I'd like to know how Apple gathers their traffic data. Could you provide link to any of these articles? I trust the data they show me without knowing where it's coming from.
It's identical to Google with one exception:
* Phone data - Every iPhone ships with the ability to track phone movement for traffic data unless turned off by the user. It's not the easiest thing to find, so almost all iPhones track movement. Yes, anonymously, but sending traffic data nonetheless.
* Traffic authorities - Where available (most major cities) Apple, like Google, gets traffic from transportation agencies including lane/road closures so they may be integrated into the map.
* Traffic history - This is a Google exclusive (sort of like their graphs showing when businesses are "busy"). They use an algorithm that predicts traffic based on past history. This is why Google has chosen to go the route of the "green/yellow/red" on their map. It is expected that Apple is heading down this route as well since they will own the data in the new areas, but has yet to have been confirmed (the prediction of traffic, not adding green to "no traffic" areas)
I've copied the articles so many times, I'm sick of it. Just do a web search. Apple has been shown to give the same or more accurate ETA's than Google or Waze.
At the end of the day, most people will choose their app based on GUI and integration with other apps or specific data they may provide that other apps don't (police alerts, bicycle routes, etc.). I HATE the way Waze looks/works, but when I was commuting, I used it religiously since I like to drive way over the speed limit. Three years ago, I used Apple maps for routing, but always double-checked POI's with Google since the data simply wasn't there yet with Apple. I've used Apple Maps only for the past 2 years without major issues with Google and Waze running in the background (I travel a LOT) just to test them in different areas of the United States. In my experience, whether it is a 15 minute drive or a 12 hour drive, Apple has always had a more accurate ETA from the start than Google or Waze (I gave up on HERE when I stopped traveling to Europe).
I am definitely more of an Apple defender than most, but living in the USA helps with that as well as the fact that my preference for the Maps UI blows away Google and Waze...my opinion. I like the way it looks, shows the data, I love CarPlay, etc. It's good to have choices.
Well, referring to Europe, for example, transits are missing for Germany, France, Italy, Spain (apart from the capitals) so the bulk of the continent. And I am not sure about the 2 months thing...last addition in Europe according to MacRumors is Scandinavia in January.
To be clear, I am not complaining and I know the reasons. I am just sad because I'd really like to ditch Google and I love how transit is implemented by Apple.
Check the AppleMaps thread on Reddit. There has been a post nearly every week with updates across Italy, Germany, France, Austria?
You’re funny. You’re saying I should believe “many articles” rather than my own two eyes.
Keep shilling, my friend. Maybe some day Tim Cook will show up at your door and offer you some bran muffins for your unpaid, unsolicited efforts.
You're correct...I should just take your "so far behind" opinion as gospel. noted.