Listen, I get you may be a die-hard for apple, but their software has been a mess for awhile (this also isn't to say other OS's do not have their issues). This is talking about apple software. Don't get upset or offended, if you use apple you should want them to improve their software.
Siri is the worst out of all of them (and apple has made it worse since they bought it years ago, hence why they are rushing to the AI train in hopes of making it suck less).
Yeah, Siri is a mess, has been for years. Everyone acknowledges that. There have been some basic issues in the way it's designed that make it hard/impossible to improve, and they've absolutely hit a wall years ago.
But outside of Siri? I work 40 hours+ a week on a Mac, and spend god knows how many more hours on my iPhone and Apple TV -- and they work
brilliantly. Are there bugs? Sure. There will always be bugs. But I've been using Macs for decades, and I find they're more reliable now (hardware side and software side) than they were 10 years ago, and definitely more reliable than 20 years ago. MacOS used to be straight up unstable. I used to hard-reboot from something or other several times a month, if not more. I can't even remember off the top of my head the last time I had to force a restart. (Hell, I was helping my mom with her old MacBook Air, and her uptime was like
two years because she opens it, uses it, and closes it again and never restarts. Real unstable software, huh?)
Same with my iPhone. Rock solid. I rarely if ever power it down, and it just does what it's supposed to day after day after day. If I have an issue, it's 99% of the time some third-party app that's not doing what it's supposed to. Not saying it's perfect, but if you're waiting for software to be perfect, I have a feeling you're gonna be waiting around a while.