Post your experiences with replacing your portable Mac's battery.
(Given that most MacBooks/MBPs which housed user serviceable batteries are now in the obsolete category, I've listed my experiences with them here too.)
Be wary of cheap batteries.
My experience with the cheap eBay batteries so far;
I got lucky with my PB12" and PB17", which both scored N.O.S, sealed, Apple branded batteries for very cheap last year (around $10 for the 12" and $50 for the 17"). These both provide more than 3 hours of charge for actual usage (sometimes 4hrs in the 12").
I paid through the nose for a replacement N.O.S Apple service battery for my Pismo ($99 + shipping from USA). But I feel it's a worthy investment and it provides about 4 hours of use in Tiger. Even more in OS9 (5hrs+). If I had cash to spare, I'd get a 2nd one and run it with a dual-battery setup.
Post your insights and experience!
(Given that most MacBooks/MBPs which housed user serviceable batteries are now in the obsolete category, I've listed my experiences with them here too.)
Be wary of cheap batteries.
My experience with the cheap eBay batteries so far;
- PB 15" 1.5Ghz battery replacement - after 4 months, the reported charge capacity has dropped below ~3000mAh (started at ~4000mAh and I think the seller listed it as something like 6000mAh). It lasts about an hour now.
- MacBook Unibody '08 - bought a cheap knock-off battery as a standby for my aging $99 Newertech replacement battery. The Newertech is about 3 years old and the knock off is 6 months old. They both hold around the same charge capacity now (about 4000mAh. -both started at > 5000mAh).
- MacBook White Unibody '09 - installed the knock-off battery at the same time as buying the replacement for the '08 Macbook. After 6 months, the battery was reporting a rating of around 3000mAh, but only holding a charge of about 30 minutes. Without my wife realizing there was a problem, the battery swelled horribly and pushed the trackpad up and out of the housing. She said "I thought there was something wrong with it..". Luckily the trackpad didn't crack and I was able to bend the inner aluminum parts back into shape. I removed the battery and dismantled it to see how just how crappy the build quality was - externally it looked the part, but inside it was the cheapest of cheap parts. I put the original battery back in (400+ cycles, 2900mAh) and the Macbook gets around 1.5 hours usage.
I got lucky with my PB12" and PB17", which both scored N.O.S, sealed, Apple branded batteries for very cheap last year (around $10 for the 12" and $50 for the 17"). These both provide more than 3 hours of charge for actual usage (sometimes 4hrs in the 12").
I paid through the nose for a replacement N.O.S Apple service battery for my Pismo ($99 + shipping from USA). But I feel it's a worthy investment and it provides about 4 hours of use in Tiger. Even more in OS9 (5hrs+). If I had cash to spare, I'd get a 2nd one and run it with a dual-battery setup.
Post your insights and experience!