You mean inside those clothes? Oh yeah, definitely agree....
Um, I like staring if a hot girl dresses really skimpy, but I'd never date someone like that, or even be friends with her. It's not that I'm snobby, but if you are a girl who dresses like that, her and I probably think and view such things very differently anyway, so we're not likely to be friends. How you dress and view your clothes does reflect your personality somewhat.
I don't know how old you and harcosparky are, but big clothes was "out" a while ago.
Now you see the opposite.....guys wearing really tight, skinny jeans that don't look cool, or comfortable.
So the webcam you put in her room is working well, I presume?
I am old enough to have common sense and know what decency is, and to impart that knowledge on my children. I as a parent am responsible for having children and also for what those children do, and how they act.
How the hell can a parent NOT know what their children are wearing to school? The comment about the webcam, I guess was some weak attempt at humor, but it wasn't really funny.
We, the wife and I are parents and .... OH MY GOD ... we are INVOLVED in the lives of our children. We actually know what they wear, where they go, and for the most part who they hang out with. I know that sounds harsh, but I don't give a damn!!! Most of todays social ill can be traced to parents who just don't care.
Here is another perspective and perhaps a question for the young women who dress in a manner that leaves NOTHING to the imagination .....
When you go out in public, your boobs and butt all but hanging out for everyone to see ... do you get upset when an older man stares at you?
Is he a pervert desiring to do nasty things with you? Or is he a man who wonders why kind of parent would let their kids run around looking like that.
Why the hell do you dress like that and go out in public if not to draw attention to yourself. You cannot select who will look at you, but you can select the clothing you wear and the clothing you choose will indirectly select who looks at you.
What I laugh at are the girls who have thier butts hanging out and they are constantly pulling down their tops in attempt to cover up. I so want to walk up to them and tell them ......
" ask your mom to buy you clothes that fit, and stop giving you your little sisters things to wear. "

Brings me to this quote ....
" what kind of society have we become where we cannot afford to but correct fitting clothing for out children. We have boys running around in their fathers pants ( saggy clothing ), and teenage girls running around in their baby sisters clothing "