's with all the negative voting for this news? If this (speed bumps, firewire800, AE, bluetooth, *price drops*, new display) is disappointing people, or some people were expecting a whole lot more, I'd say a good dose of reality is called for.


macrumors 6502
May 24, 2002
Lexington, KY
Xserve tech? The last PowerMacs were the same thing. It just refers to using DDR RAM and the "new" I/O system.

From the press release in August:

CUPERTINO, California?August 13, 2002?Apple® today unveiled an all new Power Mac G4 line featuring dual PowerPC G4 processors in every model, starting at just $1,699 (US). With dual 1.25 GHz, dual 1 GHz and dual 867 MHz PowerPC G4 processors, the new Xserve high-performance architecture with support for up to 2GB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory at up to 333 MHz, the industry?s first ATI Radeon 9000 Pro graphics card and an enhanced enclosure with increased storage up to nearly half a terabyte, the new Power Macs are the fastest desktop workstations for creative professionals.
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