A few days ago I decided to install ubuntu mate 15.10 on my PowerMac G5 dual 2Ghz (with a Radeon 9200) I got everything working Sound, Graphics and even wireless and CPU speed stepping so I decided to try setting up QEMU with KVM for those who don't know QEMU is a emulator/virtualiser that can do many different machines normally it emulates the guest system but combined with KVM (witch is a type of virtualiser like Virtual box etc) QEMU can act like a Virtual machine program now this works on PPC but last time I tried I could not get it to work but this time i decided to have another go and what do you know I got it working i was able to make a virtual machine of a Sawtooth PowerMac3,1 and run tiger in it since its a virtual machine it runs at near native speeds (in this case it only used 1 of the 2 G5s) since the PPC CPU of the guest was being virtualised instead of emulated, also a result of this is a couple more CPUs worked like 604 and 7410 (I can set the CPU to host witch in this case is a PPC 970 but OS X craps it self when it run on a sawtooth with a G5) so the end result was I was able to install Linux on my G5 and still run OS X in a virtual machine with not bad speed (the lack of Graphics acceleration in the guest hits a bit tho) I will be trying to run Leopard in the next day or 2. I know this is quite a niche subject but i figured id make a post about since theres not many on the internet about it
I hope this all made sense to you im not very good at putting things on paper so to speak